Chapter 375 Battle

The boy in the sky, expressionless, glanced across the battlefield under his feet, even when he saw the huge monsters that once guarded him fell down one by one, he didn't seem to be moved, as if he had seen it through a long time ago. These are life and death.

The strong wind blew, and his figure slowly descended from the depths of the black cloud. The roar of the beasts became more and more deafening. Even beside him, there were thin electric lights in the dark cloud, like a snake. wiggling.

Above the sea of ​​clouds, the people and beasts who were still struggling to kill a moment ago all stopped, and they couldn't help but look at the weird boy in the sky. There seemed to be two lights in his pupils on his weird face.

Finally, the beast god stopped in mid-air, just above the countless beasts.The evil beast gluttonous beast behind him widened his eyes angrily, and roared fiercely in the direction of the righteous way, Tongtian Peak.

"Roar..." Almost at the same time, following the roar of Taotie, the myriad beasts roared loudly. The sound came suddenly but seemed to overwhelm the sea. For a moment, the situation changed and the sand flew away. Many people in the righteous way couldn't help but retreat. Take a few steps.Taotie's body swelled suddenly amidst the roaring sound, and in a blink of an eye it had become a huge beast, surrounding the beast god.And just around them, the same thing happened.

The black clouds in the mid-air suddenly seemed to have been subjected to some kind of huge gravitational force, and rushed from all directions, gathered above the Beast God boy, and then gradually formed a huge black wind column, spinning rapidly, making a sharp piercing sound , slowly descending from the sky.

The thickness of the wind column is unbelievable, and it looks like it can swallow the entire Tongtian Peak.At this time, the sky is low and the wind is gusty, it is a ferocious scene, like the end of the world, which is right in front of you, and you can't help but feel a sense of despair.

People in the righteous way changed their colors one after another, such supernatural powers and demonic methods were truly unprecedented and unheard of.Although everyone had long guessed that this beast god would not be an ordinary person, they never expected that this evildoer would have such supernatural powers.And the legendary senior who was able to subdue him and suppress him in the ancient cave of suppressing demons for thousands of years, I really don't know who is sacred.

Seeing the huge pillar of wind falling slowly, gradually revealing its dark and terrifying appearance, the invisible suction slowly began to cover everyone above the sea of ​​clouds. If he was sucked in by this demon method, he might not be able to recover even with nine lives.

Outside the Yuqing Hall, Master Daoxuan and the other three looked stern.Master Puhong looked at the huge wind pillar for a long time, and said in a low voice: "This kind of demonic technique is really the only one I have ever seen in my life. Brother Daoxuan, I am afraid that the disciples below may not be able to resist this kind of demonic technique, it is not as good as us..."

Reverend Daoxuan nodded slowly, and said: "What the Master said is true, the Righteous Lord has come out, we should also..."

Just before he finished speaking, suddenly, the huge wind column changed its original slow falling trend, and suddenly accelerated and fell, heading straight into the sea of ​​clouds.At the same time, the howls of countless beast monsters became more intense, piercing through the sky, extremely shrill.Everyone in the righteous way is indifferent. Facing this strange sorcery that has never been seen before, everyone does not know how to deal with it for a while.

Seeing that the pillar of wind was about to fall on the sea of ​​clouds, several courageous people among the disciples of the righteous way finally couldn't bear it any longer. With loud shouts, they first sacrificed their magic weapons to hit the storm. When they realized it, they immediately yelled to stop, but in such a chaotic situation, after all, a few people rushed out.

Those several fairy swords and magic weapons flashed with precious light, and the light rushed into the wind pillar dazzlingly, and they were submerged in it for a moment, but they were like mud cows entering the sea, without a sound, and then as if they were disturbed by something, the wind pillar Suddenly there was a roar, and several gray-black thick whirlwinds rushed towards the disciples as if they were tangible.

Everyone on the right way was shocked and resisted one after another. Unexpectedly, those whirlwinds seemed to have aura at all. When others resisted, it passed through like an invisible substance, but in front of those people, the black whirlwind suddenly revealed its hideous face. Amidst the shrill wind, those several whirlwinds entangled those disciples in a blink of an eye, and shrank back with a "whoosh", the speed was so fast that everyone had no time to react, and watched helplessly as those disciples were under the protection of everyone He was pulled into the strange huge wind column.

In the distance, there was a faint scream, and a blood-red light suddenly flashed in the pillar of wind. After a while, there was no more news.

Everyone in the righteous way was silent for a while, and looked at each other in blank dismay.

The light suddenly rose, and three rays of light fell from the sky, and landed in front of the people of the righteous way. After the flashes, the figures of Master Daoxuan, Master Puhong and Yun Yilan were revealed, and the faces of the three were solemn.

Daoxuan Daoxuan waved his hand and said anxiously: "All disciples retreat, all elders stay here."

There was a commotion among the crowd, but then most of the disciples of the younger generation retreated. Most of these people were disciples of the three major sects, so they naturally knew the seriousness. Most of them were able to remain calm, and the situation was not much chaotic.

Soon, there were only three masters and a dozen senior elders left in the field. In the battle just now, a few of the few remaining elders had already died.

The muscles on Daoxuan's face twitched slightly, then he stopped looking, and turned his head to stare at the formidable enemy he had never seen in his life.

A huge black pillar of wind descended from the sky under the control of an invisible and strange force. Amidst the strong wind and black air, the indifferent eyes of the Beast God youth seemed to penetrate the slaughter in the world. Facing each other.

Reverend Daoxuan's heart trembled slightly. Although the beast god in the distance ahead looked like a human being, for some reason, there was no trace of human emotion in his eyes. Everything in the world is regarded as a beast without spirituality, and the intention to kill is extremely strong, really like a vicious beast.

At this moment, the pillar of wind descended from the sky and finally landed on the sea of ​​clouds. In an instant, the extremely hard white jade slab made a dull sound on the place where the pillar of wind fell. , Countless sandstone boulders were shocked to fly upwards.And in the pillar of wind, there was a slight noise, like the low roar of an evil spirit, and the howl of a ghost, as if he heard some strange call, and suddenly the six huge monsters that had been removed by the righteous way with all their strength The corpse actually moved again.

People in the right way change color together!
At this moment, the sky and the earth were dark, and there was a gloomy scene, with ghostly aura rolling in. The six huge corpses staggered and moved one after another. Although they were not very agile, they were attracted by strange forces, dragging their huge bodies. , scratched deep grooves on the ground, and was sucked into the huge wind column.

One, another, until finally the huge skeleton of the white bone demon snake was completely sucked into the black wind column, and disappeared without a trace.Immediately, as if there was a sharp howl in the Nine Nether Underworld, a gust of hostility rose from the sky in the gust of wind.The beast god above the wind and cloud was expressionless, stepped on the enlarged Taotie, and rushed into the wind pillar like a lightning bolt.

The smell of blood came thickly, and even the countless beast monsters under their feet became quiet at this moment, most of them were lying on the ground, not daring to vent their breath, and even some weak ones buried their heads in trembling, they were so frightened that they couldn't help themselves.

Suddenly, the gust of wind stopped, the situation was quiet, and the world was silent.Then, everyone held their breath like countless monsters, and stared dumbfounded at the world monster exposed when the wind and cloud cleared.

Above the sea of ​​clouds, a brand-new and unimaginable monster stands impressively. It is so tall that it is three times bigger than the original six huge monsters. In front of the monster, he was as insignificant as an ant.

The smell of blood keeps coming out from this monster, and even on it, blood is constantly oozing out. You can see white bones everywhere. Looking at the huge skeleton, it makes people feel very fast. After realizing it, this is the terrifying evil spirit that reassembled the corpses of the six huge monsters just now.

And standing on the head of this gigantic monster was the Beast God boy. His face looked slightly pale now, but the strong killing intent in his eyes seemed to be getting more and more raging.

The huge and ferocious white-boned skull was shaking slowly, and at the same time it made a strange "crack" sound. Looking into the two empty eye sockets, there seemed to be another invisible and fierce light, staring fiercely at the people in front of it.

The stench and foul smell rushed over.

This reborn evil spirit seemed to be restless all over its body, growling in a low voice.

Besides, there was not even the slightest sound above the huge sea of ​​clouds.Countless people are watching with bated breath.

Daoxuan Daoxuan, who was in front of the crowd, was dressed in a dark green Taoist robe fluttering in the wind, with a solemn face.After the astonishment of countless people, people from far or near quietly looked at him, but there was no expression on that bony and fairy face, and no one knew what his mood was at the moment?
The huge evil spirit roared, and suddenly the bones all over the body erupted with ear-piercing sounds. The huge body moved slowly and walked forward. Every step it took, the ground under its feet seemed to be unable to withstand the pressure, and it was deeply sunken. After falling down, the smell of blood scattered in all directions.

"Boom, boom, boom..." This terrifying thing walked very slowly, but every step seemed to fall into the hearts of people on the right path. Countless people stared blankly at the pile of terrifying bones slowly approaching like a mountain. , even people like Xiao Yicai turned pale.

Seeing that the evil spirit was about to come to him, with bones like mountains, Master Daoxuan said in a deep voice, "Brothers, follow me."

As soon as the words fell, I saw three rays of light incarnate for the first three leaders of the righteous way, and flew up first, followed by more than a dozen lights of various colors, flying towards the evil spirit.And on the head of the huge evil spirit, the mysterious young man's face was indifferent, and those strange lights that flew in were slowly reflected in his eyes.

Between the heaven and the earth, there was a sudden silence, as if it was breathless.

Seeing the ray of righteousness descending across the sky from the sky, about to fall, the pupils in the beast god's eyes suddenly shrank, and he did not see any movement, but the huge and terrifying monster under his feet suddenly raised its huge and ferocious head, opened its blood With its big mouth, it raised its head to the sky and howled, the sound moved the whole field, and the crowd of countless beasts and monsters behind it suddenly wailed.

Following this scream, the huge monster kept its body on the ground, and directly opened its mouth to bite the few rays of light rushing in the air. Looking from a distance, the hideous appearance of that mouth, even a single mouthful, could kill those righteous things. Everyone swallowed it all.

It's just that these dozens of people are all the best of the righteous, and the elite of the elite, even if they look at the world, they are all first-class figures, good and evil, witches and witches, and their cultivation is not to be underestimated. .

Sure enough, although the monster and evil spirit were vicious and aggressive, the rays of light rushing down from the sky dispersed at the same time and flew up in all directions. The magic weapon lights up differently, attacking the evil spirit from different places.

And above the clouds, three people including Reverend Daoxuan, Master Puhong and Yun Yilan appeared on the height.Yun Yilan made the first move with a vacant flick of his left hand, but he could see the fire in his hand, like pure yang jade, born in the air, with the color of amber, it was the Fenxianggu Xuanhuo thaumaturgy that had reached the extreme level.

The flame was almost like a frozen thing, it looked small, it was burning in Yun Yilan's hands, I saw his palm turned over, his face was stern, his hands were flying, like shooting stars passing through the sky, that little flame of pure fire, Leaving the body, it seemed to be turning slowly in the mid-air, seemingly in a hurry, and flew towards the evil spirit.

At this moment, more than a dozen elders around him have sacrificed their magic weapons one after another, and beat this terrifying monster. On the huge white bone body, all kinds of strange lights are constantly hitting everywhere.It's just that this monster was hit by the magic weapon of these extremely powerful characters. Although its body shook, it behaved as if nothing had happened under the power of mana that would have shattered the soul of ordinary people. It looked more and more angry, roaring fiercely.

At this moment, in mid-air, the flame emitted by Yun Yilan exuded an amber-like light, small but condensed, and flew towards the monster.For some reason, although the huge monster is unscrupulous towards the magic weapons of the people around it, it is a bit scrupulous towards this little flame, and its body seems to shrink a little, but its body is too huge, how can it dodge it, it doesn't take a moment , this bit of flame landed on the mouth of the evil spirit's white bone skull, and touched down on the white bone.


Among the countless roaring and chaotic sounds, that inconspicuous little voice, the small amber-like flame, burned into the hard bone that was as big as a mountain and could not be cut down, and appeared on the bone. A deep hole in burnt yellow color was formed.And the flame also disappeared into the deep hole.

Everyone was stunned and looked at each other with bated breath.

A moment later, suddenly, a huge roar exploded from the depths of the bones, like a erupting volcano was suddenly born deep in the body of the evil spirit bones, the blazing heat wave spread instantly, and the bones that were originally white Half of his body was roasted into a withered yellow color, and a burst of red flames was more than ten feet thick, blasting out of the white bones, soaring into the sky.Even disciple Qingyun and others in the distance felt the scorching heat, not to mention the monster under the red flames.

All of a sudden, people in the Righteous Way burst into cheers, and the methods of the three leaders of the Righteous Way were truly incomparable.

Like a volcanic eruption, the incomparably arrogant flames gradually dissipated, and a strange monster shrouded in fierce flames slowly appeared, with half of its body baked into a scorched black color. He was in such a mess just now, and there was no trace of ferocity anymore.

Shocked by the terrifying scene of this monster's appearance, everyone on the righteous path was relieved and let out a long breath.It's right to think about it, Daoxuan Daoxuan and other god-like figures are there, so are you afraid of ghosts and ghosts?

However, for some reason, compared with the cheerful young disciples in the distance behind them, the expressions of the four righteous giants above the clouds were strangely gloomy.

(End of this chapter)

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