Chapter 382 Sacrifice
There are turbulent and different undercurrents among the major clans in China. Thousands of miles away in the southern border, after the beast catastrophe, the people of all ethnic groups silently rebuilt their homes.Although this is the place where the victims suffered the most, the world is so big that no one seems to remember this place.Anyway, the wasteland in the southern border is not in the eyes of the wealthy people in the middle land.

In Qilidong, where the Jin clan lived, the scars brought by the beast monsters can still be seen everywhere, but on top of the ruins, many brand new houses have been built.On the hillside of the back mountain of Qilidong, there are still many priests going in and out of the mysterious altar entrance. At this moment when everything is waiting to be done, the protection of the ancestors is particularly important to the Jinren.

The golden people worked at sunrise and rested at sunset, and the days passed day by day. Seeing the sun set and the night fall, many golden people returned to their homes one after another, relaxing their tired lives. The body, after dinner, gradually fell asleep in the starlight sprinkled by the stars.

In the dead of night, a white figure appeared in Qilidong, like a faint light in the darkness, undulating a few times in the quiet valley, quietly approaching the foot of the altar in the back mountain.

At the entrance to the mountain, there were still two golden soldiers guarding them. The night wind blew suddenly, and they felt a flash of white light as fast as lightning flashed in front of them. I couldn't help being in a trance for a while.

Behind them, a ghostly white figure slowly seeped out from the darkness, and appeared on the platform at the entrance of the altar, dressed in white, charming and infinite, as if the starlight in the sky was covered by her Attracted, but who is not Xiaobai?

She looked around a few times, and then looked into the dark cave. Although it was still pitch black, Xiao Bai's eyes moved slowly, and a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.Immediately, he seemed to feel something, shook his head silently, and sighed lightly.

The defense here is much worse than she expected.Not to mention the sturdy soldiers at the foot of the mountain, there should have been many priests and guardians with witchcraft in this altar. , It is a heavy loss.

In fact, it's not just the Jin clan in front of him, looking around the world, for the sake of that beast god alone, how many innocent people have been destroyed and displaced, it's really hard to say what is right and wrong.

Xiaobai shook his sleeve slightly, didn't think any more, swept his body up, turned into a white twilight light and swept straight into the cave.Most of the cave is still the same as in the past, the path has not changed, and after a certain distance, there is a torch on the stone wall, which is still the same as before.It's just that under Xiaobai's perception, he found that there are very few people in the caves near and far, and even those few people are breathing slowly.

Slowly and steadily, presumably fell asleep.

Xiaobai didn't bother to bother, and flew silently in the cave according to the road in her memory. With her thousand years of Taoism, not to mention these low-level Jin clan priests, even people with profound cultivation and Taoism may not I can spot her.After a while, she came outside the spacious cave where the great wizard once lived.

When she got here, Xiaobai stopped, frowned slightly, and looked into the cave. Although it was far away, she already felt that there was another person inside, and this person seemed to be the same as the other person she felt just now. No, at least he wasn't sleeping.

In the cave, the pile of raging flames still radiated bright light, and in the shadow of the light, the stone statue of the dog god loomed in the flickering light and shadow.Xiao Bai stared at the dog's head on the statue for a moment, then retracted his eyes and landed in front of the fire.

A young figure was sitting in front of the fire, with his back to the entrance of the cave. Xiaobai couldn't see his face clearly, but he could roughly tell that it was a young man.Facing the blazing flames, he drew mysterious and strange patterns in front of him from time to time, and at the same time, he was reciting something reverently in a low voice.

Xiao Bai quietly came behind the man, the fire light gradually shone on her body, and a long shadow was drawn behind her.She listened attentively to the man's low, song-like voice, which echoed in the ancient cave, as if he was saying something.

The deep voice seemed endless. Looking from the side, the young Jin clan priest was full of piety, and most likely he had completely integrated into the illusory world.

A trace of bewilderment gradually appeared on Xiaobai's face, and then he sighed softly.The strange sound immediately alarmed the young priest of the Jin clan. He was startled and wanted to turn around to see what happened, but before he could move, a delicate white palm flashed in front of his eyes. However, it landed on his forehead and patted it lightly.

The young Jin clan priest suddenly rolled his eyes, his body trembled, and he lost consciousness for a moment, and fell to the ground beside him.

The mysterious singing voice in the cave, together with the echo, quietly calmed down. Looking at the young face, Xiao Bai smiled suddenly, and said softly: "Is there such a dog god, and the dog god will I don't know that I won't protect your people, but with someone as pious as you, I think the great wizard can rest assured."

After finishing speaking, she shook her head slightly, avoided the body of the young priest and the fire, and walked straight towards the statue of the dog god.For a long time, the Jin people believed in the dog god, thinking that the dog god gave them a new life and protected the family from multiplying. Therefore, even the priests in this cave did not dare to approach this statue easily.

At this moment, Xiao Bai was standing in front of this dog god statue carved out of black stone.

The body of the statue is carved out of black stone, a specialty in southern Xinjiang.Xiaobai has a deep understanding of southern Xinjiang, so he naturally knows that this is not the miracle of the dog god that many Jin people believe in, but is just an extremely rare alien species in the black stone, which contains shimmering silver flakes to form this mysterious and beautiful shimmer.

However, the purpose of her trip was naturally not to admire the statue of the dog god of the Jin clan. After a while, her attention was focused on the dog's head. , without the slightest ambiguity, if it weren't for the obvious stone in front of you, it would almost make people think it was a black dog with its mouth slightly open all the time.

And on the head of the dog god statue, the most conspicuous part is the eyes, which seem to be in a trance, silently staring at Xiaobai.

Xiaobai's heart trembled suddenly, she took a step back, the pressure on her whole body was relieved immediately, and her mind immediately regained consciousness, she frowned slightly, looked at the statue again, and snorted: "There is such a restraint that confuses people's minds. "Then she pondered for a moment, still confused, and said softly, "But this is clearly the Taoism of Middle Earth, how could it appear here?"

She thought for a moment in silence, then shook her head lightly, and put aside this boring thought.For her at the moment, this is naturally not what she wants to explore.She looked at the statue again, and finally her eyes fell on the lifelike eyes of the statue. She seemed to hesitate for a moment, and pressed lightly on those pure and deep black eyes.

In the ancient cave, a dull roar suddenly sounded. The sound was not loud, but it seemed to make the spacious cave tremble.The ancient dog god statue was right in front of Xiaobai. Amidst the humming sound, it slowly descended and sank into the ground until most of its body was covered, only the head of the god statue remained above the ground. .

Behind the statue, there is a smooth stone wall, which is different from the surrounding stone walls. It seems to be covered with a layer of black air, making it hard to see clearly.But this is no trouble for Xiaobai, a faint smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, she walked forward, waved her embroidered robe, and a gust of wind swept from the bottom of her hand, sweeping across the stone wall, immediately Blow away the black air.

A little golden light suddenly appeared on the stone wall, and after a while, I saw another dot. Like the miracles that suddenly descended on this earthly world, the little golden light appeared on the stone wall like a spring, forming scenes of magical pictures and scenes. The words, and even the face of Xiao Bai, who was standing not far away, was slightly shone by the golden light.

Xiaobai stared at the mysterious pictures and texts presented sequentially in front of him, his eyes rolled, and he looked at them line by line.In front of her was the last secret that had been passed down to countless ancient witch clans. Her gaze jumped, sometimes froze, and sometimes rejoiced. Finally, she saw the huge unruly fire dragon pattern roaring towards the sky.

Xiaobai took a deep breath, and a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth. Then, she confirmed it again, then closed her eyes slightly, as if she was silently memorizing, and kept these pictures and texts in her heart.

When she opened her eyes again, Yingying swept across the stone wall like water and waves, and said to herself: "I never thought that those guys would keep such a hand. Could it be that they knew that the Wu Clan was about to be destroyed?"

As she said that, she smiled lightly, as if she didn't bother to bother about the troubles of the ancients who didn't know how many years ago.Just as she was about to turn around, she suddenly frowned, and her eyes suddenly focused, but she fell on the end of the glittering golden picture. Under the pattern of the huge and rampant fire dragon, there seemed to be a small piece of black air surrounding her. Different, still attached to the stone wall.

Xiaobai was slightly surprised, and pondered for a moment, but in the end she was still unwilling to let it go easily, and was waiting to be checked, when suddenly her heart moved, she suddenly turned around, her eyes were instantly cold, and she looked coldly.

In the huge cave, it was empty, only the burning fire made the crackling sound of wood from time to time, and there was no one except the young priest who fell on the ground and was still unconscious.

Xiaobai's eyes drifted over the young priest, and then carefully looked at the surrounding caves. After confirming that there was nothing unusual, she frowned slightly and turned around slowly.

Could it be that after being in this strange place for too long, I became a little suspicious?
Xiaobai shook his head, smiled wryly, collected himself, then raised his hand, and the breeze blew out, but the force was stronger than before. After a while, the remaining black air finally dissipated.

On the stone wall, there are indeed several lines of writing.
Xiaobai cheered up and looked carefully. After a while, surprise and surprise appeared on her face, and she blurted out: "So, so the art of summoning souls is here..."

It's just that as her eyes moved, the joy gradually faded away, replaced by a heavy and bewildered expression.At the end, after reading all the text, she slowly took a step back, as if she had a spirituality, the little black air suddenly surrounded her, covering up the mysterious lines of writing again.

Xiaobai lowered his head slightly, and was speechless for a while, before sighing lightly after a long time, and said softly: "So, the ancient witch clan was so destroyed, this... so what should I do, should I tell this to you?" Her?"

She seemed to have suddenly encountered great confusion in her heart, and hesitated for a while.

The black air blown away by the wind slowly condensed again, and the text patterns that originally radiated brilliant golden light were slowly covered up again. Xiaobai turned around slowly, and the low roar sounded again behind her, and the dog god statue rose back to the ground. In place, covering up the secret.

In the ancient cave, everything returned to calm.Xiao Bai's figure walked out slowly. She walked very slowly, and she seemed to be preoccupied, but after a while, her figure finally disappeared into the cave.

Silence came here again, and I don't know how long it took. The ancient dog god statue silently stared at everything in the cave, her eyes refracted light, making it look so deep.

Suddenly, the body that had been lying on the ground moved, and the young priest of the Jin clan climbed up cautiously, looking towards the entrance of the cave.There was silence and no movement, obviously the mysterious woman in white just now had left.

Only then did he heave a sigh of relief, his body that had been tense all the time slowly relaxed, he gave a wry smile, and said in a low voice: "It's so dangerous, if it wasn't for my clan's autistic magic, the six senses would be wiped out, I really can't hide it she…"

Then, his gaze suddenly became hot, and he turned around abruptly, looking at the statue of the dog god.

Among the Jin clan, they have always been afraid of gods, especially for this statue that has been enshrined since ancient times.This young man has been in contact with this idol since he was a child, even if he rarely looked directly at him, because it is a disrespectful act according to the rules in the clan.

It's just that at this moment his eyes were blazing with flames, and his body seemed to be getting hot. He stared at the statue, and the eyes of the statue seemed to be staring at him.

Immediately afterwards, it seemed that a huge invisible force suddenly drove secretly behind him. The young priest gritted his teeth and walked towards the statue step by step.The approaching figure was reflected in the eyes of the ancient statue, as if there was a trace of sadness.

Finally, he walked up to the statue, slowly raised his trembling hands, paused and paused in mid-air, but finally stretched out. The expression on his face seemed to be painful and struggling, but it was more like being held by someone. Roasted and tormented by the flames!

It's just that those hands, which haven't been retracted after all, touched the pair of the god statue.

In an instant, the low roar sounded again, and the whole cave began to tremble slightly again, and the idol slowly sank into the ground again, and the mysterious stone chamber was in sight.

The young priest's eyes were full of fanatical flames, he couldn't bear it anymore, he rushed forward, waving his hands.All of a sudden, the black air was scattered in all directions.The golden light slowly emerged again, illuminating his face brightly.

The ancient text patterns, which seemed to have a deceptive meaning, appeared one by one before his eyes.His expression was like drinking alcohol, showing indescribable ecstasy and satisfaction, even his hands were shaking.

With trembling hands, he lightly touched the pictures and texts on the mysterious stone wall, reciting something in a low voice, with great joy, he seemed to see through each and every text and pattern, he was so engrossed, he was so overjoyed , so much so that he himself simply forgot and didn't notice that at the bottom of this picture, there was a small piece of black air that was almost integrated with the surrounding darkness.

The golden words and brilliant patterns seem to have completely occupied his mind. Beside him, the dog god statue with only its head still on the ground still looks so deep in its eyes.But at this moment, under the brilliant golden light of the flames and the stone wall, the figure of the young priest was reflected in his eyes. Apart from the deep sadness at first, there seemed to be more deep sorrow!

(End of this chapter)

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