Chapter 94 The Swordsman
"Okay, okay, junior brothers and sisters, today is the fourth round of the 'Qimai Huiwu' competition, it's okay for us to chat, but don't delay the time."

Master Daoxuan is so shrewd, when he found that these people were confronting each other, he immediately came out to smooth things over.

As the head of the 'Qing Yun Sect', he is actually well aware of the open and secret struggles among the various branches. The reason why he has not taken any measures is that the first members of each branch were in the same art and love as brothers, and the second is that the Qing Yun Sect is missing. These backbone elites will not be able to deter Xiaoxiao in the future.

So in order not to create any internal conflicts, Reverend Daoxuan naturally followed suit and accepted some things.

He first glanced at the leaders present, then at Qihao who was not far away, and at Jiang Yuye who was standing beside Suru, and said with a smile: "Yuye, come here."

"What's the order from Master Master?" Jiang Yuye walked to Daoxuan Daoxuan slowly, and bowed to him respectfully.

This is the rule and the bottom line.

Although as a foresight traveler, Jiang Yuye has thoughts and ways of doing things that are not in line with this world, but this does not mean that he does not understand what it means to respect teachers, so in front of his elders he still It seemed quite respectful.

At least even if he has a bad impression of someone, he will not openly reveal it, or even verbally say some disrespectful words.

"Yesterday, you performed very well. He can be regarded as a successor if he has a disciple like you."

Seeing Jiang Yuye with a good attitude in front of him, Reverend Daoxuan stroked his beard with a smile, and said with a meaningful expression.

It seems that yesterday's "Wan Jian Jue" was not only seen by all the disciples in the audience, but even the current head of "Qing Yun", Dao Xuan, also discovered the abnormality at that time.


As a contemporary leader who has already set foot on the threshold of the 'Taiqing Realm', he can naturally see that although the sword moves Jiang Yuye used yesterday are not like the ones passed down in the sect, the 'one sword can transform into thousands' He can also understand the principle of "eight or nine out of ten", so he suppressed all of them at this time without thinking too much. Otherwise, Jiang Yuye today, let alone a martial arts competition, might not be able to stand safely. Not necessarily here.


It seems that this immortal Daoxuan wants to protect himself?

Thinking this way in his heart, Jiang Yuye certainly didn't dare express his opinion in a sloppy manner on the surface, saying: "Thank you for your kindness, master master, the disciple will definitely live up to the cultivation of the master in the future."

What I said was extremely general, but which one of the leaders and elders present is not an old fritter?

Of course, Jiang Yuye's words could also be heard, except for Cangsong Daoist's secret hatred of the old immortal, the rest, Suru or Daoxuan Daoxuan, were more happy when they heard it.

after all……

In any case, it is a blessing of the "Albatron Sect" to have a proud son of heaven in this sect. Moreover, Jiang Yuye is Wan Jianyi's disciple, so he cannot tolerate betrayal.

"Very good." He patted Jiang Yuye's shoulder as a sign of encouragement, Master Daoxuan said with a smile, "If you have this kind of heart, I believe he will be satisfied."

"Okay, the time for the competition is approaching, you can go to the stage first on a rainy night, don't make Nephew Qi wait too long."

"Disciple obeys." Standing up, Jiang Yuye cupped his hands, then turned around and jumped onto the ring to stand still.

Seeing Jiang Yuye's calmness, some of the disciples surrounding him couldn't help scoffing, especially Longshou Peak had many disciples.

It seemed that for today's battle, their confidence in Qihao was really not small.

Standing among the crowd at Longshou Peak, Qi Hao saw that Jiang Yuye had jumped onto the ring, so he naturally couldn't lose his demeanor, so he slightly activated the 'Ice Sword', and this top-quality flying sword with the ice-cold attribute instantly Carried him to the ring.

As soon as this move was made, people applauded immediately from the audience. It was obvious that all of these people were supporters of Qi Hao, so it was only natural that they would cheer like this.

After jumping off the 'Ice Sword', Qi Hao stretched out his hand to close it, and then smiled politely: "Junior Brother Jiang, today's martial arts competition is really a trick of luck, and you and I were actually assigned to a group."

Say it.

Qi Hao showed regret and heartache, that look really didn't look like it was faked.

However, Jiang Yuye smiled back and said with a slight smile: "Yeah, the grouping this time is really unpredictable. Originally, I thought that only in the finals could I see Brother Qi's 'Ice Sword'." It's awesome."

The words are both flattering and tit-for-tat. It can be said that facing the person in front of him, it is definitely not enough to say that he likes it, but it is not considered to say that he hates it.

at best……

It's just that from the perspective of a third party, he feels that Qi Hao's actions are really like a "carefully planned" conspirator.

Of course, these are just Jiang Yuye's thoughts alone, as for other people's definition of Qihao, he has no way of knowing.

"Junior brother Liao praised." Hearing this, Qi Hao shook his head indifferently, and said with a smile: "How can these trivial moves and measures of senior brother compare to the power of junior brother yesterday?"

"It can be said that whether it is the fairy sword, cultivation base, or moves, the younger brother is already considered a leader in the 'Albatron Sect'. I hope the younger brother will be merciful in the battle later."

Speaking of this, Qi Hao actually cupped his hands at Jiang Yuye, using this to show respect and the truth in his words.

As soon as this hand was revealed, all the leaders under the stage, including the elders, nodded their heads in unison, and said to themselves, "Qihao really deserves to be a talent from the sky", and he can say that to his juniors who are even worse than him. With these words, he really has the demeanor and cleanliness of a gentleman.

"Where, where, what is this brother talking about?"

"On the contrary, the younger brother will ask the older brother to be more merciful after a while."

Facing such a humble and polite Qihao, Jiang Yuye had to admire his calmness and demeanor even though he had experienced many battles.

With a humility that doesn't seem to be pretending, coupled with this calm and elegant demeanor, it's no wonder that Tian Ling'er in the "Original Book" fell so quickly. Not only is her cultivation high, but she is also calm as a veteran in terms of emotions.


Even so so what?

I must win today's battle, otherwise what face will I have to meet that cold woman in a while?

Thinking of this, when Jiang Yuye was about to say something more, he heard a "ding" sound from the audience. Obviously, when the two of them were talking, it was time for the competition!
(End of this chapter)

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