Chapter 66 Partner
"In short, if we make a wrong step, we weak people will be ants who may be crushed to death at any time in front of a powerful soul master like Unrivaled Dragon Snake!"

Su Shenxiu's eyes were extremely indifferent, but in his heart he kept what happened that night firmly in his heart and urged himself every moment.

Moreover, Su Shenxiu also said to the Shrek Seven Monsters: "We must remember the feeling of fear at this moment, remember this kind of life, the humiliation of being held in the hands of others, and then go back and work hard to cultivate, let ourselves work hard Be strong, otherwise this feeling will accompany the weak for the rest of their lives!"

"Remember Su Shenxiu's words. Also, Unrivaled Dragon Snake is considered a good person in this world of soul masters!" Now that the words have been opened, Zhao Wuji also wants these children to get in touch with the dark side of the world of soul masters:
"You are all young geniuses with excellent aptitude and strong martial spirits, little monsters! But you are not strong. If there is a chance to capture you back and use them as breeding tools, then within 20 or 30 years, you will be captured. People, you will gain a large number of excellent soul master subordinates, or high-quality slaves."

"Maybe it's better for boys, but for girls, life is worse than death! So, you have to remember that only strong strength is the capital to survive and speak in the soul world!

You must also remember what Su Shenxiu once said, why don't you prepare a weapon for yourself, whether it is to save your soul power, use it for fighting, or save yourself a final dignity, a weapon is very important! "

"Teacher, is everything you said true?" Infinite fear appeared in Xiao Wu's eyes, and she shivered while hiding in Su Shenxiu's arms.

This is the first time she discovered it. Compared with being discovered by someone, being killed, and taking away the soul ring and soul bone, things are even more terrifying. In the situation Zao Wou-ki mentioned, she might as well Just go to hell!

"My uncle was taken away by a strong man who joined the sect from outside. Although the sect changed the rules later, this kind of thing happened more than once in the history of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School!"

Ning Rongrong suddenly gave a cruel example, and said pointedly: "So the auxiliary disciples of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School can only find a battle soul master as a partner, not only to survive on the battlefield, but also to avoid As for it's turn to fall, it's like what Teacher Zhao said."

"It's because I'm too weak as a teacher to protect you well!" Zhao Wuji said suddenly. Compared to him, a level 76 soul sage, Su Shenxiu's few words can play with the unrivaled dragon snake in the palm of his hand , is more like the protector of Shrek and his party.

"Don't say that, Teacher Zhao," Ning Rongrong said, her complexion was also very ugly, and she said bitterly: "That is to say, in the barren mountains of the Star Dou Great Forest, if it is in Tiandou City, the unrivaled dragon snake, Dare to light up the soul ring in front of me, Grandpa Sword Douluo, don't beat them half to death!"

"Then, student Ning Rongrong, you are really the little princess of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School!" Ma Hongjun asked excitedly, and then changed the subject: "Then is my grandfather really a hidden strong man in a village?" ?

Speaking of it, I seem to have never looked at him and summoned my own martial soul. Could it be that our family's family martial soul has always been a phoenix, and it was only because I stayed in Caoji Village for a long time that the martial soul deteriorated and mutated into an evil fire phoenix? "

Su Shenxiu's words made Ma Hongjun doubt his life. Oscar also wanted to go back and ask the dean, where did he pick him up?No matter how you look at a martial soul with full soul power, it doesn't look like an abandoned baby with no background!

"Whether what I said is true or not, everyone here, think about it in your own mind!" Su Shenxiu said with a playful smile, thinking: some words are true, and some words will be interesting if they come true .

The eight people glanced at each other, and then burst out laughing. No one asked each other's identities, because no matter what the identities of the other seven people were, they all understood that after this day, the people around them It is him/her, from now on, you can trust your back and trust your partner!
The mistrust and threat brought by the Unrivaled Dragon Snake, on the contrary, made the eight Shrek people realize more deeply that this kind of partner who can keep your secrets, will not hurt or betray you because of interests, and is trustworthy at critical moments, How important it is!

The night was getting dark, and everyone was going to rest, but Tang San suddenly called Su Shenxiu: "Brother Su, thank you for always speaking out to help, otherwise I might have died once!"

"Little San, I'm not helping you!" Su Shenxiu showed an indifferent smile on his face, and said, "We are like a group of grasshoppers connected by a string. The Unrivaled Dragon Snake wants to catch you. We People will be arrested as well!"

"No matter what you say, I will accept your kindness, Big Brother Su! If you need my help in the future, just ask," Tang San said with sincere gratitude in his eyes, "However, Big Brother Su, you Do you know what the next sentence of the 24th Bridge Moonlight Night is?"

"Give me a soul guide as a teacher?" Su Shenxiu looked at Tang San, tentatively answered, and said with doubts on her face: "Isn't that the teacher's gift from Yu Xiaogang, your teacher? In the carriage!"

"That's right, we are also old friends since we were young." Tang San was a little disappointed when he didn't get the desired answer, thinking in his heart:

It seems that Brother Su should just have an extraordinary background, not a reborn person from the same world as me!What happened to me is already considered a miracle, how could it be so easy to keep repeating it!

The two bid farewell, and Su Shenxiu returned to her tent with her arms behind her head. She kept thinking about what happened today, and she couldn't help but think in her heart: "Following the protagonist group, although the opportunities are endless, the risks are always with us!"

Whether it is the dark evil tiger or the external soul bone of the man-faced demon spider, they all seem to be manipulated by fate in the dark, and they meet the protagonist group with reasonableness and deliberation.

In fact, meeting these opportunities, if Su Shenxiu said that he had never been tempted, he would be lying, but he has already walked out of his own path, and he no longer needs to kill beasts, take rings, and peel bones like other soul masters!
If you choose to compete for these seemingly beautiful opportunities because of temporary temptation, let alone whether you can grab them, these opportunities may be honey to others, but to Su Shenxiu, they are completely poisonous. A kind of defilement on one's own cultivation path.

Moreover, Su Shenxiu also firmly believes that his path of beast master is far more powerful than that of a soul master, and has a broader future. Whether it is now or in the future, he will be much stronger than soul masters of the same level. Facing all kinds of temptations, Su Shenxiu has a reason to persevere.

(End of this chapter)

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