Chapter 326 Su Xin
It's not too late. Yin Yuduo introduced that countless black holes appeared out of thin air in the entire city of destiny. The openings of these holes only flashed for a moment, and then someone walked out.

Various races, including murlocs, foxes, stones, humans, and monsters of various styles.

Some of these races are beautiful, light-colored beauties, such as the human race, and some races are ugly, such as monsters with rotting bodies.

"The trial of fate is about to begin, please prepare for the trial." A majestic voice came from the palace that leads directly to the sky.

The various races were too late to exchange good or bad feelings, so they were frightened by the voice, and without saying a word, they all moved their eyes to the palace that reached to the sky.

"Game start!"


With a crisp snap of the fingers, the people in the palace didn't seem to want to give the various races much time to communicate, and started the trial directly.

"Fate is mysterious and mysterious. Although the door of destiny has been opened for you, the Jiuyou Mountain that pulls destiny has fallen. After three months, the entire city of destiny will cease to exist, so what you need to do is to restore the destiny that pulls the fate." Jiuyou Mountain."

"The top 50 people will enter the next test, and the rest will be automatically sent out of this city of destiny, leading to the reincarnation pool!"

There was a lazy voice in the palace, as if he didn't take fate seriously.

Everyone looked at each other and began to wonder.

"This city of destiny seems to have changed people. Shouldn't these things be said to be done by the envoy of destiny? If you leave it to us, aren't you afraid that we will steal destiny?"

"Think too much, steal it, since the master of fate said so, naturally there is some way to spy on us."

"This is the capital of destiny, a big world. Since it's just a city, it's amazing."

"What nonsense, the capital of destiny belongs to miracles and does not belong to the great world at all. You have never been to the capital of destiny. I don't know. There is no limit to strength here. It means that how strong all of us are combined, this world will There will be existences that are several times higher than our strength, so far, this place is still unfathomable, and no one does not abide by the rules here."

Listening to everyone's narration, Deng Jiang wanted to scold his mother in his heart. He knew in the world that he was too awesome. Back then, he couldn't even kill a blade of grass.

"Why are you looking at me? I don't know about this." Yin Yu smiled, turned his face and pretended to look at the exotic scenery and said.

" do we get out?" Deng Jiang asked.

The strength here is too terrifying, he thinks he still needs to experience some experience before coming in.

Yin Yu smiled and said, "I don't know."

Yin Yu paused and said, "However, it's not impossible to go out. We can go back after you restore Jiuyou Mountain!"

Hearing what Yin Yu said that Jiuyou Mountain can be returned after being repaired, he hurried forward and said: "Then what are you waiting for, let's do it, I don't want to stay here and wait to die, I haven't held a child yet!"

"Vulgar." Yin Yu said something and followed Deng Jiang.

On Jiuyou Mountain.

Deng Jiang stood on the nine-meter-tall Jiuyou Mountain, watching that it couldn't be called Jiuyou Mountain at this moment.

The only feature of this mountain is the strange rocks, except stones are stones, and there are all kinds of colors.

"This is the whole picture of Jiuyou Mountain. Isn't it a pyramid? This is not a mountain." Deng Jiang moved a strange rock out, and complained, "I have the strength of a god emperor. Since I built a pyramid here, it is really a shame. ah."

"Well, in fact, they are stronger than you, don't they also do it?" Yin Yu said.

"Then what are their specific strengths?" Deng Jiang asked.

"I can't tell you that." Yin Yu smiled, "You should clean this up quickly, your ranking has changed."

"I counted the numbers on your head and you are now ranked 75."

"Whoever created this ranking is out of his mind." Deng Jiang said.

In the palace full of gears, the future Deng Jiang who was sitting on the head dozed off, and suddenly he opened his eyes.

"Come on!" Future Deng Jiang's voice spread throughout the hall.

All the guards in the hall were dispatched and knelt down at the front of the hall.

In the future, Deng Jiang spread his hands, and a holographic image emerged, and this figure was Deng Jiang.

The me in the past dared to scold me, even though you were me, I couldn't do it.

In the future, Deng Jiang pointed to Deng Jiang in the screen and said, "This is the person I need to take care of, so make him more difficult!"


The men in armor all replied.

Deng Jiang followed this group of people stronger than him to restore Jiuyou Mountain, while chatting with a girl, not Yin Yu, but a fox girl.

After talking, he knew that the person next to him was wearing a white plush skirt and belonged to the nine-tailed white fox family, named Su Xin. She also had two cute white ears, the kind that could turn red and move, and the nine tails were natural behind her. swing.

While chatting with Su Xin, Deng Jiang, who knew the nine white foxes, suddenly saw Su Xin's two furry and cute ears and nine tails standing up. Su Xin pointed behind him.

"Be careful, someone is sneaking up on you from behind!"

"Understood." Deng Jiang smiled without changing his face. In fact, he was flustered because he didn't know how strong the person he was going to face was. The fact that there was an enemy behind him was something Su Xin had to say. I just felt it.

Turning around, I saw a person holding a stone from Jiuyou Mountain and trying to hit him.

The situation is very clear, he was attacked, and he didn't need to say anything, Deng Jiang opened the mark in his hand, and his strength was raised to the level of a god king.

At this moment, a beautiful shadow stopped Deng Jiang who was about to attack, and blocked the attack for Deng Jiang, then looked at Deng Jiang calmly and said: "Little brother, don't panic, he dared to touch you."

"Little baby is so powerful that she wants to punish me. Have the Sages of Changming Mountain heard of it?"

"What kind of messy things dare to be called holy." Su Xin's nine fox tails stood up, and her beauty looked quite relaxed.

"Jiang, you're really handsome. Wherever you go, someone will protect you. I can tell that she seems to have a crush on you." Yin Yu joked beside Deng Jiang.

"Hammer, I met her as before, thanks for the help, she is the younger sister protecting the elder brother." Deng Jiang explained.

Yin Yu:. . .

Yin Yu said: "You can say that too."

"I can't say it, it's just a fact." Deng Jiang said
On Jiuyou Mountain, Su Xin confronted the person holding the Jiuyou Mountain Stone, Su Xin's nine tails transformed into a huge fox tail, and smashed towards the person who was just facing each other with the wind.

The opposing person is not an incompetent junior, and he escaped Su Xin's attack with just a little more.

"Should die." The opponent sneered, his figure approached Su Xin in a blink of an eye.

"Be careful!" Deng Jiang couldn't help reminding.

"I know!" Su Xin said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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