Chapter 332

"What the apprentice said is true. This apprentice is indeed a bit fierce, and he is not willing to inherit it after learning that he can obtain the energy of God." The male voice said.

"Master, I came from the future. Everything that happened here is under my control. I know and understand the people who were born in the critical era. Follow me, and I guarantee that I can't find the gods." Yu Xiaogang With a smile, as the protagonist of this era, plus he has already lifted the curse of not being able to rise to [-], he has the confidence to rule the world of Douluo and challenge the world of gods, because he can predict the future.

"Well, apprentice, that's what I value about you, apprentice, can you tell me something about what happened in the future?" the male voice said.

"Say, why are you spying on us!" Deng Jiang pointed a dagger at the person who just hid in the dark and stared at them.

This person first looked around with complicated eyes, then suddenly turned his head to Deng Jiang, and burst out laughing.

"Ha, haha, that's right, I, Du Wang, are watching you, so you should kill me."

He admitted so frankly that Deng Jiang knew at a glance that this person was lying. He was never polite to people with murderous intentions. When he moved his mind, a bloody dagger appeared in his hand, and the dagger turned in his hand. Eyes fixed on the left arm of the self-proclaimed Du Wang, the top assassin's sword skills were displayed in Deng Jiang's hands at this moment.

A second later, the left arm of Du Wang, who claimed to be Du Wang, was scratched two to three centimeters deep. These scars formed three large characters, "Tell the truth!"

The smile on the face of the man who claimed to be Du Wang disappeared, his brows were frowning in pain, and bloodshot eyes surged.

After suffering for a while, the person who called himself Du Wang laughed mockingly: "Ha, haha, I'm telling the truth, but you don't believe it, you fool."

"Don't say?" Deng Jiang pressed down with his thumb holding the dagger, controlling the bloody dagger to point at Du Wang's right arm.

"You fool!" said Du Wang, who called himself.

Deng Jiang was not talking, he controlled the bloody dagger in his hand, and in the next second left the same three words on the right arm of Du Wang, who claimed to be "Tell the truth!"

"Jiang, let me do it." Gu Yuena said beside her.

Deng Jiang nodded and stepped aside.

Gu Yuena took out a brass bell slightly bigger than the baby's hand from the space, and shook the brass bell at the person who called herself Du Wang.

The eyes of the person who called himself Du Wang became dull, and his body no longer changed.

"Which organization are you from?" Gu Yuena asked.

"Chengshenhui." The man who called himself Du Wang replied with empty eyes.

"Are you monitoring us?" Gu Yuena asked.

The person who called himself Du Wang raised his head and said, "I want to monitor a man named Qianxun Ji."

Gu Yuena thought for a moment and said, "Tell me about the organization you know about Chengshenhui."

The man who called himself Du Wang opened his mouth, just about to say something, when suddenly his empty eyes were bloodshot.


With a bang, the blood vessels of these bloodshots exploded, and these bloodshots gushed out from the exploded position like a water column.

Seeing that things have reached a critical point, this self-proclaimed Du Wang Deng had an accident, Deng Jiang took out the elixir used to stabilize the injury from the space ring and took it for the person who claimed to be Du Wang.

The situation of the person who took the elixir was not favorable. In the sight of Deng Jiang and Gu Yuena, the eyeballs of the self-proclaimed Du Wang fell out and rolled to Deng Jiangdao's feet, and his body slowly fell backwards.

At this moment, the eyes of the person who called himself Du Wang was completely holed, and his brain could be vaguely seen, which seemed a little scary.

Deng Jiang approached this person, put his finger on his nose, and after 1 minute, he concluded that this person who called himself Du Wang and came from Chengshenhui was dead.

"Dead!" Deng Jiang looked at Gu Yuena and said.

Gu Yuena frowned slightly looking at the corpse who claimed to be Du Wang, rubbed her chin and said, "I can see it, but this person's death is bizarre! From the bloodshot eyes to death, there may be something in his head. "

"I'll know it when I look at it." Deng Jiang, who has experienced the test of hell, is quite familiar with human body dissection. Logically speaking, people are dead, and he should respect the dead. Special circumstances and special treatment, he raised himself up and called himself Du Wang. The human head often appears to see through eyes that lack eyeballs.


Suddenly, Gu Yuena's voice sounded, and Deng Jiang's heart twitched, something unknown surged in his heart, instinctively, Deng Jiang took half a step back.

In his field of vision, a black centipede with sharp teeth flew out of the eyes of the self-proclaimed Du Wang and attacked Deng Jiang's face.

Before Deng Jiang launched an attack, Gu Yuena, who was paying attention to the situation beside her, moved, moving like the speed of light, and the silver light formed an afterimage of half a moon. The centipede split into two and fell to the ground with a creaking sound. It fell to the ground and kept rolling.

"The centipede came from the God Realm in Canwu, there is something for this god-like person." Gu Yuena put away the silver dragon gun and said.

"God Realm, by the way, Na'er, you always refuse to tell me about the God Realm, why can you tell me about the God Realm now?" Deng Jiang asked puzzled.

Gu Yuena was taken aback for a moment, then sneered, and said with a slightly threatening expression, "When did I tell you?"

Gu Yuena paused and said: "This centipede is just an ordinary thing, it dies when it dies, it's just a trivial matter to leave it to me."

"What about me, as your husband, I should do something, and I can't always grow up under your protection." Deng Jiang retorted.

Gu Yuena thought for a while and said with a smile: "There are two important things you need to do now!"


Deng Jiang asked slightly expectantly: "What's the big deal?"

Gu Yuena pursed her lips, pointed at the body that claimed to be Du Wang, and said, "The first thing is to bury him."

What kind of a big deal is this? It shouldn't be called a normal thing. How could it be a big deal? Deng Jiang complained in his heart, and then said: "Then what's the next thing."

"Oh, the next thing, I feel that all the uninvited guests in the Star Dou Great Forest need you to deal with them." Gu Yuena said.

"What about you?" Deng Jiang asked with concern, if Gu Yuena said something difficult to solve, he would try his best to stop it.

Gu Yuena yawned and said, "I'm going to sleep in Qingyu Space, I'm a little sleepy."

"Very good." Hearing that his wife was just sleeping, Deng Jiang felt relieved.

When entering Deng Jiang Qingyu's space, Gu Yuena suddenly said in a daze, "Jiang, if you can't beat him, be careful."

"I know, you go to sleep." Deng Jiang smiled, when Gu Yuena entered the Qingyu space.

Suddenly, he felt that there was something wrong with Gu Yuena's words, as if the word "pay attention to safety" had never appeared before.

Wait, my wife left before me, why did she say this? Could it be that she wasn't by my side when I went to the Star Dou Forest after I finished speaking.

Thinking of this, with a thought, Deng Jiang entered Qingyu Space, opened the door of the bedroom of Qingyu Space, and there was nothing inside.

 There is one more chapter tonight, well, I have written a thousand words, and I am trying my best to type.

(End of this chapter)

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