Chapter 358
In the lively farmyard, when Deng Jiang returned home, he eagerly pushed open the door of the courtyard, his eyes searched for Qiushuang, and when his eyes fell on Qiushuang who was slowly opening his eyes on the bed, regret welled up in his heart. .

Too careless, after making a lot of money, I forgot that my sister was sick and was resting at noon at this time.

"Sister." Deng Jiang went to the bed and held Qiushuang's hand. He became a doctor after a long illness. Although he is not a younger brother, he is an older sister. He has learned a lot from him, and he is I learned a hand from the old Liu who saw a doctor in the village.

After confirming that Qiushuang's pulse was stable, Deng Jiang felt relieved. He moved his other hand in his pocket, took out three gold soul coins from his pocket, and blew them on his mouth. Terrific, after all, this is the unique voice of Jin Coin. There was a smile on the corner of his mouth, and he looked at Qiushuang with joy in his eyes: "Sister, you have money for medical treatment."

"Well, that expensive set, I'll get a prescription in town after lunch."

Deng Jiang looked at Qiushuang expectantly, hoping that Qiushuang would also show a look of joy, but Qiushuang did not show a smile in his eyes, but his face was serious.

In just a split second, there was burning pain on his face.

Qiu Shuang beat him, Deng Jiang covered his face, and looked at Qiu Shuang puzzled, he didn't understand why Qiu Shuang wanted to beat him.

"Who told you to steal it." Qiushuang grabbed Deng Jiang's hand and shook off three golden soul coins. The golden soul coins fell on the drop, making a pleasant sound.

"I didn't." Deng Jiang roared angrily.

"It's not stolen. You are a child, how can you have so much money? Even though you are born better than others, it is impossible to have so much money. This money is enough for us to live for a year." Qiu Shuang Leng She said, there were tears and disappointment in her eyes.

"The money was given to me by that great soul master named Su Yuntao. I didn't steal it. I didn't steal it. If you don't believe me, you can ask the village head grandpa." Deng Jiang roared.

"Okay, okay, okay, don't give up, right? I'll take you to the old village chief to ask for clarification." Qiushuang said three good words in a row, and pulled Deng Jiang, and she was about to get up by herself.

But Fenghan took care of her, and she got up very hard.

"Sister, the money is really not stolen, and you don't want to get up. Your physical condition is not suitable for getting up. You can go when you feel better, um, or I can call the old village chief here now." Deng Jiang used a small Pushing Qiushuang down with his hand, he said.

"You child, you have learned to quibble, and you still want to beat your sister, don't you want to wait and go to the town to buy medicine? Are you worthy of my kindness in nurturing you all these years?" Qiu Shuang said coldly.

Deng Jiang didn't answer Qiushuang. He felt that his sister was a little unreasonable. Qiushuang wanted to get up, so he took a step ahead, picked up three gold soul coins, ran out of the room, closed the door of the room and locked Qiushuang at home.

"Dong dong dong."

There was an eager knock on the door. Deng Jiang was outside the door. When he confirmed that the lock was closed, he shouted at the door: "I'm lazy to tell you, I told you, no stealing, no stealing, you just stay on the bed Stay here, I will buy medicine for you, your body is important, as for the old village chief to confirm, we will talk about it after you recover from illness."

After finishing speaking, Deng Jiang looked at the old hen that had surrounded him on the ground, grabbed a handful of vegetables and threw them on the ground, closed the fence outside the yard, and ran out quickly.

Seeing Deng Jiang running so fast, the people around started talking in low voices.

"That child picked up by Qiushuang's family, where is he going?"

"Hunting, where else can I go?"

"But he doesn't have a bow and arrow behind his back."

"He probably just hangs out."

"Impossible. After his sister fell ill, he only made money by hunting."

"Then this time?"

"Have you heard, those children said that he earned five gold soul coins when his martial soul was awakened, and the old village chief also acquiesced. In conversion, one is one hundred silver coins and one thousand copper coins. Five thousand copper soul coins, maybe I went out to buy medicine."

"Well, the explanation of buying medicine is sound. After all, he loves his sister the most. When he was five years old, the village bully and a fifteenth-level soul master tried to take advantage of his sister. He beat him up. It is said that, When they fought that time, both of them suffered a lot of injuries, and from then on, I didn't care if anyone dared to think about his sister."

These are the chats of these villagers, but Deng Jiang, who was rushing to the nearest market, didn't know it. It took him about fifty minutes to climb over the Luoxia Mountain, which meanders for ten miles, and down the mountain, there is the Holy Soul Village and other villages. In the common town of several villages, Deng Jiang's gaze was attracted by the various noodles, roast chicken, and roast duck around him. He swallowed his eyes and quickly looked away.

In less than 3 minutes, Deng Jiang walked eastward and came to a pharmacy called Renyi. When he entered the pharmacy, he approached the front desk.

The little sister wearing white hanging at the front desk looked at Deng Jiang with a kind smile and said, "Little brother, here we go again."

"Yes, sister, I am here to prescribe medicine today." Deng Jiang talked about the traditional Chinese medicine for treating wind and cold,
"Little brother has a good memory, and it's not bad at all." The lady at the front desk laughed.

He has already familiarized himself with the names of medicinal materials for removing wind and cold. After all, as a good brother, he should memorize these.

"It's okay." Deng Jiang smiled slightly.

It’s really a child from a poor family who is in charge of the family early. Seeing that Deng Jiang, who was praised at the moment, was not acting rash or impetuous, the lady at the front desk sighed in her heart. To prepare for the awakening of Wuhun, while Deng Jiang was born to make money, as if he was an adult.

Impossible, he was only six years old, the lady at the front desk shook her head, put aside these unrealistic thoughts, took out the already packed medicinal materials from the drawer, and handed them to Deng Jiang with a smile: "This time, it's all five grams. .”

Deng Jiang put away the medicinal materials, Yaotou, five grams can only hang his sister's life, but he couldn't afford it before, this time he came to buy the amount that the three gold soul coins in the drugstore can buy.

Maybe Deng Jiang’s hesitation, the lady at the front desk thought that Deng Jiang couldn’t afford the money, she just wanted to say that you haven’t paid the money, but she swallowed it back, she wanted to change the words to be owed, sister, I will help you with.

But before she could say those words, three golden soul coins with a little dirt appeared on her wooden chopping board.

The young lady at the front desk looked at Deng Jiang's clothes. As usual, she was full of patchwork, and she felt a little unconfident.

"Sister, let's see how much these three gold soul coins can buy." Deng Jiang asked.

"Is your money coming in the right way?" The lady at the front desk approached Deng Jiang and asked.

"Naturally." Deng Jiang nodded confidently, but he traded favors for this.

(End of this chapter)

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