Chapter 59 Awake
Drunk Deng Jiang, Di Tian, ​​and Qian Xun Ji followed the enchanting woman leading the way up the stairs.

They were dizzy, and felt that everything around them was too blurred, and they couldn't see clearly. They felt that the surroundings were so noisy, which upset them.

They didn't want to change all this, they only knew that they could get wine by following the woman in front, and continued to drink until one person (the dragon) fell down.

Just walking like this, the three of them knew that they had arrived when they saw the enchanting woman stop.

The woman walked into the room, and the three of them followed suit.

Although their vision is a little blurred, they can also find that the style of this room is mainly pink.

Make them wonder, are there any other rooms in this color?

They also found out that there is a bed, do you need a bed for drinking?Is it for the one who falls down and sleeps? It's only reserved for losers.

The three musketeers thought so.

The main reason is that Deng Jiang, as an assassin, has never seen this scene, and Di Tian Qianxun Ji is also a high-ranking person, and he is very protective of his image, so he has never seen it.

If they hadn't been drunk and made mistakes, they probably wouldn't have come to this place where fireworks and willows are going in their entire lives.You will not find a room like this.

It seems that the overall decoration of this room highlights the word wine and color, and the layout is mainly based on sentiment, which can be adjusted everywhere.

The drinking table is also designed for these two characters.

Although Deng Jiang, Di Tian, ​​and Qian Xunji were a little curious about why they had to decorate like this, they came to drink, so they wouldn't be disturbed by these foreign things, and they didn't think too much about it.

What's more, they don't fully know what this place is for. Apart from the most important thing in their minds, the only thing left in their minds may be wine.

Deng Jiang, Di Tian, ​​and Qian Xun quickly walked to the antique table in the room, where there happened to be four chairs placed in four directions of the table.

It was enough for the three of them, so they all pulled out one of the chairs and sat down.

After they sat down, Ditian and Qianxunji began to feel eager to try, their hearts became excited, and they all went away with death as their own.

Oh, no, it's too serious, it should be reported for face, whoever loses will lose face.

After Deng Jiang sat down, he felt a little uneasy in his heart. He felt that if he didn't leave this place.His wife will come to him.

Because he used to walk for almost an hour and a half before going back.

It's been so long now, when my wife was worried, she came to find me, and happened to find that I was drinking with my friends again.What are you kneeling for?
He didn't know, anyway, it should be something more difficult, and life will be very difficult in the future.

He knew it had been almost three and a half hours since he had been out for a walk.He had to leave immediately, he couldn't drink anymore.

Now that Ditian has separated from him, Deng Jiang thinks this is an opportunity, and the key is to run away quickly.

He doesn't care about wine virtue anymore.

"Have a drink."

Chihiro Ji, who was ready to go, said.

The enchanting woman was very speechless after hearing this. It was the first time I saw these three people sitting on chairs and ordering wine when they came in. Shouldn't the first thing when they come in be to order a girl?
But she is in the service industry after all, since the customer has ordered, just do as she pleases, and she will not be troubled by money.

She didn't think that these three people would not give money, she hadn't seen anyone who didn't give money and could walk out standing up.

"Okay, the three are objective. The little girl is preparing for a few."

The enchanting woman smiled and replied with her seductive voice that she had practiced for a long time.

Then she twisted her sexy buttocks, leaving Deng Jiang, Di Tian, ​​and Qian Xun Ji a seductive back.

However, the three of them did not see it.

How could the straight man of steel care about this?

"Brothers, you can drink later, I am in a hurry to pee."

Deng Jiang originally wanted to tell a lie just now, but it can be seen that Qianxun Ji opened his mouth to talk to the woman, and it was difficult for him to open his mouth.

Now that they have finished talking, Deng Jiang feels that he can find this excuse to run away.

"Coincidentally, Brother Jiang, I also want to go to the bathroom, let's go together."

Chihiro Ji said after hearing this.

Damn, careless.

After hearing this, Deng Jiang cursed secretly in his heart.

So, they crooked and went to the toilet, Chihiro Ji and the depressed Deng Jiang walked back and sat on the chairs.

Afterwards, they waited for a while, and saw a few beautifully dressed women walking towards them with rhythmic steps.

There were a few of them, and they didn't know it. They were drunk, their eyes were dazzled, and their eyes were dazzled.

It is estimated that one can be regarded as three, there is no way, they drank too much wine, one can imagine the concept of drinking an entire restaurant.

They saw women walking towards them sparsely holding wine jugs. They couldn't see what it looked like, but it was very small anyway, not as big as the drinking bowls they used to drink at that time.

Those gorgeous women walked to the side of the three of them separately and stopped. They filled a small glass of wine with their jade hands upright. The movement was very skillful and done in one go. Although it was very fast, the technique was well controlled and did not spill. Bring out a drop of wine.

They have been in the industry for many years, and they are all at their fingertips.

As for the handsomeness of Deng Jiang, Ditian, and Qianxunji, they still wanted to show off, after all, it was the first time they stayed together with these three handsome people.

Deng Jiang was drunk, he couldn't help squinting his eyes, opened his eyes, his vision became clear, and he saw him getting closer in a wine glass, and then he saw a woman who was only a few centimeters away from touching his body .

Deng Jiang gave a chill, the dragon's blood surged rapidly in his body, most of the wine woke up due to the movement of the dragon's blood back and forth from his heart, and his mind also became clear.

Standing up abruptly, if his jealous wife knew about it, he didn't dare to think that another woman in him was so close, a coldness surged from his back all over his body, and he shivered.

Then, he used his seventh-level soul power to shake away the woman who was close by, and slapped the table, and it was shattered into powder. I didn't pay much attention to it, I thought the people above were too excited and knocked over the wine glass.

Then go about your own business. .

Deng Jiang feels that he can't control his body now. If he doesn't use wine to vent his anger, he will forcibly shake the woman who is close to him away with his soul power.He felt that he would kill this woman, and now he felt a thirst for blood.

He felt that he would never drink this thing in the future, as it would make people lose their memory and make them lose their minds.Also maddening.

The women around were startled when they saw Deng Jiang's action, and couldn't react for a while. Was this an overturning of the table? Why did he overturn the table?Could it be that they were sent from other places to find work, but there is no need to send such a handsome person.

They don't know what kind of nerves Deng Jiang got.

Di Tian and Qian Xunji were also very confused. Before they had a sip of wine, the wine on the table was knocked to the ground by Deng Jiang.

The two people (Long) whose IQs have been greatly weakened by alcohol really don't understand why Deng Jiang did this. Shouldn't they compete with alcohol?
If it wasn't for the girl from Deng Jiang who was accompanying her, she would be a little impatient, and she would be a little closer than the two accompanied by Ditian and Qianxunji, it is estimated that Ditian and Qianxunji would turn their faces on the table.

They are not ordinary people (dragons), how can they be the kind of casual people (dragons) who go to spend their lives.

And Deng Jiang is more direct because of the dragon's blood.

"Brother Di, Brother Qian, I'm sorry I'm leaving first, I'm not in the mood today, I'll drink with you next time."

Deng Jiang, who had no alcohol but controlled himself not to kill anyone, said to Di Tian and Qian Xun Ji.

But his eyes were looking out of the window, he didn't know if he would lose control.

He didn't want to stay here, he looked down from the window next to him, some were naked, some women and men outside were kissing unscrupulously, some naked men and women touched each other.

It made him very uncomfortable and made him a little sick.He had an urge to kill those people. He felt that this was evil, how could people do dirty things in public.

He lowered his head, wanting to leave here.He didn't do this, the bloodthirsty emotion was getting stronger and stronger, and he wanted to purify everything.

At this time, he was like an angel, unable to see evil things, wanted to sanction, but couldn't do such extreme things.

Deng Jiang got up from the chair he was sitting on and walked towards the door with his head down, he couldn't look!
The former enchanting woman also changed from being happy to meet such a handsome person to angry.There was a cold look in his eyes and he said to Deng Jiang: "What do you mean, you want to leave after breaking things in our store, have you asked the people in our store if they agree?"

She is the boss here, the customer smashed the table and made trouble, and she was about to run away, can you stop him from getting angry?

If she doesn't do something, how will she be the boss in the future.

After she finished speaking.

Deng Jiang, who was walking towards the door by himself, felt that he bumped into something.

Looking up, he found that there were more than a dozen or twenty strong men with spirit power in the twenties around him, all of them had their spirit rings exposed, and there were all kinds of spirits.

He had been trying to restrain himself, he was a little absent-minded, and he didn't hear the words of the coquettish woman clearly, so he didn't know he was stopped, and he only saw these people when he looked up this time.

(End of this chapter)

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