Chapter 88 Ambush
At two o'clock in the afternoon, the sun shines on the Ulrich Forest. Because there is no one there, the trees are very lush. The birds are pleading, a little noisy, and some unknown insects are calling, which may be tempting their prey. The whole forest is full of vitality vigorous.

But today the whole forest will be lively soon.

A space crack suddenly appeared in a relatively empty part of the forest, and there were about [-] centimeters of different grasses growing on the ground.

The white dragon teleports the space to this place.

Deng Jiang, Gu Yuena, and Bai Long walked out of the space.

But the bewildered Deng Jiang hadn't started to adapt to the environment, the ground began to tremble, the birds were startled, and the insects stopped calling.

Gu Yuena and Bai Long also noticed that they looked at each other and smiled, then looked away.


"Ho, ho, ho, ho."

The earth was trembling, a flame shot straight into the sky, a huge fire bird appeared in the air from the forest, it waved its 20-meter-long flaming wings, with a crown on its head, and a long tail on its tail that was also burning Feather, there is a position where the feather is empty.It looked at Deng Jiang resentfully.

Immediately afterwards, two giant pythons with a length of 50 meters appeared. Their bodies looked like they were made of rocks, and they felt hard. Looking at Deng Jiang.

Immediately afterwards, the Tiger King of the Underworld, the Vison Sky Snake, big and small, and nine soul beasts jumped over.

These soul beasts were deliberately ordered by Gu Yuena to ambush here in advance to surprise Deng Jiang. Unexpectedly, the god (dragon) sent them here in advance.But it doesn't matter.

Countless soul beasts appeared, staring fiercely at Deng Jiang, startling him.


Then those soul beasts all had serious eyes, and shouted at Gu Yuena respectfully.

Gu Yuena also had a serious face, without any expression, and said, "According to the plan."


All the soul beasts answered in unison, and then looked at Deng Jiang with malicious intent.

"Husband, go up and say hello to them."

After Gu Yuena finished speaking, she couldn't help laughing, looked at Deng Jiang and said.

"Brothers, how are you?"

I don't know why, and Deng Jiang, who was not sure, of course followed suit. He followed his wife and never lost his way. He walked up to those soul beasts and began to say hello.

In comparison, Deng Jiang is like the difference between an ant and an elephant compared to these 10-year-old soul beasts.

He was not afraid, because he knew all these soul beasts.

"Whoever is your brother, we can't be brothers when you pluck my hair."

"Yeah, when you take away my Hundred Refining Duan Ningcao, we can't be brothers anymore."


. . .

Twelve soul beasts expressed their testimonials about being bullied by Deng Jiang. They came here for revenge this time, ahem, to temper Deng Jiang.

"I'm sorry, I didn't expect my little action to cause you so much trouble."

Deng Jiang smiled and touched his head and said, his face was a little red, like a child who did something wrong, he didn't expect that he just played with them before, but caused them so much trouble.

"Brothers, don't talk nonsense with him, we have so many 10-year-old soul beasts that can't beat him. Think about the things you were bullied before. And it was the Lord who ordered him to beat him, as long as he didn't kill him That's it."

Firebird booed, she didn't want to be long-winded, she just wanted to avenge her feathers earlier.



"Fuck him."

. . .

Hearing what these soul beasts said, Deng Jiang said sincerely: "I'm sorry, everyone, I have caused you trouble, come and beat me, I will never fight back."

He didn't expect his actions to bring such great anger to these soul beasts.He felt he had to say something.

It's just why they say that the Lord sent them to clean themselves up.Isn't their master their own wife?Why does my wife clean up herself?It seems that I did nothing wrong, right?He wondered why.

But he believes that his wife will not harm him, even if he harms himself, it doesn't matter, he doesn't care, anyway, he has lived one more time, his wife gave him the most fulfilling and happiest day in his life, so what if he gave his life to her !
Thinking of this, Deng Jiang looked back at Gu Yuena and Bailong, and then turned his head to look at the spirit beasts.

Seeing Deng Jiang's eyes, Gu Yuena and Bai Long felt a pain in their hearts. Just now they saw deep reluctance and longing in Deng Jiang's eyes. It was the kind of feeling that they were about to leave this world and were reluctant to part with their loved ones. expression.

Bailong kept winking at Gu Yuena.

Gu Yuena felt uncomfortable and began to feel guilty. She didn't want to explain anything to Deng Jiang.

But after seeing Deng Jiang's expression, Gu Yuena, who didn't want to explain, couldn't help but want to tell Deng Jiang the truth, she was afraid that Deng Jiang would really do something stupid.

Gu Yuena still had that flat expression, but Deng Jiang couldn't see it, because Deng Jiang's head was facing Gu Yuena's back, and said: "Husband, this is the test prepared by me and Bailong. They have prepared rewards for you."

In fact, she didn't want to keep this expressionless look, she felt that she looked like a paralyzed face, but if she wanted to show majesty in front of these spirit beasts, she had to feel sorry for her husband first.

She still wanted to call Deng Jiang Great Elder in front of these soul beasts, but her husband was already used to calling him Great Elder, and she couldn't call him Great Elder at all.

"Understood my wife, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have shown the expression just now, as for the reward, forget it, I'd better go back and kneel on the washboard."

Hearing Gu Yuena's answer, Deng Jiang turned his head again, this time with a smiling expression, looking at Gu Yuena with an affectionate and guilty expression and said, he believed Gu Yuena's explanation.His wife would not lie to him, it was just his imagination to murder her husband just now.

As for the invisible soul beast behind Deng Jiang's head, he ignored it. This is because of his trust in his wife. If his wife said that he would not let him die, he would not die. At worst, he would be seriously injured.

Deng Jiang felt that even if his wife wanted to die by himself, it didn't matter. Gu Yuena gave him the happiest period of his life, and it was worthwhile to give his life to Gu Yuena.

Although I am a little sorry for my sister Bai.

Seeing Deng Jiang's expression, Gu Yuena and Bai Long Qiqi breathed a sigh of relief, they almost overplayed it, they just wanted to make fun of Deng Jiang, bah, it was to train Deng Jiang.Gu Yuena said seriously: "Go to fight, my baby."

Deng Jiang felt extremely weird when he said such nasty words from Zhengse Gu Yuena's mouth, his wife must have acted too badly.He is obviously an emotional dragon, but he wants to pretend to be cold.

Thinking of this, Deng Jiang couldn't help but feel guilty. He always grew up under the protection of Na'er's wife. When will he have the strength to protect Na'er's wife.To support the sky, I must improve my strength, not to be the strongest, but to be able to protect my two favorite dragons (gods). He doesn't want Gu Yuena, Bailong and Jiu'er to sacrifice for him.

When Deng Jiang thought of this, he nodded heavily at Gu Yuena, and looked at Gu Yuena with a serious and determined face. Gu Yuena and Deng Jiang's eyes were full of affection. Deng Jiang said: "I Yes, Mrs. Na'er."

Dog food eaten by the surrounding soul beasts ×9999999999
I can't help complaining, we are here to avenge our feelings, but you are here to fall in love and show your affection.

But they didn't dare to make mistakes, their master and the great elder were still there, although they felt that the great elder was very hypocritical.

The dog food Bailong ate ×999999999999
She began to feel sad secretly.

Heartache received by Deng Jiang × 999999999999999
"I changed my mind. I want to beat you now. As for my apology, I will talk about it later."

All soul beasts: . . .

Feeling that this face changed a little fast.Can the power of love make a dragon so shameless?They don't want to fall in love anymore, and they don't want to become such a shameless person as Deng Jiang.

"Pull it down, don't look at how many 10-year-old soul beasts we have, you want to fight a dozen, is it possible, and don't look at whether you are worthy."

"It means that you think that there are many beasts, so you can beat me."

Deng Jiang said with some conceit.After speaking, a big battle began.

The soul beast stopped talking nonsense and started directly.

Deng Jiang also directly punched Huo Niao's chest. This soul beast is the only one that can fly. If there are two flanking attacks in the future, Deng Jiang will be very passive, so he made a move.Solve this problem of flying, and he can relax later.

(End of this chapter)

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