Soul echo

Chapter 154 The Country of the Valley

Chapter 154 The Country of the Valley
Over the mountains, across the river, through the majestic peaks, through the vast plains, all the way through the mountains and rivers, and finally came to Valais.

Lilian, who was full of wind and frost, sniffed, and looked up at the two castles built on the top of the mountain in the distance.

This point is also close to reality - not long ago, she checked before going offline and found that the city-state of "Valais" should refer to Sion in Valais, where there are also two castles, but they are now abandoned.

The city was built along the hillside, and the buildings circled the two peaks and spiraled down.

There is often a large distance between houses, and people will grow the food they need in this open space, and their cattle and sheep will be grazed at the foot of the mountain.

This city-state is not big, and the population does not seem to be large, but the land they own is quite vast-this is also the limitation of survival.

If it is outside the mountains, a farmer with such a large piece of land can at least feed the whole family, and let the second son and even the eldest son learn knowledge.

——For farmers, nothing is more important than land. The eldest son will inevitably inherit their land, but the second son needs to find another way of life, so let the second son learn writing and calculation, but the eldest son cannot. a common occurrence.

Seeing Zhong Ye striding forward, Lilian also rode to follow.

After studying for this period of time, she finally managed to master the riding technique, and her 'skilled' riding skills were turned into a skill and displayed on the system panel.

Even without Zhong Ye's guidance, she could steer a steed to keep up with him.

When the skill was displayed on the system panel, Lilian even had an illusion that if it wasn't because of her illness in reality, she might be able to reproduce the riding skills in the game in reality.

They walked forward slowly and came to the foot of the mountain.

There is only one stone wall surrounding the two mountains around this city-state, and even the gate is just a solid wooden double door, which doesn't seem to have much protection.

For such a door, Zhong Ye felt that he might be able to open it directly.

The stone wall is not too tall, as long as you raise your sight a little, you can look over the wall and see the scene inside the city.

Now the gate is open, some idlers are wandering in and out of the gate, and the herdsmen who raise livestock are waving their whips so that the cattle and sheep will not eat up the pasture in a place.

And in a farther place, Zhong Ye could see some people harvesting grass leaves, compacting and binding them, putting them into a carrying basket and carrying them home.

The time has come to late autumn, and winter is not far away. Herdsmen must prepare for winter, lest their livestock be starved to death after winter.

From these scenes, Valais is not a city-state at all. Compared with a city, it is more like a primitive human settlement. People just live together without forming a more advanced social structure.

Perhaps because there is little communication with the outside world, agriculture and animal husbandry have naturally become the pillar industry of this city-state, and every household is inseparable from agriculture and animal husbandry.

And because it can be self-sufficient, there should be very few commercial activities in places like this.

After Zhong Ye and Lilian approached, just like the village they met before, it immediately caused a commotion.

Valais still keeps in touch with the outside world, and the mountain people living here are not so ignorant, so the commotion is just a commotion, and people have not acted excessively.

However, just like the mountain people in that village, people still looked at Zhong Ye with vigilance and vigilance in their eyes.

At this time, Lilian had already got off the horse, and led the horse to follow behind Zhong Ye, curiously looking at the dark-skinned and red-cheeked mountain people around them.

The live camera rotated with her gaze, taking in the blue sky, white clouds and distant mountains one by one, and then put the close-up on the herdsmen in leather jackets and holding their whips tightly.

With a tense expression, he, together with the flock of sheep and the yellow meadow in the background, formed a painting called 'Shepherd', which made some artistically literate viewers in the live broadcast room enjoy it and praised it excitedly.

After staying on the barrage for a moment, Lilian turned her camera and looked at the main city of Valais.

His eyes drifted over the top of the stone wall and landed on the vacant farmland.

Zhong Ye led Lilian through the gate. Although the people here were wary of them, the city was almost unprepared. Even a person with a sharp weapon like Zhong Ye entered the city without being questioned.

A few idlers stood by the side of the road and pointed at them, their words were not lacking in vulgarity, but they all lowered their voices, not daring to let Zhong Ye hear what they were saying.

Before they had time to laugh a few times, they were horrified to see the tall outsider walking towards them, they stopped talking immediately, looked away, and prepared to slip away.

"Excuse me, do you have a hotel here?"

Zhong Ye didn't intend to let them go. [Affinity Physique] can make people not feel disgusted when they see him at first glance, but it won't make people feel friendly, and it will also be based on the moral standards of the affected person, the affected person Educational levels reveal their attitudes.

Whether it's the villagers in the previous village or these idle gangsters, in their concept, robbery and teasing are not something that needs to be taboo, not a 'bad thing', so this kind of reaction occurs.

Now the gangsters will be afraid, but also because they have a guilty conscience.


Hearing this unfamiliar word, the gangsters looked at each other, exchanged glances, and then shook their heads: "I don't know, I don't know..."

At this moment, a big man came out from the stone house behind them. Seeing these gangsters, he stared and shouted suddenly: "It's you guys again, what are you doing here if you don't help the family?!"

Not only the gangsters were taken aback, but Lilian was also taken aback. The horse she was holding screamed in shock, but before she could make any other movements, she was held down by Zhong Ye and couldn't move.

The gangsters, whose minds had gone blank, scattered, staggered, and ran away.

The big man who had just walked out of the room withdrew his gaze, turned to Zhong Ye and the others, his eyebrows twitched slightly, "You... are adventurers?"

He was looking at them, and Zhong Ye was also looking at the mountain man in front of him.

Compared with other people, this mountain man has a stronger body, and his temperament is also out of tune with the surroundings. His arms are very muscular, and his shape is somewhat similar to Zhong Ye himself.

"Yeah." Zhong Ye nodded, and then asked back, "Are you an adventurer too?"

The big man grinned and pulled up his trouser legs, "It used to be."

Hidden under the trouser leg is a prosthetic leg—the part below the knee of this big man's left leg is a wooden prosthetic leg, and the muscles above the knee are wrapped in trousers, but it can also be seen that the shape of the muscles is a bit weird , I think it should be caused by uneven force.

Seeing surprise in the girl's eyes, the big man put down his trouser legs and said quite proudly: "This injury was bitten off by a crypt worm in order to save another partner. It’s as long as a tree, and its mouth is full of teeth, round and round, if I hadn’t cut off my own leg immediately after being bitten by it, I would have been swallowed whole by it..."

While narrating, the big man gestured in front of his body with both hands, with an exaggerated expression, making people have to doubt the authenticity of his story.

As he was talking, the big man suddenly remembered that the two people in front of him were adventurers. He slapped his head and asked, "If you accidentally talk too much, I don't know what you are here for? As seniors, I I can help you all—of course, within the scope of my ability!"

His words are full of enthusiasm, and he really looks like an old man who misses the past and wants to support his younger generation.

But Zhong Ye could feel that the big man in front of him was wary of them, and he probably said these words in order to dispel their wariness, and then set up a routine.

Zhong Ye didn't intend to play tricks, so he circled around with him and said directly: "You can rest assured, I'm only here to do some business, and I won't harm the residents here."

The big man didn't show any embarrassment when his thoughts were broken, he just rubbed the back of his head and laughed, and asked, "Then what do you need to help?"

Zhong Ye looked around, "I wanted to find a hotel, but there doesn't seem to be any..."

"Just right!"

The big man clapped his hands suddenly, and cheered up: "Just now, if you asked those little bastards, you must not be able to ask anything. What do they know? They don't understand anything!

"Come, come, come with me—since you are from outside, you must know the Adventurer's House, right? My place is Valai's Adventurer's House!"

Having said that, the big man limped into the room and took out a copper badge, "Here! If you don't believe me, you will recognize this, right?"

The graphic on the badge is a relief of crossed swords and staffs, and the words and seal of 'Valai Adventurer's House' are also printed below.

The badge style of the Adventurer's House was designed by the God of Craftsmanship and is protected by divine power. No one can manufacture it without permission.

That is, is what he said true?
Zhong Ye and Lilian raised their heads and looked at the stone house behind the big man, which was not much different from other houses in the city.

——This is Valais Adventurer's House?
(End of this chapter)

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