Soul echo

Chapter 163 The reason

Chapter 163 The reason
When I was in deep trouble, someone I didn't know suddenly came out and said, "I can help you." If it was an ordinary person, it would definitely not believe it.

But now this disheveled, ragged man has no other options and no hope in sight.

When he saw Zhong Ye's firm eyes that seemed to be burning with flames, he subconsciously believed that this person could help him find his daughter.

Toka, who was caught by the sloppy man, also turned his head and looked over, only to find that the person who helped him solve the predicament was the one who put him in prison!

Seeing him, Toka burst into anger, "It's you?!"

This scream was so sharp that people couldn't help but look sideways at it.

Toka's father also reacted at this time, looked at him, and asked, "Do you know him?"

"He's the one who framed me!" Toka yelled at his father, the blood vessels on his neck and forehead bulging out of anger.

Zhong Ye glanced over, his eyes getting colder, "Do you actually think that I have slandered you? Then is it true that you molested children before? Even those veterans kicked you out under my coercion. Did you go home?"

Hearing this sentence, Toka opened his mouth and was speechless.

Realizing that his son had indeed done these things, Toka's father raised his eyebrows, knocked his son to the ground with a punch, and roared: "You idiot! Did I teach you these things? What you did not only To embarrass me, and to embarrass your mother, hasn't it occurred to you?"

Toka crawled on the ground, covered his face with his hands, and finally couldn't help crying when he heard his father's scolding.

Seeing Toka lying on the ground, crying bitterly, Zhong Ye withdrew his attention from him, pulled the sloppy man's footsteps, and led him towards the hotel, because those things might not be suitable for talking on the street.

In this era, hotels and restaurants are one. When Zhong Ye took the sloppy man to sit in a corner, a waitress came over and asked if they wanted something to eat.

Lilian was communicating with the innkeeper at the counter, but it was already noon, so even if the inn had no rooms, they still had to eat.

Zhong Ye asked the waitress to bring some food that could fill his stomach, and then turned to look at the sloppy man.

This man had a strong pungent smell, and he knew that he hadn't bathed or deodorized for many days.

When Zhong Ye was ordering food just now, he saw the disgust and disgust written on the waitress's face. When he took the sloppy man to sit in this corner, the others quietly moved their positions and tried to stay away from them.

If it wasn't for Zhong Ye who didn't look too easy to mess with, they would definitely drive the sloppy man out.

"May I ask, what happened?"

The stench lingered at the tip of his nose, but Zhong Ye acted like a normal person, his expression didn't change a bit.

The sloppy man was still immersed in his own world, staring straight at the texture of the wooden table with bloodshot eyes, and said in pain: "Kayla... my daughter, she is missing...

"She is so cute, she listened to me very much, she must have stayed in the room obediently that day, but when I went back, I didn't find her...nowhere!

"Under the bed, in the carriage, in the cargo box, I've searched everywhere, but I couldn't find Keira at all. She must have been abducted, otherwise she wouldn't have left the room..."

The sloppy man's mind is full of his daughter's affairs, so he can't organize his words well.

He is crazy now, but the previous words still revealed a lot of information.

Although the man's name is not known yet, he is probably a businessman by occupation and not a native-born resident.

His crazy behavior did not attract too many people's attention and surprise, which shows that people have known about this matter for a long time, which can also explain why the old soldier suddenly fell silent at that time - the old soldier must have thought of this matter matter.

Zhong Ye silently sorted out the information in his mind, and then asked: "Can you tell me, what is your name, and why did you come to Montreux?"

"...Me?" The slovenly man looked up in astonishment, his not-stupid head turned with some sense remaining.

After being dazed for a moment, the sloppy man lowered his head again and said in a low voice, "My name is Paul, and I'm a businessman. I came to Montreux to do business..."

"Why did you take your daughter with you?"

"Because my parents and wife have passed away, and I have no siblings, I can only take care of my daughter while doing business..." Paul raised his hands and covered his face in pain.

Although he knew that if he continued to ask, he would continue to stimulate his nerves, but if he wanted to solve this matter, he needed to know more information!
At this time, Lilian walked over, sat down beside Zhong Ye as if nothing had happened, and said falteringly: "Teacher, there are no two rooms in the hotel, so..."

Zhong Ye glanced at her, shook his head, "As long as you don't object, I have no objection."

Then he turned to look at Paul again.

The waitress came over holding the tray, holding her breath, quickly put the tray on the table, and trot away as if avoiding something dirty.

"Let's eat something." Zhong Ye pushed a tray of bread over, took off his gloves, and ate.

Paul numbly grabbed a piece of bread, opened his mouth numbly, and chewed numbly, the bread crumbs fell out from the corner of his mouth and landed on his beard, but he didn't respond.

Suddenly, Zhong Ye asked again: "When did your daughter disappear?"

Even though she had vaguely guessed before, when the guess was confirmed, Lilian didn't feel happy at all, but felt a suffocating pain, which made her unable to take a deep breath - before that, she had already closed the olfactory system.

"Five days ago..." Paul replied dully.

Five days... it should be too late.

Zhong Ye stopped asking Paul questions, and ate without saying a word. Under the bite and cutting of his teeth, the meat and vegetables quickly turned into a mixture that could be swallowed.

The same is true for Lilian on the side, because unlike other aspects, after the initial adaptation stage, Zhong Ye is no longer humble, she must let herself be full before Zhong Ye reaches for the food in front of her, so as not to be hungry abdomen.

Numbly eating the piece of bread in his hand, Paul suddenly reacted, raised his head suddenly, and said excitedly: "You, you will help me find Kaila, right?!"

Zhong Ye stopped chewing, swallowed the food, and nodded solemnly.

"I'll help you find your daughter!"

He rarely promises anything to others, but as long as he promises something, he will definitely do it!

He agreed to Paul's request not only because he felt sorry for Paul, but also because the education he had received since he was a child made him unable to turn a blind eye to such things.

After lunch, Zhong Ye was about to send Paul back, but he didn't expect that he was also a resident of this hotel, so he sent Paul, who was behaving abnormally, back to his own room.

Zhong Ye stood in the corridor, looking out the window, while Lilian beside her frowned slightly, because she knew that after the unexpected happened, their plans would also change accordingly.

"Missing for five days, there should be a chance of rescue."

Hearing this, Lilian woke up from her contemplation, saw Zhong Ye leaving the window in the corridor and walking towards the stairs, and hurriedly followed.

Walking down the stairs, Zhong Ye brought Lilian to the counter, reached out his hand to take a picture in the purse, and patted it on the table, making the careless innkeeper sit up.

"What's the matter?" The fat-looking middle-aged man glanced at Zhong Ye's hand and combed his thinning hair.

"I want to inquire about some information, where is the local Thieves Guild?"

Hearing this sentence, the corner of the innkeeper's mouth raised a subtle arc, "To be honest, although I know where they are, their charges..."

The words were only halfway through, and they got stuck in the middle of the throat, unable to move up or down.

Zhong Ye lifted his palm so that the innkeeper could see the two stacked coins.

The silver coin was stacked on top of the gold coin, and the index finger pressed on the silver coin.

Zhong Ye looked at him indifferently, and said, "Tell me, the silver coin is yours."

The innkeeper clenched his hands on the table and took a deep breath.

I wanted to refuse, and mock this guy by the way...but the money he gave was too much.

(End of this chapter)

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