Soul echo

Chapter 195 The Solution

Chapter 195 The Solution

The first reaction of the bishops was 'disbelief', since they realized that the slums were a 'problem', they started to solve this problem, it has been more than ten years now, even the flood of hallucinogens came later Things that happened.

But Zhong Ye, an outsider, came to Burger in only one day, how could he think of a way to 'solve' the slums?
And he also said 'you have the means and the ability' - this is what puzzled the bishop the most.

If they could do it, they would have done it long ago!

But the bishop quickly calmed down, and he planned to listen to what Zhong Ye had to say first.

Zhong Ye was silent for a moment, collected his thoughts, and then asked, "First of all, I want to ask, among those farms outside the city, how many are from your church?"

The bishop was very puzzled, why Zhong Ye would ask this.

But the doubts are all doubts, the bishop thought about it a little, and replied: "There are six manors and thirteen farms outside the city... two manors and six farms belong to us."

Zhong Ye nodded, and asked again: "Have you considered building roads?"

"Building roads?" The bishop raised his eyebrows.

He is getting more and more confused. Do these problems have anything to do with solving slums?

"We in Dongtu have such a saying-relief with work!"

Zhong Ye explained: "The root of the slums is that there is 'no hope'. People in other urban areas will not accept children in the slums as apprentices. Those children have no education when they are young, and they have no jobs when they grow up. The work one would do to sustain one's life.

"However, people in other urban areas discriminate against them, and when they do those 'menial' jobs, this discrimination will intensify, and the slums will become more degenerate, breeding gangs, robbers, thieves, fraudsters, black businessmen and other evil forces , apart from leaving the city and becoming an adventurer, they have no other way out.

"If you want to change the situation in the slums, it is not something that can be done in a day or two. First of all, 'education' must be paid attention to. Only good education can change the future of the slums and prevent those children from committing crimes. path of.

"However, before that, the poor need to solve the job problem, which is why I want to propose 'cash for work' - like I said 'roads', the roads around Bourg are not It is flat, and the road condition can be said to be very bad. This kind of road condition greatly reduces the idea of ​​businessmen. Obviously, there are so many manors and farms around Burg, which can produce enough agricultural products. It is only because of the road condition that it is difficult for goods to come and go. No matter how much things are transported and produced, it is impossible to make the city richer.

"If the Earth Mother Church can cooperate with the lords of Burg, or invest in the construction of roads yourself, when the road construction is completed and the road conditions are unimpeded, foreign funds can be injected into Burg through the channels of merchants. At that time, manors and farms will produce If your products are sold, you can also profit, and this benefit is not temporary, it is continuous!"

The "East Land" he mentioned is not the earth. In fact, the "East Land" in Dan's world does exist.

During the few months of the closed beta, he had personally witnessed two government-organized 'relief-for-work' programs and participated in one of them as a security guard.

After all, this world is different from the earth. There are many monsters in the wilderness. Even if the 'militia system' is implemented, it is okay for ordinary civilians to protect the villages and towns, but it is not enough to face the monsters in the wilderness.

When carrying out the construction work of "relief with work", the local government often organizes some officers and soldiers, and then recruits some rangers to protect the construction team.

After listening for a while, the bishop vaguely understood what Zhong Ye wanted to say.

"Organize poor people to build roads..." The bishop frowned and took a light breath.

It's not impossible to do this, but "building roads" can only recruit some poor people. The slums are so big that at least 1000 people live in them. Even if they keep building roads, it is impossible to completely solve the slums.

"'Building roads' is just one of them." Zhong Ye saw the bishop's doubts, and asked instead, "You are believers of the Earth Mother and have the authority over the earth. Building roads should not be difficult for you. How much time do you need to complete in the shortest time if you go to other cities?"

The bishop nodded in agreement, "You are from Annecy, so I will use Bourg and Annecy as examples. It may take half a year to build this road."

"Well, within half a year, you can build factories in your manors and farms, recruit workers from Bulger with the recruitment criteria of 'Mother of the Earth', and then use the conditions of 'workers' relatives' as conditions for their Children provide education.

"Retain some of the agricultural products for your own use, sell some as raw materials, and send some to factories for processing and then sell them. Because you don't need to join Burger, a market with saturated demand, your manors and farms can increase the scale of production. In this way, more workers can be recruited and the employment problem of more people can be solved.

"By the way, what I said is to use the 'Earth Mother believers' as the recruitment standard. I don't mean that you only recruit poor people. Civilians from other urban areas who want to work in factories, manors and farms can also be recruited—in this big circle. , the poor and residents of other urban areas can use the label of "Mother of the Earth" to add a "similar" label to themselves, which can effectively eliminate the barriers between each other, and then their relatives also learn together. After growing up, the relationship will definitely be closer than now."

The bishop's eyes lit up, and he couldn't help but feel emotional.

But Zhong Ye didn't stop, and continued to output the thoughts in his mind: "On the matter of 'road building', you can cooperate with the Church of the God of Commerce, after all, that god controls the 'travel' and 'business'. Priesthood and road construction are of great benefit to them. Transportation is a relatively important part of business, and they are also rich. With their appeal, many businessmen may be able to join and pay attention to this matter.

"The slums in other cities can also be solved in this way. Anyway, this is just a relatively general concept. It is not impossible to apply it to other cities..."

"Enough, enough..." The bishop gasped excitedly, his face flushed, "Your Excellency Zhong Ye, what you said is really helpful to us!"

Zhong Ye stopped his eloquent speech, glanced at the bishop, and felt that if he continued to speak, the bishop's heart might explode with excitement.

The ideas he mentioned are not uncommon on Earth, and can even be seen everywhere, but people don't pay attention to them because they are too common.

He only viewed what happened in this era with his own concept that transcended the times, and he only stated the concept, how to actually operate it is still a problem.

"No wonder you said that we not only have a way, but also can do it... I was so stupid that I thought you were talking big." The bishop couldn't help expressing emotion, because he was emotional, he couldn't help but stood up and respected Zhong Ye salute.

"Thank you for your help to us, even if I just heard about it, I think it is very feasible!"

Zhong Ye also stood up and returned the gift, "You don't need to thank me, I just proposed some concepts, and it's up to you to actually implement them. You have worked much harder than me."

Looking at what happened in this era from a perspective beyond the times is simply a blow to dimensionality reduction. He just recounted what the truly stalwart predecessors said and did, and he can't bear such a big gift at all.

What makes him feel more uncomfortable is that he can't tell this matter, and he has to accept thanks from others... There is a shame of 'stealing' in his heart!
After exchanging pleasantries a few more times, Zhong Ye felt that he could not stay any longer, and a sense of guilt lingered in his heart. The more the bishop expressed his gratitude, the heavier his guilt became.

After apologizing to the bishop, he hurriedly left the temple with Lilian.

"Teacher, what are we going to do next?" Lilian looked at Zhong Ye sideways with admiration, and asked softly.

"Rest for one night first, and then tomorrow..."

Zhong Ye had an idea and laughed, "You arrange the time tomorrow yourself."

(End of this chapter)

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