Soul echo

Chapter 204 Sort Out the Context

Chapter 204 Sort Out the Context

It started 19 years ago——

It is impossible to trace back to now, and no one knows how hallucinogens became popular among the upper class in Lyon, which nobleman first used hallucinogens, and why hallucinogens became the upper class to show themselves' Noble' sign...

Even if only 19 years have passed, but 19 years ago, these things were going on in secret.

No matter which church resists hallucinogens, the nobles and the church have never dealt with it. Even if hallucinogens are used, they will not let the church know.

Therefore, at the very beginning, the church did not record it, and even if they asked the nobles later, they themselves said they did not know, so the matter was left unsolved at the time.

——The clergy at that time could not have imagined that 19 years later, there would be a flood of hallucinogens, and it was not just the city of Lyon.

Nineteen years ago, the most important reason why hallucinogens could be regarded as something that showed the aristocratic demeanor was that the price of this kind of thing was so high that ordinary people could not afford it.

Secondly, although the hallucinogen is addictive, it will not cause any discomfort to the user, will not cause the body to lose nutrients, will not cause muscle atrophy, and skin rot.

On the contrary, the nobles after using hallucinogens were more energetic than before using hallucinogens.

However, this state of "vigorousness" was later recognized by the clergy of the church as "advancement", not the effect of hallucinogens themselves, but hallucinogens overdrawn their own vitality for the nobles.

If the time is extended to more than ten or twenty years, the users of that hallucinogen will gradually feel that their bodies are becoming weak and aging. This kind of weakness is difficult to make up for by ordinary methods, because their bodies have been Gradually eroded and weakened by years of hallucinogen use.

Of course, if they reduce the number of times they use hallucinogens, they can slow down the rate of erosion of the body, but how can there be fewer nobles who are greedy for pleasure?
If the church hadn't rescued them, many nobles who had used hallucinogens would die suddenly within a few years.

From this point of view, the reasons for the popularity of hallucinogens back then may be somewhat different from the reasons for the popularity of hallucinogens today.

Having said that, the supplementary documents looked at each other and continued to explain.

This time the hallucinogen epidemic began 12 years ago. According to church records, the first church to notice the hallucinogen epidemic was the Church of the God of Commerce.

Because they often have to contact businessmen and occasionally mediate commercial disputes, this gives them many opportunities to get in touch with the bottom.

In an accident eight years ago, the clergy of the Church of the God of Commerce discovered that some gang members were selling hallucinogens. At first they thought it was just an ordinary transaction of contraband, as long as it was prohibited, it would be fine. It was only later that I realized that hallucinogens had flooded the town.

The local church could not solve the incident on its own, so it reported the incident.

When the Church of the God of Commerce pursued this incident, they suddenly discovered that hallucinogens were not only rampant in that town, but similar problems had appeared in other towns.

It was also from this time that the Church of the God of Commerce sensed that something was wrong, so it informed other churches of the matter, and other churches also began to pay attention to the movements in their parishes.

And so, eight years ago, for the first time, the issue of the 'hallucinogen epidemic' came to the attention of all churches.

By the time they brought it up, the hallucinogens were running rampant.

Then they traced all the way back, and in the following years, they gradually traced to '12 years ago'.

"...According to the latest records, that group of hallucinogen dealers should have appeared out of nowhere 12 years ago." Holding a note in his hand, a clerk pushed his glasses, "There was no warning, just so suddenly It jumped out, because it was more blooming, and the hallucinogens quickly flooded the southeast region of the kingdom."

Arriving here, it can basically be proved that there must be someone manipulating behind this incident.

It's just that they haven't been able to target the interest group behind these things all the time.

"Does there still exist such records in the church?" Bishop Hill frowned. They had spent a lot of time looking for evidence of the real existence of that interest group, but they didn't expect that there would be 'evidence' in the church's records. .

"Yes, we only found this when we were rummaging through the records." A clerk said, "The time was pushed back to 12 years ago, and it was our place where the problem of hallucinogens first appeared."

"Lyon again?" Archdeacon Parrish's face was serious.

"We were surprised when we found out just now..." The clerks couldn't help shaking their heads and sighing.

Hearing the news, Zhong Ye's brain started to spin.

Is there anything special about the city of 'Lyon'?

Not only was hallucinogens popular among the upper classes here 19 years ago, but 12 years ago, the flood of hallucinogens in the southeastern region of the Kingdom of Gaul also started here...

"Teacher, is it possible that the production or transit base of hallucinogens is nearby?" Lilian whispered in Zhong Ye's ear.

Zhong Ye immediately understood what she meant, and asked back, "Do you think it's dark under the lamp?"

Lilian was stunned for a moment, thought for a while, and shook her head, "No, it's too close, if there are too many doubts, it's easy to attract attention..."

"Based on this information alone, it's impossible to find the place where the hallucinogen was produced..."

Bishop Hill heard the conversation between teachers and students Zhong Ye, thought for a moment, then looked up at the clerks, "Continue."

Eight years ago, the hallucinogen sold by hallucinogen dealers was still something called 'gold leaf'. This hallucinogen was more addictive, hallucinogenic, and harmful to the human body than the 'flower' used today. "Butterfly" is much stronger, but I don't know why, five or six years ago, hallucinogen dealers replaced "Golden Leaf" with "Butterfly".

This hallucinogen is naturally not satisfying for addicts, but as the name suggests, the price of 'Golden Leaf' is relatively expensive, and the money for one 'Golden Leaf' can be used to buy three copies of 'Flower Butterfly' , and the hallucinogen dealers no longer supply it, even if they are not satisfied, they can only replace it with 'Butterfly'.

"Wait, you just said that the hallucinogenic effect of 'Butterfly' and the damage to the human body are not as good as 'Gold Leaf'?" Zhong Ye keenly noticed this.

The clerk who was talking about the record was stunned for a moment, looked at the record in his hand, nodded and said, "Yes, that's what it says in the record."

Hearing this, Zhong Ye and Bishop Hill looked at each other.

Zhong Ye's conjecture may be coming true, those hallucinogen dealers have no reason to suddenly replace 'golden leaf' with 'flower butterfly', unless it is not in their interest.

However, the addictive and hallucinogenic effects of 'Golden Leaf' far exceed that of 'Flower Butterfly' - is it possible that those hallucinogen dealers still care about the physical condition of their guests?Planning to do long-term business?

Putting this matter before, it must be difficult for people to understand.

But after Zhong Ye raised that conjecture, they were able to understand the logic behind it.

- The people behind the hallucinogen dealers want the addicts to live longer!

Things have become more and more clear, and Zhong Ye's conjecture is being verified bit by bit.

The clerks obviously realized something, and continued to narrate with serious faces.

Until now, the entire southeastern region of the Kingdom of Gaul has been 'occupied', and there are people who use hallucinogens in most towns, but no matter how hard they search, they can't find the 'goods' in the hands of hallucinogen dealers Where did it come from.

The church does not have the right to seal off the town and check everyone entering and leaving the town one by one. Even if they can do that, the town may still have secret passages leading to the outside.

Today, the problem of the proliferation of hallucinogens is only concentrated in a few cities. Although some people have been found to use hallucinogens in the remaining towns, the hallucinogens have not been rampant.

However, the prevalence of hallucinogens is not limited to the southeastern region of the Kingdom of Gaul. Corresponding signs are now found in the central, northern and southwestern regions.

It can be seen that the interest groups behind the hallucinogen dealers are not satisfied with 'preaching' in the southeast region, they will continue to occupy other 'territories'.

——At this point, all the things that happened in the past 19 years were placed in front of Zhong Ye and the others.

 I also sorted out my thoughts, how to write the plot after thinking about it
(End of this chapter)

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