Soul echo

Chapter 211 Dungeon

Chapter 211 Dungeon
Got it so soon?
After hearing the news, Zhong Ye's first reaction was 'unbelievable'.

He just proposed that method yesterday, but the next day, not more than 24 hours after he proposed that method, the people from the Church of the Sun said that they had caught the person who delivered the hallucinogen... Anyway, it was too fast !

The speed was so fast that Zhong Ye even began to think about whether this matter was a conspiracy.

He doesn't believe in fate, nor in coincidence—in his view, "accidental" is a collection of all kinds of necessity.

All kinds of things must come together to form an incredible "coincidence" in people's eyes.

But in fact, that is what is bound to happen!

But now, with insufficient prerequisites, how did the Church of the Sun capture that 'deliverer'?
Zhong Ye thought for a moment, then decided to put the 'unbelievable' emotion behind him.

Now the Church of the Sun has caught a 'deliverer' is a fait accompli, no matter how much he doubts, he can't change this fact, if this is the case, don't waste your mind and time thinking about those things.

Taking a deep breath, Zhong Ye looked up at the deacon standing in front of him, "Can you take me to see that guy?"

He had just escorted a hallucinogen dealer over, and within half a day, he had visited the locations reported by the adventurers and successfully found three hallucinogen dealers.

But he only had time to capture one, and after escorting the hallucinogen dealer to the Temple of the Sun, he learned from the deacon that the church had captured the 'deliverer'.

It was too late for the remaining two. Zhong Ye told the clerics of the Church of the Sun about the two hallucinogen dealers. Although he also knew that the two hallucinogen dealers might have moved their positions now, one more clue would not be too late. Better than searching aimlessly.

The deacon saluted Zhong Ye respectfully, "My lord bishop told me that if you come to the temple, I will take you to the dungeon."

As she spoke, she stretched her arms sideways to guide, "Your Excellency Zhong Ye, please follow me."

Following the deacon, Zhong Ye came to the prison under the Temple of the Sun.

In this era, the church has its own laws and punishments, but most of the time, they will not use this power.

Only when facing dangerous elements such as cultists and hallucinogen dealers, the church will use its own laws to punish them.

The 'deliverer' caught by the Church of the Sun clearly complied with the penalty standard of the canon law, so he was not sent to the lord's prison, but was directly imprisoned by the Church of the Sun.

The site of the Church of the Sun, even the dungeon, does not appear dark and damp.

The candle was burning quietly, and the soft light dispelled the darkness, revealing most of the dungeon in light.

All the way to the deepest part of the dungeon, Zhong Ye saw Bishop Hill here.

This was the closest they got to the 'truth', no matter what, they had to pry open the 'delivery man''s mouth.

Even though as a bishop, there are many affairs to be dealt with every day, Bishop Hill still puts this matter first.

The problem of hallucinogens has troubled them for a long time, and now it has become an uncontrollable trend. If they don't deal with it, it will be difficult to deal with it in the future.

The hands of the 'deliverer' were tied up with a chain and pulled apart to the sides, with their heads hanging down.

Zhong Ye walked up to Bishop Hill, looked at the clean instruments of torture around him, then looked at the 'deliverer', and asked, "Is he the 'deliverer'?"

"It should be him." Bishop Hill said in a deep voice, "We found an extraordinary hunter and borrowed a group of hounds from him, and he was caught by one of the hounds.

"Later, it was confirmed by the divine technique borrowed from the heavenly father. If there is no accident, he is the person who transported the hallucinogen..."

It is actually very simple to confirm his identity, just ask him about the hallucinogen production base when he is awake, and if the withdrawal reaction is triggered, it can basically be confirmed.

- Even regular hallucinogen dealers can trigger withdrawal reactions due to those problems, there's no reason this 'deliverer' wouldn't.

In the dungeon, apart from Bishop Hill and Zhong Ye, there were also two apologists from the Church of the Sun.

The deacon brought Zhong Ye down, and instead of going into the depths of the dungeon with him, he left the dungeon wisely. What was about to happen here was not something she should get involved in.

Before Zhong Ye came here, Bishop Hill and the two knights had checked the whole body of the 'deliverer' and confirmed that there was nothing on him that could be used to commit suicide.

"Let's begin." Bishop Hill said indifferently.

One of the knights lifted the bucket on the side, pointed at the head of the 'deliverer', and poured cold water over his head.

Stimulated by the cold, the 'deliverer' suddenly opened his eyes and raised his head.

Several tall figures came into view, making his pupils tremble.

"You, you..."

Before he finished speaking halfway, Zhong Ye asked: "There should be a production base of 'Butterfly' between the three cities of Lyon, Annecy, and Bourg. Where is that place?"

Hearing this sentence, the mouth of the 'delivery man' was tightly shut.

But not long after, under the watchful eyes of the four, the 'delivery man' began to sniff and drool.

The two hands bound by the iron chain began to open and close one after another, the muscles all over the body tensed up, and then they twisted left and right, rubbed their teeth, rubbed their backs, and hit the wall with the back of their head. overflow.

The strange sound echoed in the dungeon, and the empty prison kept triggering echoes. It sounded like a soul full of resentment crying and howling, eerie and terrifying.

Even the two determined knights couldn't help shivering at this moment, Bishop Hill also took a deep breath, the withdrawal reaction of this 'deliverer' was more serious than imagined.

Among them, only Zhong Ye looked normal.

— As early as in Annecy, he had already adapted.

Bishop Hill raised his hand and cast a divine spell on the 'deliverer' - [detection spell].

Subtle red lines appeared in the body of the 'deliverer', but after seeing these things, Bishop Hill's eyes widened.

many!Too much!
Thousands of red threads flow in the body of the 'deliverer', like a surging stream. If nothing else, these 'red threads' represent blood vessels and blood.

[Spell detection] can make the magic aura appear, that is to say, these flowing red lines are the spells that are torturing the 'deliverer'!

"...More serious than I imagined!" Bishop Hill looked serious.

He had also used [Detect Spell] on the low-level hallucinogen dealers before, and the magic aura in those people's bodies was not even half of that of the 'deliverer'.

The spell aura manifests according to how long they have been hallucinogen dealers, and the longer they have been hallucinogen dealers, the more 'red threads' they have in their bodies.

This is because they are using a special hallucinogen, which has a 'spell' added to it. Once they are asked questions about the trafficker leader and the source of goods, the spell will be automatically triggered to make them withdraw reaction.

According to previous observations, the more magical auras are revealed, the more tormented the hallucinogen dealer will feel when the withdrawal reaction occurs.

Right now, the 'deliverer' has just been triggered to a withdrawal reaction, and the situation has already appeared in such a serious situation. If it is not controlled, this guy may be tortured to death.

In desperation, Bishop Hill could only cast a few magical spells for the 'deliverer' to ease his pain.


The 'delivery man' who had been clenching his teeth couldn't bear it any longer, and cried out, "It itch! It hurts, no, it's an itch, no, it hurts, it hurts to death..."

Jingle bells!

The iron chain was shaken by him, knocking against the wall constantly.

"I beg you! 'Flower Butterfly' is also fine, give me, give me some, please? I beg you!"

Tears ran down the face of the 'deliverer', and the saliva even slipped down his neck, covering his neckline.


He yelled frantically, swung his arms and legs, hit the wall behind him, and rubbed up and down, left and right, trying to relieve the itching on his body.

Even so, the other four people present did not have the slightest sympathy for him, but looked on coldly. Bishop Hill also took the opportunity to chat with Zhong Ye: "I have asked that extraordinary hunter to help us track this guy's walking route , even if there is no way to learn something from him, maybe we can find the place of production."

Zhong Ye nodded, "Today I also went to several alchemist's shops to ask. The production dates of the two hallucinogens I brought from Annecy and Bourg were all three months ago. A hallucinogen dealer was caught, and some hallucinogens were obtained from him. If there is no accident, the production date of the hallucinogens should also be three months ago.

"When I consulted the second alchemist, he told me that the plants that make 'Butterflies' don't need a harsh growth environment. The only requirement is sufficient water."

Bishop Hill was thoughtful, "So?"

"I want to ask some scholars, but my influence should not be enough, I hope you can help me invite them."

With that said, Zhong Ye looked at the 'deliverer' who was wailing and weeping bitterly, "The batch of goods he brought should also be inspected carefully—I think we are not far from the truth."

(End of this chapter)

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