Soul echo

Chapter 213 Consulting

Chapter 213 Consulting

Zhong Ye and several scholars sat at the table and formed a circle. For this reason, Dennison piled his books and scrolls in the corner.

Lilian sat outside the circle, but it was at her own request.

Sitting in this position, she can see everyone present, and can better incorporate the scene of their conversation into the camera.

She had a feeling this exchange might be a vital link in the 'Lucogen' quest chain.

Zhong Ye had already told her before that they might be able to find the production base of hallucinogens this time.

Although starting from the line of the production base, it is not necessarily possible to find the top management of that organization, but as a production base, there must be other clues, such as letters or other records exchanged with the headquarters.

"...Help find the production base of hallucinogens?"

Knowing Zhong Ye's request, several scholars looked at each other in blank dismay.

They are scholars of geography and history, but they don't know how they can help at this time.

Denison cleared his throat, "Your Excellency Zhong Ye, what do you plan to ask us to do?"

Zhong Ye thought for a while and said, "The hallucinogen popular in the surrounding areas of Lyon today is 'Flower Butterfly'. The predecessor of this hallucinogen is a plant called 'Cat Nose Flower'. At the same time, the production base of hallucinogens also needs to meet the conditions of concealment and large area-I want to know, there are many such places between Lyon, Bourg, Annecy or the surrounding areas ?"

"A place like this..."

Several scholars fell into thinking.

After a while, Denison was the first to lose his mind. "There are many places like this in the southeast of the kingdom, but if the scope is narrowed down to the surrounding areas, there are only four."

"Four?" Zhong Ye raised his eyebrows.

"No, five to be exact!"

A solemnly dressed middle-aged man spoke. Zhong Ye remembered that Dennison called him 'Lacey', and he was also a geographer.

Lacey pursed her lips tightly, and said in a deep voice: "The other one is a swamp, and its location is relatively remote. Few people choose to pass by there. There are no villages or towns nearby, and it is said that there is a snake tribe in the swamp. It’s just that the news has never been confirmed.”

Hearing him mention it, Dennison remembered that such a place existed.

Zhong Ye frowned slightly. If there were only four, it would be better. If there were five, it would be a little troublesome to search, and one of them was a swamp.

When he was on Earth, he had never been to a swamp, and he didn't know how to move in it. If that organization really put the production base of hallucinogens in the swamp, then they would be in big trouble...

"Other than that?" Zhong Ye asked again, "Are there any cases in history where rivers were diverted or above-ground waterways were cut off, but underground rivers were still flowing?"

This question stumped them. Even historians would not study such an uncommon question.

"...Lord of Annecy and Geneva, the supreme king of Lake Lemenus pushed the river aside and made a way for his army to pass, so that the king and his army could go on, and then the king slew the evildoer Lord, surrounded by the people, wear the crown, the king named the country after his own name, 'Savoy', what a glory."

The middle-aged woman with her eyes closed recited this epic poem, then opened her eyes, and nodded to Zhong Ye, "Yes, there was indeed a river diversion in history, and if there are no mistakes in the records, that place should be Between Annecy and Chambery, that place... if I remember correctly, is also deserted."

"Madame Elena is right, there really isn't much human activity in that area right now." The obese middle-aged man sitting next to the middle-aged woman laughed twice, "If I guessed correctly, there is now a valley there. "

That's six...

Zhong Ye kept silent, but it could be seen from his frowning that his heart was not peaceful.

Relying solely on the strength of the church will definitely not work. As long as the church takes action on a large scale, the organization will probably discover the clues.

Although it wasn't enough time to destroy the production base, it was definitely enough time for them to destroy all communication records.

In this way, if you want to follow the clues, it will be difficult to find the top management of that organization!
"So, where exactly are these places?"

Hearing this question, several scholars looked at each other and smiled, like solitaire, and successively named six locations.

Considering that Zhong Ye might not be familiar with it, Dennison also took out a pen and paper, and wrote down the relative positions of the six locations for him, that is, between which two towns, villages, and between which iconic landforms.

After getting the paper, Zhong Ye breathed a sigh of relief, stood up and thanked the four scholars.

"Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to help us."

As he spoke, Zhong Ye stretched out his hand into the purse. Seeing his movement, the four scholars all interrupted: "Stop!"

Zhong Ye was taken aback for a moment, and his movements also stopped.

Denison put down his hand and said slowly: "Your Excellency Zhong Ye, the reason why we agreed to your invitation is because we admire your character, or in other words, just 'you meet us' is enough for the consulting fee—— What's more, Bishop Hill also said that he will fund our research in the future."

Zhong Ye's face was a little weird, he never thought that these scholars are still
He is just a martial artist, only good at fighting and killing, and there are scholars who don't even ask for consulting fees just to meet him.

"In that case, I will not refuse."

Zhong Ye took his hands out of the purse, clasped his fists and saluted the four scholars, "Thank you again for your help! It's getting late, so I won't disturb your rest anymore."

Saying goodbye to the scholars, Zhong Ye held the piece of paper in his hand, turned around and took Lilian out of the room.

After walking out of Dennison's house, Zhong Ye handed the paper with the 'important locations' to Lilian who was staring at him eagerly.

The location Denison wrote on the paper was exposed to the camera, but Zhong Ye didn't care, because the church's actions would definitely be known by the people of that organization, so it's better to let the players find it.

Players are not connected by relationships in the game. It is impossible for that organization to imagine that their world has been invaded by people from another world.

If it's just players looking for it, maybe that organization isn't that vigilant yet!

But all of the above are just Zhong Ye's own imagination, he is not sure whether this is the case, he just judges according to common sense, what if the people in that organization don't intend to act according to common sense?

But no matter what, the puzzle is gradually becoming complete. Maybe it won't be long before they can find the mastermind behind the scenes and solve this matter completely.

Before that, he wanted to clear up one of his doubts.

"Lilian, you go back first!"

Zhong Ye said casually: "I have something to go to the Temple of the Sun."

Lilian, who was holding the 'clue' and whispering to the audience, was suddenly taken aback, and looked back at Zhong Ye.

His face was normal, and he didn't seem to have any special thoughts.

Of course, even if there was, she wouldn't be able to see it!
Lilian opened her mouth to speak, but then thought of something, and closed her slightly opened mouth.

"...Then teacher, I will go back first."

Lilian knew that as long as she left Zhong Ye's side, she would not be able to get any important information, but Zhong Ye had already said that, if she insisted on staying with Zhong Ye, once she was rejected, she would be in an embarrassing situation.

The girl and Zhong Ye waved goodbye, holding the piece of paper in their hands, and trotted into the darkness.

It wasn't until Lilian's back disappeared from sight that Zhong Ye held down the handle of the straight knife, turned around and walked towards the Sun Temple.

(End of this chapter)

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