Soul echo

Chapter 216 Infiltrate

Chapter 216 Infiltrate

"... Teacher, what is 'Dragon'?" Lilian who was sitting on the side suddenly asked.

Zhong Ye glanced at her. Hearing this question, he knew that Lilian was watching the game forum just now.

As for why he knew it, of course it was because he also watched it just now!

They are now in Vienna, a small city south of Lyon that is not well known because it has no specialties.

Of course, even if it was not famous, the Adventurer's House was still built, so Zhong Ye could know what Lilian did just now.

There was a recent post on the forum that went viral. A three-person adventure team encountered a dragon in the valley while exploring one of the six suspected hallucinogenic production bases in the southeastern region of the Kingdom of Gaul. But they were lucky. They When the dragon was found, the dragon was still sleeping, and they didn't lose a chance to be resurrected because of this.

When she saw this post, Lilian suddenly remembered the first promotional video of "Echo of Soul".

Although a giant dragon appeared in the promotional video, it has been so long since "Echo of Soul" was officially launched, and this is the first time that players have witnessed the existence of a giant dragon—dragon beasts and dinosaurs can be seen everywhere.

Lilian has been wondering whether there are dragons in "Echo of Soul"?
"'Dragon' ah..."

Zhong Ye carefully recalled the books he read before and the rumors he heard from other players during the internal test period, pondered for a while, and said: "How should I put it? In fact, there are no real 'dragons' in our world."

"Huh?" Lilian was stunned.

Obviously there is a dragon in the promotional video, and now there are posts about seeing a giant dragon in the forum, but Zhong Ye said, 'there is no real dragon'?
Zhong Ye explained: "Dinosaurs used to be the overlords of our world, but they were extinct once for some unknown reason. According to the alchemists, it may be because of a long cold winter that covered the entire world, or it may be because of the aliens from other worlds. Disturbance... There are no dinosaurs in the eastern land. Dinosaurs only exist in the western land. This is because the dinosaurs that can be seen today were dug out by ancient mages many years ago and reshaped according to their genes. One species, so we see only a few types of dinosaurs now, because there are only a few types of dinosaurs that were 'resurrected' by ancient mages."

——【Say more!Talk more!I just love hearing this! 】

——[It turned out that it was because of this, I thought the production team was lazy and only made a few (laughs)]

——[Maybe the production team set it up like this to be lazy? 】

The girl blinked her eyes and took a quick glance at the barrage.

Some of her audience were attracted when she introduced the background of the game, and even those who entered the pit later did not reject it.

It's a bit strange to say that among her fans, it is said that quite a few of her fans are fans of Zhong Ye. Even if the live broadcast has no content, as long as they can see Zhong Ye's face, they don't care.

After a pause, Zhong Ye didn't care about Lilian's psychological changes, and continued: "And the 'Dragon Beast' is actually a beast mutated by the influence of the 'Dragon'."


Lilian exclaimed again, confusedly said: "I thought the dragon beast was born from dragons and other animals..."

"I've said before that there is no real 'dragon' in the true sense—the sense that refers to the 'biological sense.'"

Zhong Ye shook his head, "Whether in the East or West, 'dragons' are things born from fantasy, they are not real creatures, they are similar to gods, but they are not gods.

"So 'dragon' can't even be called a race. Every dragon is completely different from another dragon. The titles like 'red dragon', 'black dragon', and 'silver dragon' are all specific, because this world There is only one red dragon and one silver dragon."

"So that's how it is..." Lilian suddenly realized.

No wonder their players haven't really witnessed the existence of dragons before. There are only a few dragons in this world, and just like the dragon that appeared in that post, other dragons may also be sleeping somewhere , the world of "Echo of Soul" is so big, how could they see the dragon so easily?

"Fantasy creatures like dragons, the natural radiation will constantly transform the surrounding world into an appearance that favors itself. Dragon beasts are born from this. Most of the things related to dragons in this world are probably based on this principle, and Gods—" Zhong Ye pointed to the top, "As long as they come to the world, they will have a great impact on the world, so generally speaking, gods hide in the Kingdom of God, and the Kingdom of God is mostly transformed from secret realms , if it is a primitive god derived from the natural environment, this situation will not appear."

Sounds like a demon...

"Do you think it sounds similar to the abyss?"

Lilian was taken aback, and stared at Zhong Ye blankly, could he hear her own heart?
Zhong Ye smiled slightly, "Because I think so too! To be honest, there is no difference in essence between gods and demons, it's just that demons will destroy our world, while gods are protecting our world."

These things will sooner or later be known to the players. Even without his explanation, it is estimated that some people will know these things by their own abilities.

Players need to know more about this world, and they need to know more about 'Gods', 'Demons' and 'Abyss'.

Maybe they still don't know that this is not just an illusory game, but a real world, but as the two worlds get closer and the players' levels continue to increase, they will discover this fact.

Until then, he is obliged to let his compatriots know more about the world.

Zhong Ye looked at Lilian with his usual expression. He didn't know where Lilian put the camera, but he knew that Lilian must be on the live broadcast now.

"...So that's how it is." Lilian breathed a sigh of relief.

It was close, she regarded Zhong Ye as a real person again...

If the Illusion Company really reproduced the dead Zhong Ye in the game as they said, would that Zhong Ye have the same character and image as now?

Suddenly, Lilian was a little curious and wanted to know what Zhong Ye looked like in reality.

"By the way, we will act tonight."

Just as Lilian was wandering in the sky, Zhong Ye said something casually.

After a while, she realized: "What?"

"I don't seem to have taught you lightness kung fu much." Zhong Ye said with a smile, "I'm going to sneak into the lord's mansion tonight. Taking advantage of this time, I'll teach you lightness kung fu and stealth."

Lilian opened her mouth slightly, and stared at Zhong Ye blankly.

... So Zhong Ye would also do this kind of thing?
This is certainly a good thing for her, but she never thought before that Zhong Ye would actually do the 'infiltrating' thing.

"You look surprised?" Zhong Ye raised his eyebrows.

"But... this, stealth..." Lilian pursed her lips slightly, "Teacher, you have never done this before..."

Hearing this, Zhong Ye couldn't help but shook his head and chuckled, "It doesn't mean I won't do it if I haven't done it, it's just that there is no time to use these methods. And we didn't sneak in for theft or peeping, just to investigate whether the Lord of Vienna had anything to do with That organization has connections."

Lilian was silent for a moment, "...if so?"

Zhong Ye suppressed his smile, "Then arrest him directly and torture him for information related to that organization!"

At this time, Lilian felt as if she had recognized another side of Zhong Ye.

Zhong Ye had always been an upright image in her eyes. He would face the enemy head-on at any time, and even if he fell short, he would think of ways to win.

Now she has seen Zhong Ye's "unscrupulous" side, although it is not unacceptable...

In short, it's just that I'm not used to it!
(End of this chapter)

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