Soul echo

Chapter 24

Chapter 24

The souls of Victor and Zhong Ye have returned to their bodies. It is difficult for human beings to survive in the universe. There is no oxygen and other substances they need to survive. Even mages, only a few mages who have transformed themselves can travel the universe with their bodies.

The old mage invited Zhong Ye to stay in the castle first, and after taking him down the tower, he left in a hurry.

Zhong Ye walked back to the room under the guidance of the servants of the castle, and when he lay back on the bed, his head was still a mess.

What happened to the information that just appeared in my mind?The game is on?

Recalling the details of the more than a month since he came to this world, Zhong Ye felt that everything was true.

Every breeze that blows across your cheeks, every person you touch, every cheer and fear that arouses, the feeling of hitting, the touch of flesh and blood, and the breath that is currently circulating in your body, these things are not fake at all.

This is a real world, not a game.

Since the Dan world will have symptoms such as 'echo signs', there is no reason why the earth will not.

Perhaps the earth knew the existence of this world long ago, so it designed "Echo of Souls"... But if this is the case, what kind of role does the "god" play in it?
After some malicious speculation, Zhong Ye suddenly remembered that there were 'gods' in the Dan world. He had experienced the power of some gods and knew how powerful they were.

And is the earth really capable of creating "Soul Echo"?

Zhong Ye gradually calmed down, he was keenly aware of many problems.

At the end of the 21st century, earth science and technology ushered in another upsurge of development. In the next 20 years, the technology tree that had slowed down its development speed grew rapidly, not only developing upward, but also developing in parallel.

By the beginning of the 22nd century, that is, before I traveled to the world of Dan, under Huaxia's proposal and leadership, the earth had begun to build a Dyson ring.

And with the development speed of earth science and technology, it should not be so fast.

Zhong Ye vaguely remembered that people on the Internet were arguing about this matter, which is theoretically infinite energy.

The connection between the earth and Dan's world is by no means the only one seen now, there should be a deeper connection.

——That's why the sun god will help him forge his identity!
Zhong Ye suddenly realized that if he thought so, everything could be explained.

But there is still a little doubt, how did he come to this world?
Frowning and pondering for a moment, Zhong Ye chose to give up thinking.

Now that the situation is clear, he also has the hope of returning home, so he doesn't have to worry about thinking about what he has. If he has the chance, he might be able to ask the gods and get the answers he wants from them.

sleep now.

Zhong Ye closed his eyes and soon fell asleep.

After more than a month, I was finally able to get a good night's sleep.


"Master Victor seems to be still doing magic experiments..."

Zhong Ye smiled and said to a sorcerer apprentice: "Help me give him a message, thank you for his help."

Seeing his ready-to-go appearance, the mage apprentice reacted: "Are you leaving?"

"I've finished my work, so I have to leave naturally." Zhong Ye suddenly remembered something, "By the way, are my two horses still there?"

"Of course, it's in the stable. If necessary, I can ask someone to help you out."

Zhong Ye waved his hand, "Don't bother, just point me in the direction, I can go by myself."

After a moment of hesitation, the mage apprentice pointed out the direction for Zhong Ye.

Zhong Ye smiled and said thank you, then picked up the heavy backpack and walked towards the stable.

In the stable, he found the draft horse he had brought out from Resta. He had had good rest and food these past few days, and he looked much better than when he arrived in Constantinople two days ago.

Putting the reins, saddle and other harness on the horse with his own hands, Zhong Ye patted the horse's thick neck and led it out of the stable.

After arriving at the castle gate, the young man who was on duty today was still the same boy. He was sitting in the guard room, with several books on the table in front of him, and he was reading one of them by the sunlight through the window.

Zhong Ye knocked on the door, and the young man looked up in confusion, "What's wrong?"

In the blink of an eye, he saw the rein in Zhong Ye's hand, and asked in surprise, "Are you leaving?"

For a moment, the teenager felt extremely absurd.

It was hard for him to imagine that this Eastern native came here with a living troll just to ask a question?
It was unbelievable when I heard it yesterday, but now, the Dongtu people have confirmed his words with actions - he really didn't want to stay longer, he really just came to ask a question.

Zhong Ye nodded, "Yes, so can you open the door for me?"

The young man felt as if he was in a dream, so he got up and helped Zhong Ye open the side door, watched him go away, and only came back to his senses when his back completely disappeared in front of his eyes.

"He actually left..."

Zhong Ye led the horse and walked down the hillside slowly, passing through the village.

Walking to the foot of the mountain, he saw an outsider wearing a robe similar to that of Victor's apprentice mage, holding a wooden stick that looked like a crutch and a staff, his delicate face and fair hands seemed to be of noble origin.

Zhong Ye brushed past the outsider, with a smile on his face, hung the pouch on his shoulders behind the horse, stepped on the saddle stirrup, and got on the horse.

With a flick of the rein, the horse obediently moved forward.

The hoofs slammed on the ground, dug up a cloud of dust, and carried Zhong Ye and a heavy luggage to the distance.

If the outsider has a feeling, he will look back unconsciously, "Why does it look familiar..."

Standing at the entrance of the village and thinking for a moment, the outsider put the question behind him and looked at the castle on the top of the hill.

After two months, I finally came back here.


"Where are we going next?"

Zhong Ye was riding on the horse, with the map spread out in front of him.

He does not intend to return to Constantinople. In this world, Constantinople is not as important as it was in the history of the earth. The Kingdom of Etruria seems to have originated from the Etruria civilization.

While there are many similarities between the world of Dan and Earth, there are also many things that cannot be equated.

Perhaps because of the inertia of civilization, the countries in the west are still in a feudal society. The east of Constantinople is the fief of Constantine, and the essence of the Kingdom of Etruul is around Rome.

There, he can find the masters of Dan's world, and if he has the opportunity, he can also ask them to compete.

The vast land to the north of the Kingdom of Etruul is occupied by three ethnic groups: Celts, Germans, and Slavs. The east of the Westland, which corresponds to the area of ​​North Asia on Earth, is the land of elves.

Dwarves and halflings also exist in the world of Dan, but they are all subspecies of human beings. They have lived in an area with a strange environment for a long time, and their genes have been mutated due to the influence of the environment. Therefore, they usually mix with humans.

Dwarves and halflings not only exist in the west, but there is not much geographical environment for breeding dwarves and halflings in the east, so the number is rare.

As the two major human civilization circles in the Dan world, there should be many masters in the West Land. He can travel here and look for opportunities to return to the East.

——The west land and the east land are separated by a piece of broken land, and the area corresponding to the earth's South Asia and Southeast Asia has only one ocean.

That ocean is still called the 'Indian Ocean', but only in honor of the civilizations that once existed there.

It is impossible to pass through the Indian Ocean by ordinary methods, and it may be difficult to get through the elves, so Zhong Ye can only find another way.

If he meets someone he can trust in Xilu, maybe he can ask that person to bring a message back to his parents so that they don't have to be sad.

Swipe your index finger on the map, go west from Constantinople, pass through cities such as Serdika, Skupi, Belgrade, etc., and you can enter the essence of the Kingdom of Etruul, and further west are Venice, Milan, Turin and Rome are to the south of these three cities.

Therefore, Zhong Ye did not intend to go to Rome. If he could not find a way to return to the Eastern Land in those three cities, he would divert to the north and go to the countries of the Germans, Celts and Slavs.

After making a decision, Zhong Ye took out the compass to identify the direction, rolled up the map, and headed towards the target.

(End of this chapter)

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