Soul echo

Chapter 252 The Battle of Killing the Gods (7)

Chapter 252 The Battle of Killing the Gods ([-])

The eruption of the power of the leylines destroyed the 'control valve' and 'dipping tube' that penetrated into the leylines of the Mage Tower. After losing these things, the excess power was released, and the 'break' in the leylines was quickly repaired.

The bright yellow beams of light that appeared in the sky gradually dissipated, but the 'big contest' could not continue.

However, the 'big contest' itself was set up to cover up Zhong Ye's actions, so it didn't matter whether it could go on or not.

"what is the problem?"

The highest terrace of the Royal Colosseum is just right where you can see the direction of the Kingdom's Mage Academy. The king frowned and stared into the distance, "Didn't His Highness Pope Olmer say that other people would not notice this matter?" ?”

The cardinal who accompanied the king to watch the 'Grand Tournament' also frowned and shook his head, "Maybe something happened, after all, Adrian is not only a legendary mage, he is also a 'false god'..."

Anything that can be related to a 'god' is not easy, let alone a 'false god' who has been squeezed into the ranks of a 'god'.

It would be good if the plan can be carried out smoothly, but if not, it's okay, they have already made a plan.

"Your Majesty, please forgive my impoliteness. I have to leave first." The cardinal stood up and bowed his head to the king. "Although there was an accident in the first plan, we have already prepared other plans."

The king turned his head and looked over, with a low voice, not angry and pretentious, "Paris cannot be damaged!"

"Paris will not be damaged," the cardinal said with certainty.

After saying that, the cardinal left the stands, and the mission information of the players changed accordingly—from [wait for action to start] to [catch hallucinogen dealers and people who use hallucinogens].

This is a war of 'slaying the gods'. Unlike the war between mortals, the gods will not be killed easily.

If you want to kill a god, you must start with his 'believers'!

When the players became active, the place where the black tower was originally located has become a deep pit.

The collapsed pit wall slid down, covering the earth veins.

Adrian's mage tower was destroyed, and under the impact of the eruption of the ley line that he himself caused, everything he had disappeared.

——Books, research results, research records and laboratories, everything about the 'Mage' has disappeared!
"Adrian, are you crazy?!"

On the edge of the deep pit, stood four people.

One of the bearded men slammed the corner of the shield in his hand on the ground and stared angrily.

As a mage, he actually destroyed his mage tower?
If it was placed in the past, this kind of thing is simply unimaginable!
Adrian, the legendary mage who has entered the old age but is still middle-aged, glanced at the six people present, sneered, said nothing, and raised the staff in his hand—he and these thoughts There is nothing to talk about between enemies who want to kill themselves!

At this time, the film protecting Zhong Ye and Mrs. Pereira flickered a few times, and then disappeared.

Zhong Ye inserted the big sword into the wall of the pit, and his body completely relied on the big sword to hang on the cliff that was almost perpendicular to the bottom of the pit, and he would fall down if he was not careful.

Even with his current physical ability, it is unlikely that he will die if he falls from a height of tens of meters, but he will definitely be injured.

He was sure that since Adrian would detonate the power of the leylines, he would be able to survive the eruption of the power of the leylines.

And when the shield protecting them disappeared, Zhong Ye raised his head and saw the middle-aged man floating in the air.

At this time, he raised the staff in his hand.


Anyone could see that Adrian wanted to cast a spell now. Mrs. Pereira cursed, her eyes lit up again, and she activated her spiritual energy to elevate herself and Zhong Ye.

After feeling the power coming from under his feet, Zhong Ye pulled out the big sword from the cliff, and flew to the surface led by Mrs. Pereira.

It's not that they don't want to stop Adrian, it's just that his casting speed is too fast, and as soon as he raised his staff, the waves rippled.

The scene in front of me changed, everything was blurred into color blocks one after another, only Mrs. Pereira's figure became clearer and clearer. Come.

However, this situation only lasted for a moment in Zhong Ye's mind before it was broken, his eyes were blurred for a moment, and he woke up immediately.

The eyeballs rolled quickly in the eye sockets, and his eyes fell on Mrs. Pereira and the other four people, and found that they were all standing in place without any reaction.

- This is not a 'spell'!
Zhong Ye realized this instantly. It is impossible for spells to affect these legends. Even if they could, they would have corresponding resistance.

In other words, this is the 'power' of the gods!
Thinking of this, Zhong Ye suddenly raised his head to look at the mage floating in the air, and Adrian also stared at him rather strangely.

"You're weird."

Adrian said, his voice was magnetic, and it sounded extremely pleasant.

"It was able to break free from my 'power'."

While he was speaking, Mrs. Pereira also woke up, but her face was still blushing.

Finding that Adrian was paying attention to Zhong Ye, he chose to remain silent and quietly prepared the spell.

Zhong Ye clenched the hilt of his sword, and said with a sneer, "Compared to the power of the evil god, your 'power' is still too weak!"

Speaking of this, Zhong Ye noticed a sullen look on Adrian's face.

"If it weren't for you guys! If I can successfully become a god, let my 'power' cover the entire world, I can manipulate people's memories and remove all memories about the abyss, so that no one will fall. ?”

His state is not right - looking at Adrian, such a thought flashed through Zhong Ye's mind.

"You have only seen the harm caused by hallucinogens, but you have not seen that under my control, no one who uses hallucinogens has fallen! No one has come into contact with the abyss! No one has been inspired by the abyss! "

In 'Military City'... No, that guy is also a 'secondary infected person', the real source is not him.

Adrian clenched his staff tightly and roared angrily: "If it weren't for you, I would be able to successfully upgrade to a god in a few years! Just like other gods, I can protect the whole world!"

"But you've already been infected!"

Mrs. Pereira, whose breathing was still intensifying, and whose body was constantly trembling, suddenly rolled her eyes, focused on Adrian, and yelled, "The 'God Ascension Ceremony' is the bait given by the evil god!"

Adrian's eyes were fixed, and he quickly made several gestures with his left hand in front of him, causing the air to condense and form around him, forming a shield.

Immediately, a powerful pressure was generated out of thin air, slamming Adrian.

Adrian's body turned into a gray line and crashed into the deep pit!

"Jasmine Pereira!!!"

The roar came from the bottom of the deep pit, went straight up proudly, flew over the mouth of the pit, and passed into Zhong Ye's ears.

Whether as a 'false god' or as a legendary mage, Adrian will not die because of this.

The moment the sound came out, his figure flew out of the deep pit.

The ground under Mrs. Pereira's feet suddenly protruded, and Zhong Ye's figure flashed, throwing Mrs. Pereira aside. Behind them, the ground stretched to the limit broke, and a huge cyan vine grew out.

That vine was as thick as a giant tree, and when it was waved, the wind howled.

Adrian was quite vigilant, and after attracting the attention of Mrs. Pereira and Zhong Ye, he immediately wanted to fly into the sky again and distance himself.

However, at this moment, another legendary mage who had already awakened lowered his staff, the air suddenly became heavy, and Adrian also fell down.

——[No Flying]? !

Adrian raised his head suddenly, commanding the vines to lash towards his old opponent, but saw the figure standing in front of him suddenly drifting away with the wind, and disappeared in his eyes.


The whipped vine hit a shield, and the big man holding the shield grunted, but stood upright on the ground.

A ray of light was captured by the corner of the eye, but in the next instant, that ray of light fell on him.

This is... [Space Anchor]?
At this moment, all eyes were on Adrian.

(End of this chapter)

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