Soul echo

Chapter 256 'Ascension Ceremony'

Chapter 256 'Ascension Ceremony'

Adrian is dead, but he is not completely dead.

He has become a 'false god' through the 'Ascension Ceremony' and is no longer a mere mortal.

Even though he is only a 'false god', he also possesses some of the abilities of the gods, such as 'powers', such as resurrection from the dead.

To kill a god, not only need to kill their bodies, but also completely destroy their beliefs, and now, they only managed to kill Adrian's body.

Zhong Ye suddenly said: "I once met a 'false god', it was a witch, but she has completed the 'ascension ceremony' and transformed her form into a 'god'. But it is different from Adrian , her faith only relies on some horror stories to spread in a small town, so her power is not strong and can be sealed."

"Adrian got the 'Ascension Ritual' from that witch." The legendary mage with white beard and hair stroked his beard.

He didn't play a big role in the battle just now. Although he used [Giant Enlargement] to remove most of the spell props on Adrian's body, he was also guided by Adrian and injured his two companions. A legend, which made him feel extremely embarrassed.

After confirming Adrian's identity, the Earth Mother Church explained everything to them, and all the evidence showed that the source of Adrian's "Ascension Ceremony" was the unknown witch.

Of course, the Earth Mother Church only told them about the existence of the 'God Ascension Ceremony', but did not tell them how the ceremony would be carried out.

——There is already a precedent for Adrian, and the Earth Mother Church does not want a second 'false god' to appear.

"That witch, in order to complete the 'ascension ceremony', killed herself once."

The words from Zhong Ye's mouth made everyone feel surprised. They looked at the man who was holding the weapon tightly and never relaxed at all, and slowly shifted their eyes to Adrian's 'corpse'.

They never knew the full picture of that incident, they just knew that Adrian's 'Ascension Ceremony' came from that witch.

They had never imagined that Zhong Ye would have encountered a 'false god', and judging from his tone, he most likely fought and killed that 'false god'...

"She killed herself once before the priest followed the clues she left to find the town. The priest found her tomb in that town, and then followed the clues to find her research notes. That witch also began to recover at that time.

"It's not difficult for her to come back to life, as long as someone sees her notes and thinks she can 'resurrect', the power of 'belief' can make the fantasy come true."

Zhong Ye's narration unraveled the doubts in people's hearts, but it also put a heavy burden on their hearts.

That witch can be revived from death, then, can Adrian, who got the research notes from that witch, also be resurrected?
Instead of being resurrected from the 'sleep' of death like a god, it is a resurrection that completely breaks away from the mortal body and completes the 'ascension ceremony'!

"...You guys evacuate here first."

Kale took a deep breath, turned to look at Bishop Savage and the others, and said solemnly: "Your injuries are serious, and it will be difficult to recover for a while."

If Adrian is resurrected, then the three bishops of Savage will be their biggest weakness.

Bishop Savage was silent for a moment, then nodded.

He was the one with fairly good injuries among the three, and even so, a lot of water in his body had been evaporated.

Not to mention activities, even talking can feel the pain in the throat as if it is being torn.

God of War's divine power is not outstanding in terms of healing, so the most important thing they should do now is to leave this place.

After raising his hand and casting a healing spell for Mrs. Pereira, Bishop Savage and the others were teleported away by Kale.

They were sent back to Paris, where they appeared before the gates of the Temple of the God of Medicine.

In fact, in addition to the temple of the God of Healing, many temples gathered in this square. After the disaster hundreds of years ago, because of the alliance between the gods, many churches in Paris also gathered together for hundreds of years. Churches and shrines were relocated here.

In a blink of an eye, the three bishops of Savage appeared on the square, not far from where they were, was the gate of the Temple of the God of Medicine.

However, just as he got used to the dizziness of teleportation, Bishop Savage saw many people in the square.

"Well, what's going on here?"

He stared dumbfounded at the delirious people being carried back to the square from various streets by the clergy, and couldn't help screaming.

Judging from the costumes of those people, they included commoners, nobles, and beggars.

The clergy from various churches wore special clothing for each church, so Bishop Savage could easily tell which churches they belonged to.

It is not a particularly strange thing for the clergy of various churches to act together. After all, the gods of the entire Western Continent are now united to form an alliance.

But don't most of the clergy now cooperate with their "God Killing Operation" to arrest hallucinogen dealers and people who use hallucinogens?

Watching their actions, Bishop Savage came up with an idea in his heart—these unconscious and delirious people were the targets they wanted to arrest.

"Master Bishop, are you back?"

After Bishop Savage yelled, those who heard the voice couldn't help but turn their heads to look. The clergy of the God of War Church recognized their cardinal at a glance.

But then, they discovered that Bishop Savage looked haggard. The two people beside him were either prostrate on the ground, or their chests were blood-stained. It was obvious from a glance that they were seriously injured.

"Come on! Come on! My Lord Bishop, they are injured and need treatment!"

The priests of the Church of God of War hurriedly called, but Savage grabbed a priest of the House Goddess Church beside him with fear in his eyes, and asked quickly: "What happened, tell me, are those people what happened?"

The priest caught by him suddenly became nervous, "Ah, they, they are hallucinogen dealers and drug addicts..."

"Then how did they become like this?"

His throat was sore, and every time he uttered a syllable, Bishop Savage felt his throat being torn apart—this was not an illusion, he could taste the fishy sweetness overflowing from his throat.

The clergy kept shaking their heads, "I, I don't know either! They fell down suddenly!"

"When did it happen?" Bishop Savage continued to ask.

Hearing these words, even the other two who were seriously injured gasped heavily and raised their heads.

"Just now!" The clergy replied immediately, "We have captured some people back, but suddenly, they fell down!"

It shouldn' shouldn't have happened!
As a cardinal, Bishop Savage knew very well that if the god died, the faithful would not fall.

If one or two believers fell down because they couldn't bear the facts, it would be reasonable, but it wasn't just one or two. If you look around, there are at least a hundred of them on the square!

What can be related to "just now" should be "Adrian's death"-these people who used hallucinogens should have fallen when Adrian was killed by Zhong Ye!
So, here's why...

Bishop Savage was scratching his head, and when the clergyman from the Church of the God of Healing came to him, he suddenly widened his eyes and shouted, "I see!"

——It's the 'God Ascension Ceremony'!
He remembered what Zhong Ye said just now, and only the 'Ascension Ceremony' could lead to this situation!
And at this moment, a clergyman in the square exclaimed.

Bishop Savage turned his head and saw a delirious guy standing up from the ground.

Under the clothes covering the body, something seems to be swimming...

Bishop Savage's pupils suddenly dilated, and he shouted with all his strength: "Everyone—leave the square! Get away from those guys!

"——It's the abyss!!!"

(End of this chapter)

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