Soul echo

Chapter 279 Fire

Chapter 279 Fire
Zhong Ye returned to Chartres with a few stone slabs that he pried out. Along the way, Lily and Lilian were flipping through those stone slabs, trying to find something special from them.

But these stone slabs look and feel like ordinary stones except for the weird characters on them, without any special features.

The church of the Art and Beauty Church is located in the center of the city, and various buildings are scattered around the church. There is a river running through the city, providing water for urban residents.

The population of the city is small, and there are no factories on the outskirts of the city. However, since the god of art and beauty is the god of knowledge, Chartres is one of the few cities in the west that has basic schools.

Although the fees are high, the Art and Beauty Church will also teach some arts in addition to teaching characters and calculations. Send your own children to school.

The church of the Church of Art and Beauty stands on the top of the hill, and Zhong Ye and the others climbed up the hill along the hillside.

Even though Zhong Ye and Lily Lieber were dressed as adventurers, they looked extraordinary, not like ordinary people.

Therefore, the church guards stopped them and asked a few words before letting them go.

Zhong Ye and the others walked into the church, and immediately an apprentice came up to greet him and asked, "May I ask, three gentlemen and misses, what is the purpose of your coming to our church?"

Zhong Ye nodded, and took out a stone slab from his backpack, "The night before yesterday, we encountered undead around Chartres, where we walked for about a day. We wiped out all the undead, and then, the next morning, we walked along Following the traces left by the undead, he traced the past and found an altar.

"That evening, we came to Chartres, and immediately heard that we had not only encountered undead. We went to investigate this morning and found another altar, which we dug out from the altar, which is part of the altar."

The apprentice was stunned for a long time before he digested the information given by Zhong Ye, and immediately turned pale with shock.

Recently, there has been a lot of trouble in Chartres because of this incident. Many people are afraid of encountering the undead. Many gentry and landowners even rushed to the church to complain to them, and expressed their willingness to donate money to support the operation of the church, as long as this incident can be completely resolved. .

This kind of thing is naturally not something that apprentices can understand, but this matter is too big, and he has heard of it.

The apprentice swallowed, "Wait, wait a minute, I'll call the instructor!"

Before he finished speaking, he hastily bowed to Zhong Ye and the others, turned around and ran away.

Zhong Ye and the others found a bench and sat down. Not long after, the apprentice who had just run in ran back again. Before he could even catch his breath, he said, "First, sir, the instructors, they invite you in..."

The apprentice struggled to breathe, and Bai Nen's face turned red.

Seeing the three standing up, he raised the corners of his mouth and smiled, "Please, please follow me."

Zhong Ye and the others were brought to the door of a room by the apprentice, watched him knock the door open, and then stood outside the door by himself.

"Three, please come in."

Zhong Ye walked in first, looked around the room, took off the long knife on his back, put it next to the door frame, and leaned against the wall.

Lily did the same, leaning the ax and spear against the wall.

Watching their actions, the eyelids of the clergy sitting behind the desk twitched. Fortunately, they did not show any displeasure.

"Three, please sit down first."

With that said, the priest stood up, took out a piece of paper from the drawer, and walked towards Zhong Ye and the others.

After Zhong Ye sat down, he put the backpack at his feet, placed the side of the slate with the words written on it upwards, and placed it on the low table.

The clergyman's eyes were attracted by the words on the slate, and his eyes kept wandering between the slate and the paper in his hand. After a long time, he breathed a sigh of relief and looked at Zhong Ye with a complicated expression.

"It seems that you also found an altar?"

It can be seen from the expressions of the clergy that they may have found an altar and destroyed that altar, and found some writing on the back of the stone slabs that make up the altar.

The clergyman nodded, sat down opposite Zhong Ye and the others, and put down the paper they were holding, so that Zhong Ye and the others could also see the content on it.

Zhong Ye pondered for a moment, and then realized, "Are you planning to interpret these 'texts'?"

"You know this is text?" The clergyman was also a little surprised.

Ordinary people would not think that these crooked symbols are 'text', even they, after some confirmation, consulted colleagues in the Church of Knowledge before confirming that these symbols are actually a type of text they have never seen before.

"These things already satisfy a series of characteristics of 'words,' of course words."

Hearing the answer from the adventurer on the opposite side, the priest was at a loss for words.

They worked hard and verified several times, but they didn't expect that the answer was right in front of them from the very beginning, but they never paid attention to it.

The clergyman took a breath and looked straight, "May I ask your Excellency?"

"I'm Zhong Ye." Zhong Ye didn't hide his identity, "I want to know the whole picture of this matter, and know how many altars you found and where you found them, so that I can help you find the remaining altars. down the altar."

Zhong Ye...

The priest's face froze, dumbfounded.

How did this strong man with a 'legendary' experience come to them... My God!Does not this mean that Chartres is about to suffer disaster? !

"...Your Excellency, we have actually found out the cause of the matter."

After the complexion changed a few times, the clergyman sighed deeply as if resigned to his fate: "The undead are actually just by-products, what is really terrible is the corruption of the land and the natural environment by those altars.

"Those altars can kill all vitality and vitality. Neither we nor the druids can repair the wounds left by the altars to nature. They can only be repaired by the divine power of Mother Earth and Father of Nature."

It is precisely because they have figured out the function of those altars that the priests will hate them when they talk about these things.

Lily grinned, "Then do you know who did it?"

"No." The priest shook his head in pain, "If we know who did it, we will definitely not let them go!"

At this time, Zhong Ye woke up from his thoughts, and suddenly asked: "Those altars, were they already out of operation when you arrived?"

The clergyman was taken aback for a moment, then his face changed slightly, "What does this mean?"

Then, Zhong Ye talked about the 'Painted Skin' he encountered in detail.

The priest's expression gradually became serious, and he said bluntly, "We have never encountered the monster you mentioned!"

So, did they encounter 'Painted Skin' just by chance?
At least Zhong Ye didn't think this incident was a coincidence. There were too many doubts in the incident. If it was a coincidence, the explanation would be too far-fetched. He personally preferred it to be a conspiracy.

"...You said just now that the undead are just by-products, and it is the altar that really poisoned our world, so is it possible that those corpses are the sacrifices themselves, but some accident caused them to revive from death? "

The clergyman nodded in agreement, "Yes, some people in our church also think so. As far as the current signs are concerned, this is the closest possibility to the truth."

Zhong Ye had obtained all the information he wanted, so he took out all the slates from his backpack and handed them to the cleric sitting opposite him, then got up and saluted, and left the church.

Not long after leaving the church, Zhong Ye saw the flames in the distance. After a little thought, he remembered that it was the direction of the Adventurer's House.

Immediately, he raised his eyebrows, and said to Lilian and the others, "Be careful, be careful," and then took a deep breath to wake up his dormant body.

In the process of starting, the body is continuously awakened, and the strength of the limbs emerges one after another. When falling, the strength of the whole body has already been poured into the soles of the feet.

just listen-

Lily and Lilian saw a depression suddenly appeared on the ground in front of Zhong Ye, and then his figure disappeared in front of their eyes in an instant.

Throwing off his legs, he ran wildly.

Zhong Ye galloped down the street, and in just one minute, he had already rushed to the door of the Adventurer's House.

The main part of the Adventurer's House was not ignited by the flames. Standing in front of the door, Zhong Ye could clearly hear the loud cries from the other side.

Quickly walking through the hall and through the back door, Zhong Ye came to the back of the Adventurer's House.

The flames soaring into the sky reddened his cheeks and covered up the coldness in his eyes.

——If he remembered correctly, that location should be the warehouse of the Adventurer's House.

Just last night, he personally brought the skin of 'Painted Skin' to this place for storage!
Zhong Ye took a few glances, then stepped forward to help block the spread of the flames.

The fire is so big that even mages can't handle it, so now they can only stop the fire from spreading.

The fire burned all day, lighting up the night at Chartres, and did not die out until the dawn of the next day.

What was originally a warehouse was left with ruins. Some adventurers or businessmen who stored goods in the warehouse couldn't help crying when they saw this scene, and some even rolled their eyes and fainted to the ground.

Standing in front of the ruins of the warehouse, Zhong Ye, who was covered in gray and black, silently clenched his fists.

(End of this chapter)

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