Soul echo

Chapter 281

Chapter 281
"...Do I really not need to change clothes?"

Although she has changed into a new set of clothes, Lily is still dressed as an adventurer.

Zhong Ye hurriedly took a shower, changed the dirty clothes, and paid the cleaners hired by the Adventurer's House to help wash them.

Now, his hair is not dry yet. Hearing Lily's question, he shook his head slightly and threw out a few drops of water, "Do you still remember your current 'setting'?"

When Zhong Ye said this, Lily reacted.

"With my father's permission, I can leave Paris and go on an adventure with you. You and Lilian are my adventure partners." As she spoke, Lily suddenly became a little worried, "If I say this, I won't cause trouble to my father. ?"

Zhong Ye shook his head and said, "As long as the news from Paris comes, the lord of Chartres will know that you sneaked out. Even if he sends the news back, who will believe your one-sided words? And you ran out before Didn’t you leave a note when you were in the palace? As long as your father insists that you sneaked out by yourself, no one can take advantage of this. You have to trust your father, he is a king after all.”

After listening, Lily was relieved.

Concern is chaos, in her head, if she didn't automatically exaggerate the 'possible impact' because of her worry, she would have thought of this herself.

At this time, Zhong Ye turned to look at his students again, "Lilian, have you brought all the equipment?"

Lilian nodded seriously, then bowed her head and counted again, "Throwing knives, holy water, painkillers, Molotov cocktails, kerosene, fire pockets, light crossbows and twelve crossbow bolts—all are brought!"

Under the heavy coat she also wore a leather armor and leggings on her calves.

"Very well, let's go."

"Wait, wait!" Lily suddenly stopped Zhong Ye and the two masters and apprentices, and looked at them strangely, "Don't you find it strange? Why do you have to bring so much equipment just to meet the lord? Are you going? To meet people? Or to kill and set fire?"

Zhong Ye and Lilian looked at each other and shook their heads.

"Since I came to Westland, almost every lord I met has died." Zhong Ye explained solemnly, "I didn't kill them, but they have their own problems, just because of my comparison of perception. Sensitive, able to detect their problems."

"As an adventurer, it's reasonable to carry some weapons and equipment with you!" Lilian added.

No, it's strange no matter how you think about it... Although it is common sense that adventurers should carry weapons with them, but at this time, they are fully armed...

Lily Lieber opened her mouth slightly, but she didn't know what to say at this time.

"Is there any problem? If not, let's set off now, so as not to have long nights and dreams." As he said that, Zhong Ye tied up his hair that was in the way.

"...Let's go." Lily sighed weakly, hooked the ax and gun that was placed aside, and carried it on her shoulder.

Zhong Ye had already inquired about the location of the Lord's Mansion. After leaving the Adventurer's House, they walked all the way out of the city.

The Lords of Chartres did not have a large residence in the city, and their entire family and administrative team lived in a manor outside the city.

The manor is located on the other side of the river. As long as you go out of the city gate, walk towards the direction of the river, and stand by the river, you can see the manor of the Gombula family.

There is a bridge connecting the manor to the city, but it is heavily guarded by the Gombola family. Only members of the Gombola family can use it, and the rest can only use the wooden bridge that has been repaired downstream. Charge bridge tax.

——Obviously a businessman, but after he transformed into a lord, he quickly cut off his previous identity.

When he was a businessman, the ancestor of the Gombola family must have scolded the lord for always collecting taxes of one kind or another, but when he became a lord himself, the tax was even more excessive than other lords.

Times have changed, and the outdated tax "bridge tax" has long been abolished in other territories, but Chartres still retains it, no wonder the city can't develop.

The three of Zhong Ye and the others crossed the river. The person in charge of collecting taxes was an adventurer hired by the Gombola family. He was the most typical adventurer. He still couldn't help his rhetoric, but was knocked to the ground by Lilian's bare hands.

Zhong Ye did not evade taxes. When the adventurer was lying down and screaming in pain, he threw three copper coins into his ear.

The adventurer grabbed the copper coin and shouted loudly: "Why are there only three coins? My..."

He only spoke halfway, and the rest of the words were blocked in his throat.

—— Zhong Ye didn't do anything, just looked down at him quietly.

Lily, who was about to swing her ax and gun, couldn't help but sneered when she saw this scene, she stopped paying attention to the adventurer, and took the lead to leave.

Zhong Ye withdrew his gaze, and followed Lily's footsteps with Lilian.

The adventurer stood up dejectedly, sniffed, and suddenly a cold wind blew, and couldn't help shrinking his body, cursing the damn weather.

Seeing that Lily was looking back at the adventurer, Zhong Ye reminded him coldly, "Don't look at him as pitiful now, but when he usually oppresses the people, he is very powerful."

With Lily's mind, it is easy to think of such a thing.

If it wasn't for her and Lilian's fighting strength, if they were just ordinary women, they might be molested by him.

It can be seen from a glimpse of the leopard - since Lord Chartres hired this kind of garbage man, then he himself should be similar.

After going back dozens of steps, Zhong Ye and the others came outside the manor.

I don't know if the ancestors of the Gombola family lacked security. This manor not only built a high wall, but also dug a 'moat' outside the manor, which can only be entered and exited through a suspension bridge.

Such a manor is not an exaggeration to say that it is a castle.

But fortunately, now that the suspension bridge has been lowered, several farmers are sending the animals they raised to the manor.

Lily and Zhong Ye exchanged glances, adjusted their breathing, and led Zhong Ye and Lilian towards a guarding soldier.

"Who are you?"

They walked too straight, and before they could get close, the soldiers who were still talking and laughing pointed their spears at them.

——Yes, in this era when muskets and gunpowder were already popularized, the soldiers of the Gombala family were still using spears.

Lily stopped the ax and gun, and said loudly: "I am Lily Lieber, the fourth princess of this country. I need to find Baron Gombola. Please go in and report!"

Several soldiers were stunned by her, and then they noticed Zhong Ye and Lilian standing behind Lily. Although they looked like adventurers, their equipment was even more gorgeous than theirs.

The farmers stopped too, pointing softly at Lily.

The short ear-length hair was fluttering in the wind, and he looked quite extraordinary, but the soldiers were stunned for a while, and one soldier couldn't help laughing: "Princess... Hahaha, princess? You say you are a princess? Hahaha !"

"What are you looking at? What are you doing in a daze?"

The other soldiers turned to look at the peasants, yelling curses, but they couldn't hide the smile on their faces.

Lily's face turned red immediately, she gritted her teeth and clenched the ax and gun tightly.

Zhong Ye sighed, and pressed Lily's shoulder, "...we do have something to find Baron Gombola, if you don't let me go, we will go in."

"A few adventurers in the area, what kind of princess are you pretending to be?" A soldier sneered, and made a dismissive gesture, "I still have something to discuss with the master... Hey, this pretends to be quite like it?"

The other soldiers laughed in agreement, their eyes full of sarcasm.

Zhong Ye sighed, passed Lily Lieber, and walked in front of the soldiers.


The soldiers shouted loudly while lowering their spears and pointing them at Zhong Ye.

Zhong Ye ignored it, and when the soldiers thrust out their spears mercilessly, he spread his arms around and suppressed all the spears.

Lilian jumped out from behind him first, and punched a soldier in the face, making him fall back, holding his nose and howling in pain.

Lily reacted immediately, and rushed over with the ax and gun, instead of using this sharp weapon, she just knocked down the soldiers with her fists and kicks.

The weapons were suppressed by Zhong Ye, but even if they let go of their spears, they couldn't compare to Lilian and the others in fists and feet.

Three times, five times and two times, all the soldiers were knocked to the ground.

They were very smart, they didn't choose to get up, Zhong Ye glanced at them, and took the lead to walk into the manor.

Lily snorted softly, spun the ax and gun, put the handle of the gun on her shoulder, and deliberately stepped over the soldiers, but none of them dared to make a sound.

Lilian looked around, picked up a spear from the ground, and followed Zhong Ye's footsteps.

Not far away, the farmers stopped driving away the animals and looked at Zhong Ye's back, feeling both fearful and excited.

After Zhong Ye and the others entered the manor, the soldiers got up and vented their anger at the peasants, punching, kicking, and yelling at them.

Hearing the movement outside, Zhong Ye took a deep breath, took the still-warmed spear in Lilian's hand, turned to face the gate, and threw it suddenly!
A soldier who was punching and kicking farmers and swearing obscenities only heard a humming wind, and felt a huge force in his body, and couldn't help but fly forward.

—the end of the spear hit him on the back, propelling his body forward and slamming him to the ground.

The other soldiers stopped their movements immediately, staring blankly at the companion, listening to his wailing and crying, turned their necks stiffly, and looked at the gate of the manor.

Afterwards, silently withdrew his fist and stood aside.

There was no more beating, no more yelling, and even if the farmers stopped driving the animals into the manor, they didn't say a word.

The peasants didn't speak, just clenched their fists, but they didn't dare to wave at the soldiers.

Both sides fell silent for an unknown amount of time...

(End of this chapter)

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