Soul echo

Chapter 285

Chapter 285
Anger failed to control Zhong Ye's brain, he quickly calmed down and began to face up to this matter.

Except for the 'newly appointed' Baron of Gombula, no one else died in the Gombula Manor. Zhong Ye knew that this was because no one else had really come into contact with the secrets of those 'painted skins'. However, the new Gombola The Baron de la died, and his death was terrible, which showed that he must know something.

The new Baron of Gombola has long been cursed, and the trigger point of the curse may be to tell the location of the group of "painted skins". trigger.

—Because he knows too much!

However, based on the current evidence alone, it is enough to prove that the Gombola family has done some things for the cultists. When the envoy sent by the Gombula family lord returns, the Gombula family's title will be taken back.

However, since Chartres was bought by the Gombola family from the Church of Arts and Beauty, even if the title of the Gombla family is reclaimed, the city cannot be reclaimed.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that the Church of Art and Beauty has once again ruled the city!

The heavy snow blocked the city, even Zhong Ye was unwilling to leave the city at this time and go to the wilderness.

Taking advantage of this free time, he got a new carriage from the Adventurer's House, and remodeled his new carriage one by one in the warehouse.

The carriage of this carriage was much larger than his previous one, and it took him a lot of time to modify the movable roof.

"He's like this... all right?" Lily said worriedly as she was squatting aside to help cut the thick cloth.

"Teacher, he is very powerful, and we have experienced a similar thing before." Lilian turned her head and glanced at Zhong Ye, "Don't worry, the teacher will definitely be able to adjust his mentality!"

Lily suddenly felt a little curious, and couldn't help asking: "Have you encountered such a thing before?"

Lilian nodded, "At that time, it was still... Montreux in Hallstatt, right? The situation was similar to this time, obviously we were close to the truth, but the cult leader shot himself—we were in Track down the cultists, and that lord is the most critical clue."

... Would such a clever Zhong Ye be tricked by others?

Although judging from the results, Zhong Ye won the final victory. He not only eliminated the cult lords who might harm the people, but also expelled monsters that could replace humans, create altars, and corrupt the earth and nature. victory?

But in Zhong Ye's eyes, these were not real victories.

He wants to uproot the cultists and destroy all those monsters. For him, this is the real victory...

Thinking of this, Lily couldn't help looking in Zhong Ye's direction, and hearing the sound of the hammer hitting the nails again and again, driving the board into the carriage, her mood became depressed, she sighed, and turned back to continue busy.

It took another day and a half for Zhong Ye to complete the layout of the new carriage.

The movable canopy, this time he simplified the structure, which is composed of a canopy that is folded on the roof and can be used as a eaves at ordinary times, and two pairs of pillars shrunk on the left side of the car, front and rear, and it has become much lighter.

He added a small locker at the back of the carriage, which is usually used to store Lily Lieber's half armor and their spare weapons, and sometimes it can also be used to store trophies.

The locker and the compartment have been connected, so as long as the baffle is pulled up, the contents of the locker can be taken out.

A detachable stove is fixed in the middle of the carriage, which can be removed when the weather is hot.

After all, it is already deep winter, and soon, it will enter spring.

When Zhong Ye finished packing his new car, the sky just cleared up.

He went out of the city to take a look, and the snow outside was not too thick, so after buying food and fresh water, they stopped staying, left the city, and disappeared into the cold wind.


"Oh, I don't know if those monsters have been found..."

Sitting in the slow-moving carriage, Lily couldn't help sighing.

As the fourth princess of this country, she was very worried about the threat to her country and citizens that the group of Eastern soil monsters called "Painted Skin" by Zhong Ye would pose.

According to Zhong Ye's speculation, the altars around Chartres were probably arranged by those monsters. Although they don't know why they want to corrupt the land, we can know from this that they are the enemies of human beings.

After the Church of Art and Beauty learned about this incident, it immediately told other churches about what Chartres had experienced in recent days. Presumably, other churches would also try their best to find traces of those monsters.

I just don't know if those monsters have been found by other churches now.

Now they are in the wilderness, no village in the front, no shop in the back, no channels to communicate with the outside world, and no way to learn about these news.

Hearing this, Lilian deliberately opened the game forum to take a look, then shook her head and said: "Probably not... Although they may be forced to leave by the teacher, but they can make such a bold plan, which means that their Intelligence is not low, it is very difficult to find their whereabouts, or even catch them."

For Lilian's analysis, Lily Lieber deeply agrees.

The group of Eastern Earth monsters were more difficult to deal with than imagined. In this case, they would definitely not be caught easily.

"Let's rest here tonight." Zhong Ye's voice came from outside the car.

Hearing Zhong Ye's voice and feeling the carriage stop, Lily and Lilian opened the door and walked out.

One put down the shed and assembled it, and the other went to find dry fuel. After all, the space in the carriage was limited, and it was impossible for them to carry too much firewood when they went out.

Zhong Ye untied the ropes that bound the two horses, even without his leading, the two draft horses got into the shed by themselves, stood still, and waited for Zhong Ye to come in to help them take off the wrapped beasts. Skin.

After the hide with a little smell was taken off, it was thrown into the snow, rubbed, and hung up to dry.

Even though this is a leeward area, it doesn't mean there is no wind. The animal skins will dry out after hanging outside for a long time, and then they can be put away by the fire to bake and soften before being put away.

Not long after, Lilian, who went out to look for firewood, came back. At this time, Lily Lieber also set up a fire. When the fire was lit, the thick cloth that was raised fell down, and the warmth was contained in the canopy. .

The two draft horses, which were still shivering just now, immediately snorted, and they lay comfortably close to Zhong Ye and the others. The ground was covered with the animal skins placed by Zhong Ye, lying on it, feeling warm.

"By the way, I don't seem to have asked you, where are we going next?" Lily asked suddenly while eating dinner.

Zhong Ye glanced at her, "Do you know 'Nemo'?"

"Nemo?" Hearing this name, Lily subconsciously contacted someone, "You mean the most famous painter in Westland before? I remember, he seems to be a cultist, and some of his paintings were also collected in the palace before. But later, the bishops of several churches came to the palace together and took those paintings away."

Speaking of this, Lily also reacted, "That is to say, we are now going to track down the paintings left by Nemo? Those paintings..."

"There's something wrong with those paintings!" Lilian took over the conversation, "When my teacher and I were in Burger before, we found out something - Burger held an underground auction back then, and one of the items sold was Ni Mo's painting, all those who paid a price for that painting became cult members under the influence of that painting, and then a pair of demon hunter master and apprentice came to that city and killed them."

"Even paintings can turn people into cultists..." Lily couldn't help but think of those people who were suddenly replaced in the palace, and she felt horrified.

——It turns out that there have always been cultists around her, but she didn't know it!

After reacting, Lily asked again: "Do you know the movements of those paintings?"

"A few months ago, Nemo's paintings were not contraband, they were sought-after art. Except for the part that was clearly destroyed by the church and demon hunters, there are still some that are missing." Zhong Ye I finally swallowed the big piece of meat and emptied my mouth, "Before I asked Mrs. Pereira and Marquis Carle Andres to investigate, and I also got some news from various churches. It is said that in There is a contraband hub near Le Mans, but that hub is wandering and hard to find.

"I heard that there was a painting of Nemo in that place - this news comes from the demon hunters, because they are better at dealing with those criminals."

Lily was thoughtful, "So, our destination is Le Mans? Find that distribution center?"

"It's not necessarily necessary to find the distribution center. Someone from the largest gang in the area must have been to the distribution center. Just ask them if there is a painting of Nemo there." Zhong Ye picked up another piece of meat and bit it down, " As outsiders, it is almost impossible for us to find the distribution center, they can even avoid the church, and it is easy to avoid us!"

Le Mans...

Lily closed her eyes, her thoughts could not help but fly away.

(End of this chapter)

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