Soul echo

Chapter 314 Goal

Chapter 314 Goal

On the day Zhong Ye and the others arrived in Bourges, it was snowing heavily. Fortunately, Zhong Ye sensed the change in the weather early and made the two draft horses quicken their pace. Finally, they arrived around Bourges before the wind and snow blew up.

However, when the carriage arrived, Zhong Ye saw from a distance that the city gate was closed, so he could only rent a farmhouse in the villages around the city and live there temporarily.

The smell inside the farmhouse is indescribable. Let the room be ventilated for a long time before the pungent smell dissipates.

It took another half a day to clean up the farmhouse, and when I was free, it was completely dark outside.

The wind howled outside the window, and the cold air blew in through the leaks in the house.

If it weren't for the heavy snowstorm, they would rather live in the carriage than live in this farmhouse.

Lily and Lilian were wrapped in sleeping bags, and curled up on the only bed in the room, while Zhong Ye sat in the corner, closing his eyes and resting his mind.

Now his physical fitness is different from before, even if he stays up all night for a few days, he will be fine, as long as the [Tuna Method] is still running, he will not feel tired if he does not do things that consume his mind and mind.

Sleep is still necessary, but not so necessary.

Zhong Ye didn't fall asleep, he listened to the wind outside the house, thinking about things silently.

They have arrived in Bourges, whether it is the clues of the paintings left by Nemo or the clues of the cultists left to him by the 'liar' disguised as Viscount Barnes, all point to this city.

The Church of the Goddess of the Family has also learned of the news, and as expected, the local church in Bourges has already begun to investigate these matters.

It's just that they still don't know how much they have investigated, and whether they can find enough clues before the cultists react.

After stating the area where the cultists were active, the 'liar' also revealed that the group of cultists might be operating 'human trafficking'.

This reminded Zhong Ye of his actions in Montreux. The cult member who committed suicide was also engaged in 'human trafficking'.

However, after reading that notebook, Zhong Ye began to doubt whether the things described in this notebook were fake.

After all, if the things described in the notes are true, how can it be explained that the real Viscount Barnes had contact with those cultists before his death?
You know, even the Church of the Goddess of the Family has not discovered the occurrence of 'human trafficking' in the Valensais-Bourges area, and how did Viscount Barnes find out about them and contact them?

——It is recorded in the notes that Viscount Barnes committed suicide after trying to sell those paintings to those cultists but was rejected, that is to say, it was the original Viscount Barnes who relieved those cultists.

If all this is true, what role does the 'liar' itself play in this?
But then again, if the things recorded in the notes are false, then why did that 'liar' fabricate these information?

Messy thoughts were jumbled together in Zhong Ye's mind, like some silk threads were messily entangled together, which made him unable to figure out which ones were true and which ones were false.

At that time, he had these doubts, but because he didn't know other clues, and he didn't know where the escaped "liar" took Viscount Barnes' son, he had no choice but to leave the follow-up matter to Valence Church of the Goddess of the Household, he himself set out for Bourges.

While on the road, he had temporarily suppressed these questions, but now that he arrived in Bourges, he could no longer hold back his doubts and rose from the bottom of his mind.

Bourges is located in the 'center' of the map of the Kingdom of Gaul, quite a distance from Hallstatt.

The last time he encountered the group of 'human trafficking' cultists was in Montreux, which was even farther away from Bourges.

If these two cultists are a group, does it mean that the evil god behind them is so powerful that it can affect two countries?
There are even more than two countries, but these two countries are the areas they have discovered and are currently affected.

That evil god may have also affected other countries, but they haven't been able to discover it for the time being.

However, if these cultists are so powerful, have many churches in the West Land really not noticed their actions?
This doubt, wait until Bourges opens the city gate, and after they enter the city, they can go to the local church to confirm.

Of course, the premise is that the cultists in these two regions are 'a group of people'.

Then, the question came back to the original point - did Viscount Barnes know that these cultists were operating 'human trafficking'?If he knew, why would he have acquired Nemo's paintings in the first place and wanted to sell them to the cultists?

There must be a reason for the rumors coming out of nowhere!

The next day, the heavy snow was still falling, but the gates of Bourges were opened.

Zhong Ye and the others took the opportunity to enter the urban area, and they also picked up a few villagers who wanted to enter the city to sell charcoal.

After entering the city, put those villagers down, and they ran all the way to the Adventurer's House - when entering the city, Zhong Ye had already learned the location of the Adventurer's House from those villagers.

After going wrong twice, Zhong Ye finally found the Adventurer's House.

After all, this is the first time they have come to this city. They are not familiar with the place, and it is inevitable to go the wrong way.

After setting up the carriage and luggage, the three of them braved the wind and snow and rushed to the church in Bourges without stopping.

Zhong Ye has a letter of introduction issued by the house church in Valensais in his hand, and with the proof of the letter of introduction, he doesn't need to explain who it is.

The mainstream belief in Bourges is the God of Commerce, however, there are other churches stationed in the city, so Bourges also has a 'church area'.

Without thinking too much, Zhong Ye and the others walked directly into the church of the Commercial Church, because compared to other churches, he was more familiar with the Commercial Church and had a good relationship with this church.

After entering the church of the Commercial Church, Zhong Ye saw a group of dignified priests gathered here.

As can be discerned from their attire, they were not all clergymen affiliated with the Merchant Church.

What happened?

Zhong Ye had some bad premonitions in his heart, but instead of disturbing them, he followed a priest and went to the bishop's office.

The clergyman said "wait a moment" to them outside the office door, and walked into the office holding Zhong Ye's letter of introduction.

Indeed, after a while, the clergyman opened the door.

"Your Excellency, the Bishop invites you to come in."

It seems that something really happened!
Zhong Ye and Lilian exchanged glances before walking into the office.

"Your Excellency Zhong Ye, you are so timely!"

As soon as he entered the office, the bishop who was sitting on the chair stood up and expressed such emotion.

Zhong Ye caught another subtle word, took off his weapon and put it aside, "Your Excellency, why did you say that?"

The bishop walked out from behind the desk, invited Zhong Ye and the others to sit down, and then sat down opposite Zhong Ye himself.

After pondering for a moment, and organizing his words, the bishop said: "After the believers in Valensais informed us of the situation, our church in Bourges took action—you know, to find those cultists. .

"We thought they were hiding very deeply, but we didn't expect that they are actually hiding under our noses!"

Zhong Ye's eyes narrowed, "Where is it?"

What he is best at is actually 'where to go?How many kills? ', rather than reasoning and tracing.

The bishop took a deep breath and said seriously: "Around the Kingdom Avenue, which is far from Bourges City and leads to the east of the Kingdom, there is a group of bandits, and they are actually heretics!
"With the cover of being a bandit, we used to regard those who disappeared due to looting on that road as 'dead', but in fact, those missing people did not die, but were trafficked out. "

(End of this chapter)

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