Soul echo

Chapter 321 Handover

Chapter 321 Handover
Picking up a few pieces of gravel as evidence, Zhong Ye led Lilian through the cave and into another cave, trying to track down the escaped leader.

But different from the cave outside, the cave deeper in was winding and winding. After walking for a few minutes, Zhong Ye decided to turn back and stop following him.

He has lost the whereabouts of that guy—in other words, he suspects that the guy didn't pass by here at all, and didn't escape from here.

Before returning to the carriage, Zhong Ye and the others returned to the cave where the cultists lived, tied up the cultists who were still alive, collected some food from the house, and led the cultists out of the cave.

There are no vampires here, just a bunch of cultists.

Although they were cursing Zhong Ye and the others, this group of cultists actually still feared death.

After they were driven out of the cave by Zhong Ye and Lilian, they shut their mouths and stopped cursing.

——Perhaps it was because they discovered that Zhong Ye and Lilian did not intend to kill them.

When walking towards the carriage, Zhong Ye looked up at the sky, silently sensed the humidity of the air, the wind speed, observed the clouds and mists in the sky, and then confirmed that it would not snow in the past few days.

That being the case, they could travel overnight and take the remaining cultists back to Bourges.

After returning to the carriage, seeing Zhong Ye and the others bring a group of people back, Lily's heart tightened first, and then she relaxed again.

The arms of that group of people were tied up with ropes. Although Zhong Ye and Lilian were covered in blood, it was clear from their relaxed appearance that this time they had won a complete victory.

Lily, who was wearing light armor, went up to meet her, "How's the situation?"

"We found this at the cult's compound."

Zhong Ye opened the backpack and showed Lily the black stone inside.

Lily grabbed one casually, glanced at it twice, and then frowned.

"This is that?" Lily gestured, "Hiss, is that the one on the altar?"

Zhong Ye nodded, "It looks very similar."

"You found something similar to the altar around Chartres in the residence of these cultists, but that thing has been damaged... These cultists are related to those monsters from the east? Are they abyss believers?"

The information obtained was enough, and Lily quickly deduced the actual situation.

She keenly noticed what Zhong Ye called these people: 'cultists'!
"They are not believers in the abyss. Rather, they have a very complicated perception of the abyss, which is both disgust and awe."

Glancing at those heretics, Zhong Ye analyzed: "In their words, the evil god they believe in is an ultimate existence that can protect them and survive when the abyss descends, and 'unbelievers' will fall into the abyss. Abyss, their gods will drive unbelievers out of their sanctuary.

"They have a certain understanding of the abyss, but their knowledge is not deep enough, and they have a considerable rejection and hatred towards other beliefs.

"Like these few people, the dozens of cultists I killed were also fanatics, but their beliefs were not firm enough to dare to commit suicide to keep the secrets of the gods they believed in."

Zhong Ye is not surprised by this. He can be sure that these people have certain doubts about their own beliefs. It is just because of what they have done that they cannot turn back. They can only deceive themselves and others, and keep making mistakes.

But knowing is knowing, understanding is understanding, but Zhong Ye doesn't want to give them a chance to reform - if they can get a way out of life just by giving up crime, then what about the businessmen and adventurers who were killed by them before?
Isn't there a happy family behind those travelers?Don't they have a relative?

It is even possible that they were the breadwinners of the family, and that once they died, their families were cut off from the source of income, and in this sad age, their wives, sisters and daughters had to become prostitutes to get food for the family.

Zhong Ye believed that not only he thought so, but also the clergy of many churches also thought so.

These cultists seem a little pitiful, but the people killed by them are even more pitiful, and the relatives of those people are even more pitiful!
In Bourges, there might be family members of those victims, so Zhong Ye planned to bring these cultists back to Bourges, let the church squeeze out the information they wanted to know from them, and judge them in public.

At sunset, Zhong Ye drove the carriage and set foot on the road back to Bourges.

Behind the wagon, a rope stretched out, connecting all the cultists.

The speed of the carriage was not fast, just enough for the group of cultists to keep up.

If nothing else happened, Zhong Ye and the others would drive all night, except for feeding the draft horses, the carriage would hardly stop.

At this speed, they may be able to rush back to Bourges by noon tomorrow.


When Zhong Ye and the others entered the city, the soldiers guarding the city gate did not stop them, because an 'adventurer' who 'coincidentally' passed by the city gate explained to them the identity of the person driving the carriage.

Hearing that it was the rumored hero, even veterans who had been slack in their work couldn't help but poke their heads to see what the 'hero' looked like.

Seeing that Zhong Ye's appearance and figure did fit the image of a 'hero', the soldiers were extremely surprised.

——Everyone knows that the poems sung by bards are often exaggerated, but the hero who appeared in front of them is almost the same as the image in the poem, how can people not be surprised.

The cultists were tied into a string and staggered behind the carriage, their bodies trembling.

They walked all night and were starved for two meals—because of the lack of food, they implemented a two-meal system, that is to say, they hadn't eaten anything since yesterday morning until now.

The cultists felt their stomachs twitching, their muscles knotted, and they were exposed to the cold wind all night last night.

Even if they kept exercising, they were just ordinary people. After being blown by the cold wind all night and hungry all day, they were already unconscious and their bodies were hot.

Now, the faces and feet of these cult members are covered with chilblains, and their bodies are so numb that they can't even feel their own skin and legs.

When the people who went out saw the group of people behind the carriage, they were all shocked and dumbfounded.

Under the watchful eyes of the city people, Zhong Ye drove the carriage to the door of several churches, let Lily and Lilian enter a church respectively, and went to notify the clergy of that church.

And he himself took action to inform the Commercial Church of the news.

Not long after, the clergy of various churches gathered solemnly on the square in front of the church.

The homeless who were taken in by them stood behind the doors and windows and looked out, and saw a tall man standing in front of the priests.

When he left the cave, because he couldn't find anything to prove the identities of these cultists, Zhong Ye took a few weapons they used.

Looking at those weapons and the stones in the backpack, and after hearing Zhong Ye's description, the clergy believed eight out of ten.

However, they will still send people to the cave to investigate, because Zhong Ye was in a hurry before, so the search was not thorough enough, even the homes of ordinary cultists might have some clues.

The clergymen exchanged ideas and quickly formed a team. If they start preparing immediately, they can set off tonight.

If you drive overnight, you will arrive tomorrow morning.

According to Zhong Ye, the leader of the group of cultists seems to have escaped, and they want to find those clues before all the clues are cut off, and then follow the clues.

——Finally found the whereabouts of a group of cultists, but we can't let them escape like this!

After handing over the heretics to several churches, Zhong Ye also put his mind to rest.

He didn't intend to rest, because there were still suspected vampires raging in the Bourges area.

However, Lily and Lilian seemed to need some rest, so he planned to take a long-lost solo action.

(End of this chapter)

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