Soul echo

Chapter 325 Staggered

Chapter 325 Staggered

Vampires do not have corpses, so the bodies of the nine vampires who came to hunt down the little boy turned into dust shortly after they died.

The little boy watched helplessly as his current "similar" couldn't even struggle, and died at the hands of the man who claimed to have "saved several cities".

From this point of view, what he said may be true, he really saved several cities...

Pulling out the scabbard from the snow, Zhong Ye looked up at the night.

It's getting late, and there's nothing we can do if we rush back to Bourges now.

Zhong Ye made a decision in an instant, turned around and walked back to the door of the lord's house, and knocked on the door.

"The matter has been settled, can we stay overnight?"

The sound of the latch being pulled came from behind the door, and soon, the door was opened.

The lord holding the long sword stood behind the door, looked outside the door vigilantly, and found that there was no other figure outside the door except Zhong Ye and the little boy, he was slightly relieved.

Withdrawing his gaze and looking at Zhong Ye with a complicated expression, the lord sighed and moved away, "Come in."

It didn't take long for those vampires to appear, and he killed them all like chopping melons and vegetables. Such a strong person is no longer within the scope of his understanding.

He found it difficult to even deal with a newborn vampire, let alone several vampires at the same time.

Vampires have few vitals, and to kill them one must either decapitate them or pierce their heart.

Vampires are trouble enough without any armor, not to mention they can use armor and weapons like humans.

"Thank you." Zhong Ye smiled slightly and walked through the gate with his head down.

After walking two steps, Zhong Ye turned his head and saw the little boy standing outside the door, looking at the lord eagerly, and did not follow him into the house.

Zhong Ye figured out the joint in an instant, and reminded the lord in a low voice: "He needs your invitation."

The lord frowned, suddenly remembering what happened last night.

Obviously, last night, this vampire was able to break into his house by itself, but now, it needs to stand outside the door, waiting for his invitation.

In other words, if he hadn't agreed to the vampire's request last night, perhaps the vampire would have been burned to ashes by the wrath of the family goddess...

Thinking of this, the lord couldn't help but let out a cold snort.

"……come in!"

Invited by the owner of the house, the little boy heaved a sigh of relief and hurried into the house.

Standing at the door, the lord looked left and right, but he didn't find anyone running out of the house, so he closed the door and pulled the latch.

Zhong Ye stood in the living room and explained to the lord: "Those vampires have all been dealt with. You can announce this to the villagers tomorrow—you just don't know which vampire attacked the villagers."

"Just settle it." The lord sighed, "I don't want to get involved in these things..."

Zhong Ye nodded and asked: "He and I are going to spend the night in your living room, and we will take him to Bourges tomorrow, is that okay?"

Hearing this, the lord looked at Zhong Ye strangely, "Honestly... I think you are very strange, why do you still ask me about such a thing? I have already promised you to stay overnight."

"This is polite." Zhong Ye said earnestly, "Don't do evil because it's small, and don't do good because it's small. Although you agreed to my request for staying overnight, I can't use the things in this house as a matter of course. "

The lord pursed his lips. He didn't quite understand what Zhong Ye said. He was already rigid enough, but he didn't expect this person to be even more rigid than him.

"Use it as you please, just don't disturb us."

After finishing speaking, the lord carried the oil lamp and walked up the stairs, communicated with his wife who was standing at the stairs, worriedly watching him, and returned to the room.

As the door closed, the living room lost its light and fell into darkness.

According to his memory, Zhong Ye pulled a chair and sat down, and asked in a low voice, "Do you know what those vampires did to you?"

The little boy just climbed onto the chair, when he heard Zhong Ye's words, his body froze.


The little boy lowered his head and looked at his hands. The memory seemed to take him back to that night a month ago.

"tell me."

Zhong Ye used a declarative tone, which was an 'order' to the little boy.

"They transformed me into a vampire and then experimented on me." Even though he didn't need to breathe, the little boy couldn't change his habit of taking deep breaths because of tension.

"I'm not the only newborn vampire used by them for experiments. It's just that everyone else seems to be crazy except me."

Speaking of the experience of the past half month, the little boy couldn't help shaking.

If a vampire wants to transform a human into a vampire, at least a quarter of the blood of the whole body needs to be used to replace the blood of the 'supplied'.

After being infected by the vampire's virus, the bone marrow cells of the 'recipient' will be gradually destroyed, but the virus injected into their body will re-support a new structure in their body. This process lasts for a week, and after a week,' The embraced one is no longer a living thing, nor is it a resurrected undead.

At that point, they become vampires, wretches who are half-dead, neither alive nor dead.

What vampires desire is not 'blood', but the soul that moves with the heat during life movement or death, but they cannot directly contact the soul, so they need to use a medium-blood.

By sucking blood, vampires can plunder the soul and supernatural factors from the human body to continue their false life.

In order to solve the problem of energy dissipation during the 'digestion' process, they even evolved the 'fangs', a hollow blood-sucking organ. Therefore, their facial and neck muscles are very developed, and they can control and interact with the 'blood-sucking fangs' The internal air pressure of the connected 'feeding pipe' allows you to freely control the amount of blood you want to suck.

Nowadays, only very ancient vampires do not have 'blood-sucking fangs', and they still drink blood like a furry when eating, and the little boy sitting opposite, Zhong Ye saw before when he was outside the door, has 'blood-sucking fangs' A new species of vampire.

"I need to know the specific process." Zhong Ye said in a deep voice, "Can you tell me?"

The vampire attack in Bourges happened a month ago, and the first time livestock were attacked in those three villages was about half a month ago, that is to say, in the half month from half a month ago to a month ago During the time, the little boy in front of him experienced several things such as being transformed into a vampire, becoming an experimental subject, and escaping from the clan's resident.

If the traveling time can be ignored, it can prove that the vampire clan's residence is not far from Bourges.

The little boy nodded, "When they turned me into a vampire, I could feel the movement of the outside world, but I couldn't move my body.

"They put us on a stone platform, and almost every day they will pour a black, mist-like thing into our bodies,

"Because I became a vampire, I could feel my body being eroded, and every day was a torture... After seven days, we were transformed into vampires, but everyone else was crazy, only I was still awake consciousness.

"The vampire who transformed me into a vampire wanted to control me to do other experiments, but for some reason, when it took me out, I took advantage of it not paying attention, killed it, and escaped from there. "

Logically speaking, the 'recipient' cannot disobey the order of the 'blood relative', let alone kill his own 'blood relative'.

However, if this little boy is not lying, he may be the first vampire in the world to kill his 'blood relative'.

"How did you find out later that you were able to break into other people's homes?"

Zhong Ye noticed that when the little boy described killing his "blood relative", he used "unexpectedly". It sounds like he should know something about "vampire". Now that he knows something, how could he rush into it? into someone else's house?Aren't you afraid of being burned to ashes by the wrath of the goddess of the family?
"I don't know either..." The little boy shook his head blankly, "At that time they had already chased me, I could only hide in a house, otherwise I would be caught by them, I chose the lord's house to 'get an invitation', then At that time, only the lord was awake in this village."

I see……

Zhong Ye lowered his eyes, "I understand roughly, take a good rest, and I will take you back to Bourges tomorrow. If there are no accidents, you will see that vampire clan destroyed in a few days."

Hearing this, the little boy was stunned.

Staring blankly at Zhong Ye who fell asleep in an instant, he was unable to speak for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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