Soul echo

Chapter 333 Tracking

Chapter 333 Tracking

After guessing the possibility, the demon hunter didn't bother to go to Auxerre to gather with the others, but went directly with Zhong Ye and the others to the stronghold of the vampire clan - anyway, Zhong Ye also had a map in his hand.

"How do you say that?"

Riding a dragon on the ground and following the carriage, the demon hunter scratched his head and suddenly realized: "That's right! 'Long-awaited name'!"

He spoke the second half of the sentence in poor Eastern dialect, which made Zhong Ye and the others look sideways.

"Do you know the language of Dongtu?" Even through a car window, Lily couldn't help asking.

She once asked Zhong Ye what the language of Dongtu was like. Although she couldn't understand the meaning of what the witcher said, from the tone of her voice, it was indeed the language used by Dongtu people.

"Hahaha! Every demon hunter has to study at the headquarters for three to four years during his apprenticeship, and our headquarters is in the north of Westland, in the Kingdom of Nuoji, the only air route between Eastland and Westland that is still in operation today. The end point is the Nuoji Kingdom, and there are some Eastern natives who have settled in the Nuoji Kingdom, so most of us demon hunters can speak a word or two of the Eastern native language."

Lily listened quietly, it was this small detail that made the game "Echo of Soul" more realistic.

On the map, the vampire's stronghold was hidden deep in the mountains. Not long after Zhong Ye and the others met the demon hunter, they deviated from the road and entered a woodland.

"By the way!" The witcher slapped his head. "I seem to have forgotten to introduce myself. My name is Mayer, Mayer von Endrich."

Lily was quite surprised by his name, "A noble from the Rhine?"

With a smile on his lips, Mayer gave a cumbersome aristocratic salute to the carriage.

It can be seen from his familiar etiquette that he is not only a nobleman, has received noble education, but also lived as a nobleman for a considerable period of time.

How could a noble from the Rhine Kingdom become a witcher?

"Lily de Liber." With deep doubts, Lily saluted the witcher outside the car, "This is my full name."

"Liber...that's the surname of the royal family..." the witcher couldn't help muttering.

Then, he raised his head again and looked at the carriage with a smile on his face, "If I'm not wrong, there should be a lovely lady in the carriage, right?"

"You can call me Lilian, I'm Zhong Ye's disciple." Lilian cast her contemptuous gaze out of the car window, "Are all you demon hunters so frivolous?"

Mayer was at a loss for words for a while, and he maneuvered the dragon forward in a desperate manner, leveling with Zhong Ye.

"Your Excellency Zhong Ye, if those vampires really escaped, do you have a way to track those vampires?" Mayer raised her concerns, "It's a bit embarrassing to say - my tracking ability is not outstanding , and often lose track of their goals.”

Zhong Ye glanced at him, "Isn't your perception ability quite strong? Still losing track of the target?"

The moment he saw this demon hunter, Zhong Ye realized that he, like himself, also took the 'perception' route.

"All demon hunters have been transformed, and there is a price to pay." Mayer sighed and pointed to his head, "As the price for transforming the sensory organs, my thinking is quite divergent, and it is difficult to concentrate Concentrating on one thing for a long time, I believe you have also seen it just now..."

When he was talking to Lily and the others, he switched two topics in just a few words.

Meyer's transformation of sensory organs made him feel like a fish in water in battle, but if he only talked about 'tracking', he was not even as good as some apprentices.

The transformation of the demon hunters is to make it easier for them to find traces of the abyss, so the materials for their transformation organs come from the derivatives of the abyss, such as vampires, undead and other monsters.

If you don't have a strong will, you will be inspired by the abyss and become a cultist when you undergo transformation.

However, even if one has a strong and tenacious will and survives the transformation, the impact of organ transformation on the body cannot be underestimated, and these effects are called "price" by the demon hunters.

"Don't worry, if there are no accidents, we should be able to catch up with those vampires."

The group of vampires was fleeing in the northeast direction. Since it was a large-scale operation, even if they were broken up into pieces, they would definitely leave clues.

Now Zhong Ye only hoped that he could catch up with the group of vampires and kill them all before they hurt more people.

Hearing Zhong Ye's assurance, Mayer was relieved.

This hero who saved several cities should not lie about this kind of thing...

"By the way, Your Excellency Zhong Ye." Mayer seemed to suddenly remember something, and turned to look at Zhong Ye, "Are you interested in joining us as a demon hunter? Of course, we don't force you to undergo transformation, nor do we force you to go to the headquarters What do you think about joining us as a non-staff member instead of studying?"

"Why do you ask that suddenly?" Zhong Ye asked.

"Because your behavior is similar to that of us demon hunters, if you become an 'honorary demon hunter', we can contact you through internal means." With that said, Mayer took out his demon hunter badge, "That's it. The [Telecommunication Technique] is permanently fixed inside. It takes seven days to recharge once it is used, but it is much more convenient than letters and the like. If you lose it accidentally, you can reissue it, but you need to charge some money."

Looking at the badge in Mayer's hand, Zhong Ye pondered, "What is the communication range and time?"

"I haven't calculated the range, but I can contact the headquarters when I return to the middle of the Rhineland Kingdom. The time is 5 minutes. In addition to communication, I can also sense other badges, which is convenient for us demon hunters to act together."

The latter function is almost meaningless, because most of the demon hunters act alone, fight alone, and rarely meet each other.

"Let's talk." Zhong Ye withdrew his gaze.

Although the man-shaking tactic sounds good, rather than expecting to shake the demon hunter, it is better to expect the blessings of the gods - as a worker under the command of the gods in the Dan world, he is qualified to call for the help of the gods.

If the 'phantom' could be used as a teleportation base point as analyzed by the research party on the forum, perhaps he would return to the Eastland in the near future, and by then, the witcher badge would be useless.

Mayer's mouth moved, and he wanted to continue persuading, but he heard a voice from the carriage: "Teacher, we seem to be almost there!"

In the carriage, Lilian was studying the map with Lily, calculating how far they traveled, and then using the distance to calculate the distance between their current location and the vampire stronghold.

These calculations are not difficult, but rather cumbersome. Generally, when caravans are walking, they calculate when they stop to rest. However, Lilian has taught herself mathematics knowledge in high school, so this calculation is a piece of cake for her.

Even in the swaying carriage, she quickly calculated the result.

Hearing this, Mayer shut her mouth, pulled out the revolver from the holster, and silently checked the status of the gun.

In addition to the revolver, this demon hunter also carried a large rucksack with a musket stuck in it. Judging from the style, it seemed to be a breech-loading gun.

"Just around here."

As soon as the words fell, Lilian, who was fully armed, opened the car door and walked out.

The carriage stopped on a narrow road between two mountains, surrounded by mountains, and the mountains were covered with bare trees.

Searching for a hidden spot in such a place is a 'big job'.

I don't know how the group of businessmen who provided the information came to this wilderness. If the vampires have been stationed here for many years, how did they not die at the hands of the vampires?

You know, what vampires like most is healthy and vigorous blood, which represents a more active soul.

But Zhong Ye didn't need to find that stronghold, he only needed to find the traces left by the vampires when they fled.

"Lilian, you are in a group with Lily, and I will act alone," Zhong Ye said, looking at Mayer. "Mr. Endrich, you are also in a group, can you? This way the search area will be larger."

"Okay." Mayer nodded.

"Then let's get started."

(End of this chapter)

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