Soul echo

Chapter 335 Conclusion

Chapter 335 Conclusion
Although guessing should focus on reality and bold imagination, but Zhong Ye's guess is a bit too bold.

Lilian and the three of them all showed surprised expressions, and looked at Zhong Ye full of disbelief.

——This doesn't seem like what Zhong Ye, who has always been calm and rational, would say. Could it be that he is telling a cold joke?
Instead of guessing that the vampires crawled out from the top of the cave, it's better to guess that they all suddenly gained the ability to fly, because they flew too high and scratched the top of the cave!
But looking at Zhong Ye's serious appearance, it didn't look like he was telling a cold joke.

Lily and Lilian looked at each other, Mayer didn't know Zhong Ye well, didn't they know Zhong Ye well?

——Zhong Ye is serious, he is not telling a cold joke, he really thinks so!

Not long after the words fell, Zhong Ye started to act. He really went to check the branches of the trees growing around the cave.

Perhaps because of the vibration caused by the collapse of the cave, the snow and ice on the branches were shaken off, and several branches broke and fell to the ground.

It doesn't matter if you don't check, Zhong Ye really found some traces during this check.

"Look here!"

The three of them looked in the direction of Zhong Ye's finger and saw a broken branch.

"Is this... anything strange?" Mayer asked suspiciously.

Lilian took a few more glances, and then realized, "It's the length! Most of the other branches are broken at the midpoint, but this one is very close to the trunk!"

It is winter, and most of the time, the branches are much stronger than usual, but at the same time, the branches are also more prone to breakage.

The closer the branch is to the trunk, the thicker it is, and as soon as the midpoint is passed, it will gradually become more difficult to break a branch.

It can be inferred from the degree of breakage of other branches that most of these branches were affected by the shock, the ice hanging below the branches shook, and the heavy snow accumulated on the branches caused the branches to break and fall.

However, the fracture of the branch Zhong Ye pointed out was different. From the cross-section, it can be seen that the original state of the branch was quite healthy, there was no decay, and the possibility of natural fracture was extremely low.

After listening to Lilian's explanation, Mayer and Lily had an idea that they thought was extremely absurd -- could it be that Zhong Ye really guessed right?Those vampires really crawled out from the top of the cave?
They couldn't help but think of that weird picture, and hurriedly shook their heads, throwing that horrible fantasy out of their minds.

After finding a piece of information that seemed to be a clue, Zhong Ye continued to search along this line of thought.

Lilian, who had some doubts about Zhong Ye just now, also followed his footsteps, helping to search together before the night fell.

As a result, they really found more clues!
Looking at the branches on the ground, Zhong Ye couldn't help but feel a little shaken.

Could it be that his nonsense guessed the truth by mistake?

Of course, he knew that it was impossible for a vampire to climb out of the cave. Even if he could climb, it would not be possible to leave only some scratches, and there should be other marks, but these branches seemed to confirm his statement.

He just wanted to distract Lilian and the others from the 'traces discovered in the northwest' for the time being, and prevent them from thinking along that line of thought.

Unexpectedly, it seemed that he had found the escape route of the group of vampires—the order of the branches breaking, pointing directly to the northeast.

As the saying goes, once bitten by a snake and afraid of well ropes for ten years, after Zhong Ye was tricked once, he became wary of similar things.

If those vampires really escaped from this route, it would be a troublesome thing for them to step on one branch, let alone several branches.

Under the trees with unnaturally broken branches, Zhong Ye did not find any traces of heavy objects falling, but only found some branches and icicles embedded in the snow and even the ground.

This is a coincidence?Is it a conspiracy?Or are there other factors?

Glancing at Lilian behind him, he realized that she might have gone offline for dinner. Zhong Ye turned to Lily and Mayer and said, "It's getting late, let's investigate tomorrow."

The dimness that originally only occupied a corner of the sky had already covered the dome, and Lily also felt hungry, so she nodded, remembered this place, and returned to the carriage with Zhong Ye.

Before Zhong Ye left, he had already piled up the fodder for the two draft horses. When they came back, the two draft horses were lying leisurely on the animal skins, turning their heads to take a bite from time to time, looking extremely at ease.

Although there is no fire to warm up, staying inside the shed without the cold wind blowing in is naturally much more comfortable than outside.

Even though Zhong Ye didn't tie them to a tree, they didn't run away either.

The fire was lit, and after the fish soup was cooked, a bowl was sent to Mayer.

When Mayer took the soup bowl, Zhong Ye suddenly asked, "Mr. Endrich, which direction do you think the group of vampires are most likely to escape from?"

Hearing this, Mayer frowned and put down the bowl.

"To be honest, Your Excellency Zhong Ye, your previous conjecture was really bold, and even frightened me, but later, various signs showed that what you said was correct--I am very suspicious now, the ones that appeared in the northwest The traces were deliberately created by the group of vampires in order to mislead us."

Zhong Ye knew what he wanted to say, and the implication was: Those group of vampires knew that someone would track them down.

If they didn't know that someone would track them down, there was no need for them to make those traces, and there was still a bit of wet soil at the end of the cave, indicating that they had only recently abandoned this place.

It has been half a month since Cyril escaped. It was a coincidence that this group of vampires gave up this stronghold only recently.

He killed the vampires who were chasing Cyril four days ago. He set off from Bourges two days ago. It was around this time that the group of vampires destroyed the stronghold and fled. If they want to prepare, the time to decide to escape may be Before that.

"Do vampires have the ability to perceive the death of their 'blood relatives'?" Zhong Ye asked.

"This... indeed!" Mayer nodded.

In other words, did the group of vampires decide to run away immediately after confirming that all the vampires chasing Cyril were dead?How did they determine that Cyril fell into their hands?

Sure enough, there are still logical loopholes——

Among these things, a vital link is missing!
"These news are circulating within the church and the demon hunters. How did the vampires know that we decided to deal with them?" Zhong Ye seemed to murmur, and said this sentence.

Mayer fell into deep thought with him, and after a while, Zhong Ye turned around and opened the curtain of Mayer's tent and walked out.

"Oh, by the way, I suggest you drink the fish soup quickly. It's cold and the fish soup cools down quickly."

Hearing Zhong Ye's reminder, Mayer came to his senses and hurriedly took a sip of soup from the bowl.

- so salty!And it's still cold!

Looking at the fish soup, Mayer began to doubt life.

When he walked back to the shed, Zhong Ye had already cleared his mind, and locked on the 'suspect' who caused the current situation——Cyril.

Of course, this may not be what Cyril did subjectively, but what method the group of vampires used to know their actions.

Cyril's "blood relative" has died, and vampires are creatures that pay attention to "my vassal's vassal is not my vassal". It is impossible to perceive whether Cyril is alive or not from another generation.

Therefore, if nothing unexpected happens, it is very likely that the group of 'painted skin' monsters did it.

They have cooperated with vampires, and to some extent, they have interests, and it is not impossible for them to help vampires.

The problem was with Cyril, or more precisely, with the black mist that the vampire poured into his body...

That should be the body of 'Painted Skin', but I don't know if the black mist poured into Cyril's body has self-awareness, after all, the people who participated in the experiment with him are all 'crazy'.

Zhong Ye's brain was running rapidly, and at the same time, the movement of his hands did not stop, and he kept sending food into his mouth. His stomach worked hard to digest the food and provide nutrition for his brain.

Before long, he stopped thinking.

After all, conjectures are just conjectures, and they cannot be proven without evidence, but he can tell the clergymen of Bourges about those conjectures, and let them observe Cyril's movements in secret.

(End of this chapter)

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