Soul echo

Chapter 343 Hunting Vampires (5)

Chapter 343 Hunting Vampires ([-])
"If the group of vampires don't continue to escape, their new location needs to meet two conditions."

It was evening, Zhong Ye and the others sat in a circle, Mayer stretched out two fingers, and said: "One, it is close to crowded places, because they have just abandoned their original station and urgently need to replenish 'reserve food', That is 'blood slave'; two, the location is hidden."

Fort Luzel is a neutral zone. Although it guards the dangerous place between the Kingdom of Gaul and the Kingdom of the Rhine, it will not pose any danger to the two kingdoms because of its weak force. A buffer zone is also needed between the two kingdoms. Therefore, Luzerburg came into being.

Because it is a neutral zone, there are many businessmen from the two kingdoms. Thanks to this, Luzelburg is quite rich.

Because of wealth, people gradually gathered, so that besides Luzelburg, there were many villages and towns in that large neutral area.

In addition, there are many merchants and adventurers in that place, even if one or two are missing, they will not be found.

From this point of view, the area around Luzelburg is quite suitable to be the next residence of the group of vampires.

However, Mayer has another worry.

"We killed a vampire last night. Baledick also killed a few vampires before. Now the group of vampires may have realized that their whereabouts have been exposed. I don't know if they will continue to escape..."

Hearing this, the witch rolled her eyes and wrapped her thick fur coat tightly around her body, "Now they are surrounded, and they will be found no matter where they go, not to mention, they have a group of creatures that can live in other people's bodies." Allies, their allies will surely tell them what happened recently.

"It's not a trivial matter for a named battle group to leave the original station, and there will definitely be a lot of trouble. If they continue to escape, where can they escape? To the Rhine Kingdom? Or continue to the north?"

Vampires are the enemies of all human beings. At the same time, they will not obey the orders of demons, because they do not want the world to be destroyed. Once the world is destroyed, they have no way to escape.

Unless, they are willing to transform themselves into demons!
Now the group of vampires have fallen into a predicament, apart from transforming into demons, their only choice is to hide themselves as much as possible, or run away separately.

However, if they escape separately, can their clan survive?

After trying the 'luxury' life, can they go back to the old days when they can only control two or three blood slaves and have to go hunting by themselves from time to time?
If it's just a group of two or three vampires, any 'graduated' witcher can easily wipe them out.

The horror of vampires is only for ordinary people, and it is not worth mentioning to experts like demon hunters who specialize in dealing with the abyss.

"So, do you think that group of vampires will hide on the spot?" Zhong Ye looked around and saw that everyone except Lilian nodded.

They thought that the group of vampires might not have escaped from the Luzelburg area, but would hide there.

Vampires are originally a kind of invisible creatures, they are quite good at hiding, if Cyril hadn't escaped, no one would have known that there was a clan of vampires hiding around Auxerre.

Even if Zhong Ye and the others knew that the group of vampires might be hiding in the Luzelburg area, they might not be able to find them out.

It is very likely that the group of vampires hid on the spot, so Zhong Ye and the others decided to stay there for a while after arriving in Luzelburg.

Moreover, whether it was the other demon hunters or the named battle group, after receiving the news that Zhong Ye and the others had caught up and killed a vampire, they were all approaching Luzelburg.

——Some demon hunters have already joined the named battle group, so the named battle group also knows the news.

After making a plan, Zhong Ye raised his head to take a look at the sky, lifted the lid of the iron pot, and a gust of heat rose.

"Hurry up and finish dinner. Let's continue on our way tonight. If the speed can be maintained at the level of last night, we can rest in Luzelburg tomorrow morning."


Early in the morning, before dawn, the gate guards will open the gates of Luzelburg, because the 'big men' living in the city need to supplement their daily necessities.

At this time, the villagers who had been waiting for a long time outside the city gate with their baskets on their backs in twos and threes drove their cattle, sheep, chickens and ducks into the city.

If the city gate guards have relatively clean hands and feet, the farmers only need to stuff a piece of charcoal or an egg of poor quality into their arms to let them go. It is a pity that most of them who can become city gate guards have something to do with it. To get this tiring job, isn't it just to fill your own pockets?

Not long after the city gate opened, the empty pockets of several city gate guards bulged.

Just as he was planning where to drink tonight, suddenly there was a noise from behind the crowd. Several city gate guards turned their heads and saw a tall carriage and two knights coming out from behind the crowd.

Whether it's the coachman or the two knights riding a steed and a ground dragon, they all look quite difficult to mess with.

The weapons were blatantly hung outside the carriage, and several city gate guards even saw a musket stuck in the backpack behind the ground dragon knight, with the muzzle and barrel directly exposed to their eyes.

Swallowing, they exchanged glances, and when the team passed by, they didn't look sideways, staring at the distance without looking back, even if someone took the opportunity to enter the city, they didn't pay attention.

The design of Luzelburg is very interesting. This city has a "urn city" that is quite rare in the western land. After passing through the outer gate, there is another gate to enter the city.

However, there has been no war in Luzelburg for a long time, and the urn city is full of dilapidated houses and residents. Even the peasants who enter the city will not sell here, because the people who live here are a group of poor ghosts—— The poor who cannot live in the city and have been driven out.

This is the slums of Luzelburg. The houses here are not even houses. They are just buildings piled up with mud and stones, which have no effect of sheltering from wind and rain.

A silent woman in ragged clothes stood by the side of the street, looking blankly at the only place in this slum that could be called a 'street', her body shivering in the cold wind.

When you look up, you can see a plume of smoke rising from the other side of the city—it's a factory.

Although I don't know what is being produced, it should not be produced for civilian use.

——Only "noble" big men are eligible to use industrial products produced by large machines, while civilians can only use rough and ugly handmade products made by hand.

Zhong Ye felt uncomfortable with the fragmentation of time and space. His eyes swept over the people, and he took this shocking scene deep into his heart.

He didn't look back until he entered the city.

After entering the urban area of ​​Luzelburg, the first thing Zhong Ye and the others did was to go to the Adventurer's House and store the carriage and Dixing Dragon.

Just now at the city gate, the guard explained that although Luzerburg allows herbivorous dragons to enter, it is best not to lead or ride it on the road.

Zhong Ye and the others had already decided to stay in the Luzelburg area for a while, so the first priority was to find a place to live, and then it would not be too late to go to the local church to learn about the vampire's movements.

After handling all the affairs, Zhong Ye asked the others to rest first, and he went to the local church to find out the situation.

After a night of running around, besides Zhong Ye, the two demon hunters also felt tired.

If someone else said such a thing, they would definitely not agree, but now the person who said this is Zhong Ye - they really have never seen anyone who is more reliable than Zhong Ye.

After parting from Lilian and the others, Zhong Ye inquired about the location of the local church at the front desk and went directly.

Then there, he learned a shocking news——

"You have locked the specific location of the group of vampires?!"

(End of this chapter)

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