Soul echo

Chapter 360 Resurrection

Chapter 360 Resurrection
In this world, there is such a thing as 'resurrection'.

Not to mention the world of Dan, even on Earth, as long as the body organs are intact and the time of death does not exceed twelve hours, the possibility of being rescued is not low.

Compared with the resurrection technology based on the technological level of the earth, the resurrection of Dan's world mainly relies on the power of gods.

Generally speaking, if the death time does not exceed three days, the will will be strong before death, and the body and soul have not been defiled by the power of the abyss, the dead can be resurrected.

The stronger the will and the higher the integrity of the body before death, the greater the possibility of resurrection.

Before dawn, Zhong Ye and the others set off from the village with more than 30 corpses and returned to Luzelburg before noon.

This mighty team appeared in the city, covered in clotted blood and dust, and scared many people. Even the city guards had to "escort" them all the way in fear to avoid any accidents.

Under the gaze of horror or curiosity, the team came to the square in front of the Luzelburg Church.

The bishop of the city-state church, who had been notified early, had already made all preparations, and only waited for the team to send the corpse back.

The center of the gray stone floor of the square is painted bright orange-red. This orange-red color is a circle, surrounded by patterns like flames.

Zhong Ye recognized at a glance that this was the holy emblem of the Sun God, but there should be no priests of the Sun God in Luzelburg.

Just when everyone was wondering about this, the bishop of the city-state church led people to welcome him.

"The time is coming, let's talk after we have something to say, and put the people who need to be resurrected around the holy emblem first."

What is extremely surprising is that the bishop is now wearing a white robe and holding a golden scepter in his hand.

Not only that, but the clerics who followed behind him wore the same clothes as him, and the holy emblem of the Sun God was printed on the front and back of the robe.

However, the bishop of the Commercial Church was not surprised, and ordered his clergy to place the corpses of the war dead on the square around the holy emblem of the sun.

Most of the corpses of the war dead brought back by them were not complete. In that kind of intense battle, even the 'Punishers' wargroup was unable to protect the bodies of the wargroup members.

The people who followed the procession to the surroundings of the church could not help but cover their eyes when they saw the horrific sight of the corpses being moved out of the carriage—there were still several dried robber corpses hanging outside the gate of Luzelburg!

Even the people who have seen that kind of corpse can't accept it. It can be seen how tragic the death of the war dead is.

Among the people who came to watch were the relatives of the Musketeers. They saw the Musketeers standing in the line. Those people were not their relatives, that is to say...

The clergy in Luzelburg were nervously preparing for the resurrection ceremony, and it was almost noon. For them, the time was very tight.

The sun will reach the sky above Luzerburg at noon, which is the best time to hold the resurrection ceremony.

As time went by, the atmosphere in the square gradually became tense and solemn.

Fortunately, the priests finally poured holy water into the corpses of all the war dead before noon, and filled their bodies with enough gold and silver—these metals with excellent energy-conducting properties are crucial for the resurrection ceremony. important point.

The choir gathered behind the bishop of the city-state church. They also wore white robes and gold pendants on their heads.

"The ceremony begins!" The deacon announced from the side.

After the words fell, the bishop of the city-state church began to chant.

Under his leadership, the choir either sang in a low voice or hummed to the soundtrack.

The twelve round mirrors placed around the square are tilted at the same time to direct sunlight to the holy sun emblem in the center of the square.

Many priests in white robes knelt on one knee between the round mirrors, praying in low voices.

The overlapping of neat and consistent voices made the ceremony scene extremely sacred and glorious.

The holy emblem of the sun in the middle of the square is also gradually emitting light, which means that the sun god has watched the land.

Then, the holy symbol of the sun radiates energy.

The clouds in the sky were broken, and a beam of sunlight shone from the clouds and hit the square directly.

Seeing this scene, many believers knelt on the ground. Even if they did not believe in the sun god, it did not prevent them from expressing their respect for this miracle.

Except for the priests in charge of the ceremony, everyone else knelt on the ground on one knee. The relatives of the war dead were especially pious. They closed their eyes tightly and touched their heads to the ground, hoping that their loved ones could come back to life.

Under the guidance of the bishop of the city-state church, the light emanating from the holy emblem penetrated into every body, melting the gold and silver in their bodies.

At the same time as these precious metals melted, the divine power that was introduced into them earlier was also integrated into the muscles, bones, and internal organs.

Dead cells are reinvigorated, reversing their 'dead' state.

The first organ to be revived is the 'heart', because every other cell in the body needs a beating heart to pump blood and transport oxygen.

The second organ to be revived is the 'lungs', which are able to start moving as the heart starts beating again.

Along with the resurrection of the heart and lungs, the autonomic nervous system also revived.

From this moment on, the basic physiological reactions of the human body no longer need divine power to maintain, and can operate autonomously.

The excess divine power began to flow to all parts of the body, and the part that received the most divine power was the 'brain'.

The importance of the brain to the human body is self-evident. It is an organ as important as the heart in the human body. Any declaration of death by these two organs means that the person is about to die.

In the battle with the legendary troll, most of the members of the "Punisher" Chapter died because of being shot in the head, and some even lost their heads, leaving only a headless torso.

However, under the pouring of powerful divine power, the headless corpse's head was gradually reshaped, and bones and flesh and blood grew out of the fractures one after another.

Unlike others, Zhong Ye knelt on one knee just to show his respect for the resurrection ceremony. He didn't lower his head and eyes like others, but paid attention to the resurrection process throughout.

The resurrection ceremony is about to come to an end. At the end of the ceremony, whether the resurrected person can come back to life has nothing to do with others, but depends on whether their own will to survive is tenacious enough.

If the will is strong enough, one's soul can stay in the corpse for a long time. Like Zhong Ye, after death, it is possible to use his own will to transcend the boundary between life and death, and re-emerge as an 'undead creature'. Back to this world.

It has been 36 hours since these people died in battle, and the souls of ordinary people can't hold on until now. I just hope that they don't fall into a desperate situation before they die...

No one can help these dead now, all Zhong Ye and the others can do is just wait.

The chanting is still going on, as long as the resurrection ceremony lasts, the priest in charge of the ceremony needs to last as long as possible, and cannot be interrupted or left during the period.

Even if your voice is hoarse, even if your bladder hurts, you can't leave—unless you interrupt the ceremony.

The ceremony entered its final stage, and soon after, a paladin from the 'Punishers' chapter suddenly bounced from the ground.

"Be careful!" He tore his throat and shouted with all his strength.

Then, looking at the surrounding scene, he fell into a daze.

The weapon in his hand was no longer there, and the surroundings looked like a square, surrounded by sleeping people...

After a moment of sluggishness, recalling the scene of facing the great sword, the paladin wrinkled his face in pain, and then realized that he had already died once.

After the first person was successfully resurrected, the singing became louder, and the people prostrating around the square became more devout.

One after another, people were successfully resurrected. However, these people who were successfully resurrected were paladins, priests, and adventurers. The only demon hunter who died was the third one to be resurrected.

None of the soldiers of the Musketeers has been successfully resurrected so far. The longer the time is delayed, the lower the possibility of resurrection.

The sun moved westward slowly, and the priests kneeling beside the twelve round mirrors were also adjusting the angles of the round mirrors so that the sunlight could always fall on the holy emblem of the sun.

In the afternoon, finally a Musketeer soldier was successfully revived.

After him, two more soldiers were resurrected, and until the sun went down, no one was successfully resurrected.

The eight warm bodies lay quietly on the stone slabs of the square, gradually turning back to cold and stiff...

Zhong Ye sighed softly and stood up.

Then, he heard a suppressed cry coming from behind him.

(End of this chapter)

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