Soul echo

Chapter 364

Chapter 364
"Wow! Ah!"

Under the heavy blade, the goblin's body was shattered.

On both sides of Zhong Ye, Lilian and Lili rushed into the group of goblins and started killing.

This group of more than 20 goblins broke up and fled under their wave of charge.

However, Zhong Ye had no intention of letting them go. When they turned around and fled, he strode forward, swung his long knife wide and wide, and killed the goblins.

Since the "fear feedback" of goblins is very real and can give players a great visual impact, many players' first death is in the hands of goblins.

Otherwise, how could it kill players whose basic attributes far exceed those of ordinary people with the poor combat power that goblins and noble private soldiers can easily deal with?

However, Lilian struck fiercely, and didn't hesitate to deal with the goblins who were screaming in terror.

This is because she has seen more than one scene of human-like bones lying in a pot or being strung on a wooden stick, and the person who created these cruel things is the goblin.

These dwarves, which are said to have come from another world, are cunning and cruel in nature, and they are deceitful and fearful of the strong. Once the number of them gathers to the extent that they think they can rob human beings, they will not hesitate to attack weak human settlements.

Farms and towns may be attacked by them. As long as someone is left alone, they will launch an attack.

Even if one becomes an extraordinary person, the head is still the key point. If a person below the extraordinary person is hit on the head, he will be dizzy even if he is not dead.

Once besieged by goblins, even a transcendent person will die if he is unlucky.

Of course, the premise is that the goblins besieging the Transcendent can just hit the Transcendent's head with something powerful enough, otherwise, it would be impossible to kill the Transcendent.

The group of goblins who were being chased by Zhong Ye lived in the Black Forest, and outside the forest, there was a human village. Adventurers who entered and exited the Black Forest on weekdays would often use this village as a supply point and transit point.

The reason why this group of goblins gather here is to attack lonely adventurers.

They don't have the ability to independently produce weapons and equipment - at least the group of goblins in front of them certainly don't have it.

However, they were holding weapons that did not fit their body shape and size, and the clothes and leather armor they were wearing also looked quite large.

This is the evidence that they have attacked humans and killed them.

After killing most of the goblins, Zhong Ye sent Lily and Lilian back to the village to wait for news, while he followed the only remaining goblin to their settlement.

Their lair is a cave, which may have been occupied by bears or something, but is now occupied by goblins.

Because the original owner was huge, the cave was enough for Zhong Ye to stand up straight and walk.

Zhong Ye followed the panicked goblin into the cave, and after a while, he saw some bones scattered on the ground.

Seeing these bones, he felt a little heavy.

He recognized that these bones were the hard-to-use parts such as hip bones, phalanges, and skulls. The rest of the ribs, tibia, and humerus were used by those goblins as weapons—when they fought with the goblins just now, those goblins The bones in my hand should be these...

Goblins have always been bullying and afraid of toughness. Things like wild beasts are much more terrifying than humans. Even wolves or apes who are alone, they don't dare to make up their minds, because wild beasts are more wild than humans, and they don't restrain their hands and feet.

Only humans are their favorite targets to bully.

The deeper the cave, the more bones there are, but these bones seem to be 'fresh', only two or three years old at the earliest.

This is also as it should be. If this group of goblins lived here for a long time, but they were not driven out and eliminated, it would be impossible.

However, living here for two or three years, it is impossible to have only twenty or so.

With the reproduction speed of goblins, two or three years is enough for them to differentiate three times, and each tribe will have at least sixty goblins.

The white bones here also showed this point, but why did he see such a small number now?
Zhong Ye recalled the goblins killed by them before. They were all wearing leather armor and had weapons in their hands, which also meant that they must be the 'elite force' of this tribe.

A goblin tribe with a total of more than [-] "elite forces" has only about [-]?
Goblins are not like human beings, they don't have such a long period of infancy, and they don't have such a long period of aging. Although their lives are short, they spend most of their time in the prime of life, only about one to half a year before they die. will enter old age.

With few exceptions, goblins die once the aging period passes.

Because of this, goblins can’t become a civilization—even if they already have a lot of experience and knowledge, but because they are still in their prime, they have to go out to plunder with other goblins, which can easily lead to death, which should have been passed on Knowledge is not passed on.

In addition, because of the short infancy, the cubs will be included in the out-going team when they become adults before they have time to learn enough knowledge, and they will lose the opportunity to inherit knowledge.

Even if the goblins had the wisdom of a ten-year-old child, they couldn't build a civilization.

Is there something going on here?

With doubts, Zhong Ye walked to the end of the cave.

Here, he only saw one goblin, the one he deliberately let go.

Hearing the sound of footsteps behind him, he turned his head to look back, and found that the person who came was the human who killed his companion, so the goblin yelled and threw himself on a wall, slapping the wall continuously.

It has nowhere to retreat, and Zhong Ye will not let it go this time.

With one swing of the knife, he directly killed the goblin, kicked the corpse aside, and Zhong Ye looked at the wall.

The wall doesn't seem to have anything special, it's uneven, and it doesn't depict any runes or anything like that.

After meeting the goblin shaman, Zhong Ye realized that the goblin kingdom under Yitruer also had spellcasters, so he was so vigilant now.

After careful observation for a few times, and after confirming that there was indeed nothing unusual about the wall, Zhong Ye withdrew his gaze and looked around.

There was a dead body lying in the corner of the cave. Judging from the scars on his clothes and body, he might have been an adventurer before, but now, a large number of limbs were mutilated, and even his face was gnawed beyond recognition.

Zhong Ye also searched in this foul-smelling cave. In some corners and in a wooden box, he found some broken clothes and accessories. Presumably, these were the relics of the girl that the peasants in that village asked them to find. ...

The girl had been missing for more than ten days, and even the villagers didn't have any hope, they only hoped that Zhong Ye and the others could help find the body.

It's just that I didn't expect that there were no corpses, only a pile of relics left.

Zhong Ye sighed, turned his gaze to the ground, picked some clean and 'fresh' female skeletons, and put them into a bag together with the relics.

Then he walked a few more times, moved the skeleton and the adventurer's body out of the cave, and buried them outside the cave.

He set up a tombstone for them, but he didn't know what to write on it. In the end, he just scribbled down the words 'Tomb of the Miserable'.

It was already night when Zhong Ye returned to the village outside the forest.

Lily and Lilian were waiting for him to come back at the entrance of the village—so was the villager who asked him to find the girl's body.

Seeing Zhong Ye hand over the bag that didn't look like it could hold a corpse, the villager had a dull expression on his face.

What followed was unspeakable sadness.

The villagers hugged the smelly cloth bag and kept crying, but they couldn't cry, turned around and walked back to the village in silence.

Seeing his appearance, Zhong Ye and the others looked at each other, lowered their eyes, and sighed.

(End of this chapter)

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