Soul echo

Chapter 368 Breeding Demons

Chapter 368 Breeding Demons
Hearing the screams, the clergymen were startled, and hastened to hurry over.

However, when they came to the yard with the gate open, they saw this scene——

A tall man stood next to several corpses with his back to them. A lot of fine pieces of meat fell on the ground, and blood spattered on the other people. Even the walls not far away were stained with bones and Fragments of flesh and blood are slowly sliding down at this moment.

Hearing footsteps approaching, Zhong Ye turned to look at the priests, "You have failed your duty."

The heavy pressure fell on the heart, almost making several priests unable to breathe.

Suddenly, one of the several corpses lying on the ground moved again, and the pupils of the priests suddenly dilated, shouting: "Be careful!"

Zhong Ye raised his foot and stepped on it, crushing the chest of the 'corpse', more flesh and blood splashed out, several pieces fell directly in front of the feet of the priests, causing their eyebrows to twitch.

"The abyss is almost spreading under your noses, but you didn't notice it?"

Zhong Ye's questioning left several clergymen speechless, or rather, they didn't know how to face the things that were happening right now.

Even undead will return to silence if their heads are blown off. Only trolls and abyssal creatures will not die because of missing heads.

Right now, this corpse is obviously not the troll's, so there is only one possibility left - an abyss infected person.

Looking at the corpse, a clergyman took a deep breath and stood up, "Your Excellency Zhong Ye, I am deeply sorry for our stupidity, and I can guarantee that from today onwards, there will not be another one left in Tubingen." prostitute."

Everyone looked at him in disbelief, wondering if his head was normal.

A city with a lot of adventurers, actually said to eliminate 'prostitutes'?
Zhong Ye nodded, walked to the edge of the wall, and pulled out the straight knife from the man nailed to the wall, but the man fell down powerlessly, and blood kept coughing out of his mouth.

"Leave two people to help with the treatment, and the others will follow me in."

With a flick of the straight knife, the blood stained on the knife quickly slid down the tip of the knife. Wipe off the remaining blood with the rag that he carried with him, and Zhong Ye put the straight knife back into its sheath.

Glancing at the several clergymen who were in action, Zhong Ye reminded: "You'd better treat everyone here as abyss infected, be careful."

The abyss is like a cockroach, as long as one is found, it means that there must be other people affected by the abyss in this place.

Hearing these words, the leading cleric immediately reacted and looked nervously at the people around him.

He said a few words to his companions, and all the priests tensed up.

The two priests remained in the yard, one helped to treat the injured man, the other held a weapon and watched the other people in the yard vigilantly, as long as they dared to escape, he would smash the escaped man's head without hesitation .

Those yordle gang members who went to the church and suddenly mutated into mutants have shown that this gang is linked to the abyss, and now they are here to clear everything up.

Zhong Ye pushed open the door of the brothel, and as soon as he took a step, he smelled a foul smell.

He walked to the door of a room and kicked open the locked door.

However, the man and woman in the room turned a deaf ear and continued to move about.

"Holy water."

Several clergymen subconsciously obeyed Zhong Ye's order and handed over a bottle of holy water.

Zhong Ye pulled out the cork and spilled the whole bottle of holy water.

The two were drenched in holy water and screamed one after another.

The man's body trembled, and he came to his senses. The woman's arm, which was soaked by the holy water, appeared as if it was burning. At the same time, her body also changed.

The muscles under the skin surged and swelled outward suddenly.

The woman locked the man in her arms, so the man could see the beautiful and delicate face suddenly swelled and horribly swelled up close. He couldn't suppress the fear in his heart and screamed out.

"It's hopeless." Zhong Ye shook his head, turned around and kicked open the door of another room, and was not surprised to find that the inside looked the same.

"Burn it," he suggested.

This proposal was unanimously approved by several clergymen. According to the boss of the Yodel Gang, all the women in this brothel were 'provided' by someone. If so, there would be no normal people in it.

They could tell that the women in these two rooms were not believers of the Lord of Pleasure, they were a group of poor people, carriers of the abyss infection, and the meaning of existence was only to spread the information of the abyss.

Now that they had made a decision, they acted.

The clergymen went out and asked the bosses and thugs of the Yodel gang where the fire oil and firewood were. After all, it was a masonry house, and it might be difficult to directly ignite it.

Zhong Ye stood in the room, always paying attention to the movement in those rooms.

He ignored the voices in the room, and only cared about whether the men and women who had lost their minds were mutated.

After the support of the priests arrived and the residents around the yard were evacuated, the kerosene and firewood placed in every corner of the house were ignited.

The raging flames rose suddenly, and light and heat were emitted, licking the skin of the priests who were waiting to surround the courtyard.

Although they are all believers in the God of Medicine, it does not mean that they are incapable of fighting.

——It would be better to say that their combat effectiveness can be ranked among the top five among all believers of the gods.

The fire attracted the attention of many people. Some people wanted to go in to fight the fire, but they were blocked by the priests.

Many adventurers and members of the Yodel Gang stood in the distance, watching the brothel they used to visit being engulfed in flames, feeling suddenly confused.

Why did the clergy burn down that brothel?And the boss of the yordle gang is standing beside them, watching their property being destroyed?

At this moment, a scream pierced through the flames, and even the flames were suppressed a bit.

The spirits of all the clergy were lifted, and the leader roared angrily: "Attention everyone, fight against the demons!"

Several tentacles smashed through the roof and waved wildly in the air. Everyone who saw this scene felt astonished.

The God of Healing doesn't have any offensive spells. The only thing the priests can do is to summon a holy light and throw it out, piercing through the flesh and blood of the tentacles.

However, compared to the tentacles, each of which is as thick as a person, those tiny wounds have no impact at all.

The clergymen silently blessed themselves with auxiliary divine spells, and were surprised to see Zhong Ye walking out from behind them and walking straight towards the raging fire.

Before the priests could bless him with divine spells, Zhong Ye jumped up from the ground, stepped on the burning roof, and rose again.

Perhaps feeling his threat, several tentacles suddenly condensed into one, transforming into a female upper body.

The upper body is covered with skulls, half of the heads are male and half are female, but the male and female faces are pieced together—each head is half male and half female.

Every female face is different, and so is every male face. However, from those faces, the onlookers saw the appearance of those prostitutes who had been played by them and even "excessively killed" by them.

They suddenly had a creepy guess in their hearts - the prostitutes they played with were actually men in the first place!
Zhong Ye's body whirled in the air, and he threw his leg violently. With just one blow, the chest of that demon was smashed to pieces.

Countless flesh and blood sprayed out and fell into the raging fire.

"Ah! Ah!"

The remaining heads shed blood and tears, and the screams overflowing from the throat stung everyone's eardrums. Only the priests were immune to the damage with the help of divine magic.

At this moment, they felt the breath of the abyss appearing in the crowd. They turned their heads in horror and saw some adventurers and residents kneeling on the ground in pain, squeezing their heads, and their bodies mutated amidst screams. .

"I can deal with it here, you go and clean up those aberrations!"

Zhong Ye took a deep breath, allowing the breath to penetrate the whole body, and the spiritual energy also spread to the limbs and bones along with the will.

Hearing this, the priests turned around resolutely, rushed towards the crowd, and swung their weapons at the deformed bodies.

Standing in the void, Zhong Ye suddenly charged forward, tore apart the flames, and fell into the house.

He 'felt' that the vital point of this demon was actually here!
(End of this chapter)

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