Soul echo

Chapter 392 Treatment

Chapter 392 Treatment

Packing up their bags and carrying their bags, the players set off, aiming at the northern part of the Hallstatt city-state alliance.

They took enough clean food and fresh water, as well as disaster relief items such as medical supplies and warm items, and set off on the journey.

As early as when the plague broke out in Constantia, many churches had issued tasks to the Adventurer's House, and indicated the task background, objectives and rewards.

However, because of the need for close contact with the plague, no matter how much the bounty is, not many aboriginal adventurers are willing to risk their lives.

However, players are different!

They came to this world just to play, and their souls are immortal under the protection of the gods. To them, the money and life in this world are just a bunch of 'data' that have little connection with the real world.

Naturally, some local tyrants are willing to use the currency of the real world to buy the currency in "Echo of Soul", but in this world, their money is not a string of numbers, but real 'coins'. If they want to trade, the best The method is face-to-face transactions, followed by 'remittance' through the business church.

Not every town has a distribution of commercial churches, so it is very difficult for players to conduct transactions.

Because of this, for Westland players, coins are really just some unimportant 'data'. Their lives in this world are like most adventurers, and the money they earn is for immediate enjoyment.

Of course, for players, the strength of equipment and the level of skills are also part of enjoyment, so they are willing to spend money to buy powerful equipment and learn powerful skills.

Other than that, they have almost no other material desires in this world.

In addition to carrying the supplies provided by the various churches, many players also spent all their money to buy support supplies at their own expense, and then went to Schaffhausen.

Among them, there are some players who have become 'businessmen' in the game and have also seen some business opportunities.

At this stage, most players still rely on their legs to travel, and these players who have accepted the mission are no exception.

Although with the current attributes of the players, it is not difficult to travel across mountains and rivers, but in this way, their speed will be greatly slowed down.

Players who become merchants also buy some things. As long as they meet other players on the road, they will ask them if they need a ride, and they only need to pay a small fare.

Most of the answers they got were 'yes' and 'yes', and they didn't care if they were rejected. Anyway, there are many players going to Schaffhausen this time, and they can meet other players on the way.

Only three or four adventurers per town will go north of Hallstatt, but what about a dozen or twenty towns?
Nearly a hundred adventurers set off on the same day, and in the next two days, hundreds of adventurers set off one after another.

Players from several big cities jointly dispatched, they rented a carriage and a donkey cart, and embarked on a journey to the leveling place.

——It has been stated in the quest that many living corpses have appeared in the northern part of Hallstatt, centered on Constantia, and on their way to Constantia, many living creatures will land on the ground. Turned into living corpses one after another.

They are the best leveling targets!

Now the game has entered the rest period between stages, most players have been eliminated, there is nothing to do, just go to Constantia to level up.

Anyway, for them, the game is over, and now this game character doesn't feel bad even if he consumes all the resurrection times.

Hundreds of adventurers left the town and walked into the wilderness.

The monsters who lived well in the wilderness suffered because of this. Many players could not adjust their direction in real time because they did not have a map.

Quite a few players died halfway because of this, but as long as they can be revived, they can go back to pick up the missing supplies and embark on the journey again, or stare at the monster that killed them, looking for a chance to take Monsters kill.

After Lilian issued the call, more players who hadn't planned to go to Schaffhausen also embarked on the journey.

The reason why they went to Schaffhausen was not for anything else, but to respond to Lilian's call.

These players are still running around on the game forum, and under their encouragement, more players also feel that it is interesting and follow them.

Players from the Kingdom of the Rhine, players from Hallstatt, and players from the Kingdom of Gaul united under the banner of 'Lilian', either on foot, on horseback, or by car, or by boat. The contacts and money accumulated in the past six months after the server was opened, went to Constantia.

The players set off one after another, and the first batch of players, whose starting point was closer to Constantia, arrived in Schaffhausen shortly after Lilian issued the call.

Therefore, the residents of Schaffhausen can see that one adventurer after another is carrying huge backpacks and rushing to Schaffhausen from outside.

The first player to arrive pushed open the door of the Adventurer's House, and when he saw that there were no other players in the hall, he was extremely proud.

After entering the Adventurer's House, the first thing he did was not to hand over the support materials he was carrying to the receptionist of the Adventurer's House, but to post on the game forum.

--【Hey!Guys, I'm the first to arrive! 】

After posting the post, he walked to the front desk under the weird eyes of other people, put the large backpack on his back on the table, took out a crumpled piece of paper from his pocket, and took a picture of the receptionist. in front of the staff.

"I am an adventurer who came to support Schaffhausen from other places, please sign here."

Most of the supplies in the backpack were collected by him at the adventurer's home and church at the starting point. In order to solve this plague, other towns were mobilized.

The two receptionists looked at each other, and took a few glances at the crumpled piece of paper from the player.

"Please, please wait a moment. We haven't been notified. We need to ask for instructions now." A receptionist was so shocked that he couldn't speak smoothly. He immediately got up and left the front desk, and trotted to the superior's office.

The article format and seal on the paper really looked like it was issued by the Adventurer's House elsewhere, but they hadn't received the relevant notice, so naturally they didn't dare to sign it.

Before the receptionist who ran to ask for instructions came back, another adventurer came in through the door.

"Is anyone there? I'm here to deliver!"

The new adventurer is also a player, and the excited player saw another player in the hall, and there was a big backpack similar to his back at his feet, and his good mood was immediately ruined.

"I'm not the first?"

Hearing this, the first player who came in laughed with his hands on his hips: "You are still a step behind, I am the first!"

Then, a third adventurer with a big backpack came and looked at the two of them in surprise, "You guys are so fast?"

At this time, the receptionist who had gone to ask her superiors finally came out, and behind her, the person in charge of the Schaffhausen Adventurer's Home also came out with a confused expression on her face.

Not only the receptionist, but even the person in charge himself was not informed.

The three players took out their power of attorney and placed them on the front desk. The person in charge saw that the letters were similar in format but came from different towns, and became even more confused.

He took out a ring and twisted a mechanism so that the ring would glow and shine on the seal of the power of attorney.

It turned out that the seals were genuine, indeed from adventurer's homes in other towns.

"Please sign for it!" The three players said in unison.

The person in charge opened his mouth slightly, but he couldn't say anything. He could only take out his own seal and prepared to seal the three power of attorneys.

"Wow! I'm in such a hurry, why is there someone in front of me!" A complaint suddenly came from the door.

They turned their heads and looked, but saw another 'backpacker'!
 Chapter 391 I don’t know why I got stuck in the draft, sorry
(End of this chapter)

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