Soul echo

Chapter 396 Players' First Show

Chapter 396 Players' First Show

The dead bird flew down from the sky. Seeing this, the players standing on the ground poured the medicine made by the alchemist.

The energy contained in the potion exploded, and before it entered the stomach, it reacted in the mouth, and with a long breath, it turned into flames and sprayed into the air, setting those living corpses on fire.

"Gah! Ah!"

The high temperature ignited the feathers covering the body, and the dozens of living bird corpses screamed wildly, and their bodies crashed into the crowd uncontrollably.

Some quick-witted players reached out and grabbed them in mid-air before throwing them over the barricade.

The tide of living corpses is constantly hitting the barricades that have just been built, even if professional construction players use ingenious structures to connect the objects that make up the barricades, making the barricades quite stable.

However, such a strong barricade can hardly stop the madness of the living corpses who have been starved for several days.

Some living corpses have even passed their arms through the gaps between the barricades, waving them vigorously, trying to grab a 'living thing'.

Zhong Ye didn't feel tired, but the others needed to rest.

Their battle will continue for a long time. If they can't control the timing of rest, it is very likely that they will become more and more tired from fighting, resulting in a situation where they are accidentally killed by living corpses due to temporary exhaustion.

They are not in a hurry to clean up the living corpses in Constantia, as long as they can clean up these living corpses, it doesn't matter how long it takes.

As for why Zhong Ye didn't wait for these living corpses to kill each other and reduce the number of living corpses in Constantia to a certain level before coming in to clean them up...


A living corpse running from a distance stretched its legs, and jumped onto the roof on one side, ran on the roof, and rushed to where Zhong Ye and the others were.

Just when it was about to pounce on the ground, several feathered arrows shot out, nailing into its body from different directions.

The thighs, waist, chest, and head were all pierced by arrows.

The living corpse instantly lost control of its body, fell down, and then was driven by inertia to roll a few times and fell into the pile of living corpses.

The tide of corpses exploded suddenly, and many living corpses turned around, pulling other living corpses and rushing towards that corpse.

It is not known whether that living corpse has eaten humans or preyed on other living corpses, but its attributes have already surpassed the weakest player in Zhong Ye's team.

Maybe that living corpse was originally an adventurer, maybe it was originally a soldier, maybe its attributes were very high when it was a human being... But anyway, the fact that these living corpses can become stronger after eating is what makes them stronger. Zhong Ye was extremely afraid.

If the living corpses in Constantia were allowed to kill each other, there would soon be many living corpses stronger than the players behind Zhong Ye. At that time, it would be easy for them to climb the city wall or swim to other towns.

Even now, some living corpses have gone to other towns, but they don't know it yet!

"Bomb ready!"

Seeing that the number of living corpses had reached a certain level, Zhong Ye issued an order.

The players with the bombs in their hands walked behind the barricade with a smile, and with the help of some strength-based players, they climbed onto the roofs on both sides.

It is impossible to use these bombs to kill a group of living corpses. In order to make the bombs work best, some players majoring in physics, mathematics and chemistry have formulated a plan.

They plan to use bombs to drive away the living corpses first, and then destroy the houses on both sides, using the collapsed houses to hurt other living corpses.

Lily stood behind the barricades and waited for it. She looked around and found that everyone was looking straight ahead. Then, her eyes also crossed the barricades and fell into the horrifying group of living corpses.

"No. [-], No. [-], throw them away!"

Two bombs were thrown into the group of living corpses by players with agility attributes. The fuse quickly burned to the root and detonated the explosives.

Following two roars, a violent shock wave hit the living corpses, directly knocking them over.

When the flame exploded, it also exploded several limbs, spraying out blood and minced flesh, making the living corpses even crazier.

"Number three, four, five, throw it away!"

Three more bombs fell into the crowd of corpses, but unfortunately, only two bombs were detonated this time, and the remaining one appeared to be a dud.

Fortunately, when planning, those high-achieving students have already calculated the redundancy, even if there is still a bomb that has not been detonated, it doesn't matter.

Just as they were about to drop the third batch of bombs, the bomb that looked like a dud exploded.

The team was silent for a moment, and then there was thunderous applause and enthusiastic cheers.

"Number [-], Number [-], Number [-], ignite! Number [-] is ready!"

But for a moment, the sound of a bomb exploding came from another street.

The loud explosion pushed a house, and the stone and wood house was shaken, and slowly leaned towards the street in front of Zhong Ye and the others.

Unfortunately, the angle of inclination was not high enough to cause the house to collapse.

So a ninth bomb was ignited, this time onto the street ahead, and landed near the center of gravity of the house.

The explosion that happened again completely destroyed the center of gravity of that house. Therefore, a huge shadow appeared above the living corpses crowded with each other, scrambling for food, and constantly hitting the barricade. They raised their heads as if feeling something, and saw a Darkness filled the field of vision.

It started slowly, and during the collapse, the tilting speed became faster and faster, and the angle became more and more exaggerated, and then it collapsed, crushing dozens of living corpses.

After the houses collapsed, smoke and dust rose and debris flew.

The stones and sawdust packed with powerful kinetic energy splashed onto the surrounding living corpses, injuring them enough to hinder their movements, or even killing them directly.

At the same time, the ruins lay across the street, completely separating the front and rear of the tide of corpses.

"it is good!!!"

Lily's face was numb when she heard the cheers and shouts of the adventurers behind her.

She looked at the front in shock, the group of adventurers killed dozens of living corpses with less than ten bombs, and cut up the 'formation' of the living corpses along the way.

Even if she saw the bombs being thrown out with her own eyes, and even heard how they were arranged, she couldn't imagine why they could do such a thing!
The vibration caused by the collapse of the house shook the stable structure of the barricade, coupled with the continuous impact of the living corpses, finally, shortly after the tide of corpses was cut off, the barricade was breached.

The barricade fell in front of her. Lily's eyes were fixed, she clenched the ax and gun in her hand, strode forward, and suddenly chopped a living corpse that had rushed through the barricade to the ground.

"Fight the war quickly! Hurry up!"

Listening to the voice behind her, she saw several adventurers passing by her. They held shields and blocked in front of the living corpses.

The walking corpses stopped here, and they couldn't break through the 'shield wall' at all.

The adventurers holding shields not only wore helmets, but also wore thick clothes and leather armor, and even their necks were surrounded without a single gap.

The attacking methods of the living corpses were scratching and biting, and a few even punched and kicked. However, the adventurers were protected by those thick clothes, and they could not harm these humans at all.

At this time, Zhong Ye also strode forward, waving the long knife in his hand, and swept across the crowd of living corpses, just a few heads fell to the ground.

"Forward! Forward! Forward!"

A commander waved his weapon in the back and laughed. Beside him, there were still ignited corpses of birds falling like raindrops. He didn't even try to hide, his eyes were straight ahead.

Apart from the commander, the other adventurers also looked abnormal.

Facing the surge of living corpses, they were still laughing.

Lily can already confirm that these guys are not followers of the Lord of War, but she can't figure out why there are so many strange people in this world?

These adventurers from various towns should not know each other before, but they can easily accept the command of others, which really makes her a little puzzled.

...If you can't figure it out, don't think about it!
Lily shook her head, shook her thoughts out of her head, and looked forward.

All the living corpses ahead were about to be killed, but there were still more living corpses waiting for them behind the ruins of the house.

(End of this chapter)

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