Soul echo

Chapter 405 Killing

Chapter 405 Killing
"Why do you want to kill this living corpse?"

When fighting, Zhong Ye was never confused, and when killing, he never hesitated.

But he will not decide the life or death of a life based on his own conjecture, no matter who he kills, he needs a reason.

The druids were fighting, and Lilian and the others were struggling, so he didn't have much time.

Zhong Ye clenched the handle of the knife tightly, his eyes glaring angrily, "Answer me!".

"This world is hopeless..." the giant lizard said in a low voice, "All druids know that the power of nature is retreating steadily, in order to save this world and save more lives, I must do this.

"Creatures infected with the plague will be marked, this is the only way to preserve more creatures..."

Pursing his lips, Zhong Ye let out a breath slowly.


All the strength of the whole body was pressed to the legs, and the body leaned forward slightly. After that, Peiran's strength was violently launched.

Flowing Qi burns physical strength, Fanhao Spiritual Energy stimulates the muscles, and body functions go a step further on the basis of complete liberation.

Zhong Ye took a step at the right time, and the soles of his feet sank into the ground, causing the ground to crack and the sand and rocks to spring up.

In the next instant, a few tentacles covered it, but Zhong Ye's figure disappeared in place, dragging a wisp of rising dust and smoke towards him.

When Zhong Ye made a move, the giant lizard reacted. He ordered the earth to rise up, and saw the thick ground rising up. Halfway through, the upper part suddenly cracked, and the gravel that made up the earthen wall suddenly burst into the air. Splash.

Stones splashed on the monitor lizard like raindrops, and at this time, the ground under his feet suddenly softened, and the monitor lizard sank into it suddenly.

Zhong Ye slashed in the air, and the spiritual energy condensed on the blade was guided into the ground by him, forming a deep knife mark.

A tentacle swept over, the blade flipped upwards, drawing an arc in the air, and cut off the tentacle neatly.

Zhong Ye didn't even look at the giant living corpse, let go of all his senses, and caught the underground movement amidst the angry roar of the huge living corpse.

Another tentacle struck, Zhong Ye still cut it off mercilessly.

For him, he just wanted to keep the living corpse alive, as long as the huge living corpse was still alive, and he could restrain those animal corpses, it would be a good thing.

This zombie can't die until all of Constantia's animal corpses are wiped out—but that's all!

The giant lizard was too far away from the ground, even if Zhong Ye could penetrate the ground and directly attack the ground, he would not be able to attack him.

At this time, Zhong Ye suddenly realized that the giant lizard was actually a druid, and a druid was also a type of spell caster. He could use other methods to kill this huge living corpse.

Thinking of this, Zhong Ye stopped fighting back. He let the giant living corpse's tentacles whip him down, and kept dodging himself, keeping himself directly above the monitor lizard.

If you want to cast spells, you need a relatively quiet environment, but the ground is constantly shaking, how can you be quiet?
But after a while, Zhong Ye felt the giant lizard start to float up.

He stopped and stopped tracking, but he still didn't cut off the tentacles of the huge living corpse with his knife, allowing the tentacles to continue hitting the ground.

The vibration was introduced into the ground, and after hitting the body of the monitor lizard, a trace of clutter would be generated. It was through this perception that Zhong Ye captured the monitor lizard's figure.

Maybe it was because of too much activity, the huge living corpse also felt tired, and the frequency of attacks dropped a lot.

At this moment, the giant lizard jumped out of the ground like a fish jumping out of the water, and landed behind the huge living corpse.

The electrons in the air began to rotate, and Zhong Ye could clearly feel that the water vapor was gathering in the direction of the huge living corpse.

The dots of electric light danced in the extremely humid air, and the flickering lights gathered autonomously, so the electric current was generated.

The electric arc is dazzling, and it has attracted all the attention of the huge living corpse just after it appeared.

It looked directly at the electric light, and then saw that thunderbolt suddenly penetrated into the pupil, blasting its face door open.


The dull and loud screams resounded through the street, causing people to panic. When they turned their heads, they saw the scorched black on the face of the huge living corpse.

Immediately, they noticed that its voice was full of energy, without showing any weakness, and they breathed a sigh of relief.

I don't know if it was the lignification of the body that saved the life of the giant zombie, it 'only' lost a pair of eyes, and there was no serious problem in itself.

However, losing its eyes also meant that it lost its ability to detect enemies, and it couldn't lock onto Zhong Ye, nor could it lock on to the monitor lizard.

The tentacles all over the body suddenly lost control, the trajectory became chaotic, and the direction became crazy.

The tentacles whipped the ground, the air, the house, and its own body one after another, and the force was not small, even the air could explode.

The druids were also affected, and had to leave with their unconscious companions. Lily glanced at Zhong Ye, who was jumping nimbly between the tentacles, with some concern, and followed them.

Taking advantage of Zhong Ye and the corrupted druids to attract all the living animal corpses, this is their best chance to escape. If it were at other times, it would be difficult to leave here.

With the help of the tentacles, Zhong Ye jumped onto the body of the huge living corpse again. Standing on his shoulders, he looked down at the climbing lizard.

In the next moment, the blood was rushing!
The sudden burst of power even twisted the body of the huge living corpse, and Zhong Ye was driven by this huge force and fell straight down like a meteor, crashing to the ground.

The silver knife light stretched extremely behind him, spreading from the shoulders of the huge living corpse to the ground, and then the phantom light gradually disappeared.

The giant lizard bit the metal blade with all its strength, and looked at Zhong Ye in panic.

His tongue had been sliced ​​open by the blade, and blood was gushing from the corner of his mouth, but that wasn't what really frightened him.

It was that he and Zhong Ye were looking at each other, but Zhong Ye was not affected at all!


Driven by the fear of death, the giant lizard learned psychic power without a teacher, and took the first step towards demonization.

Then, his voice rang directly in Zhong Ye's mind: 【I am obviously saving the world! 】

"You were never saving the world!" Zhong Ye squeezed out the words through his teeth, "There is no savior in this world, you are only doing it for your own false wishes, everything you do - is self-deception! "

Zhong Ye stood up suddenly and swung the long knife upwards. The monitor lizard hanging on the knife was also thrown up, colliding violently with the slapped tentacles.

The body of the monitor lizard was hit, and the lips and kisses were shaken. Zhong Ye took advantage of the momentum and pushed the long knife to cut its body open along the corner of its mouth, breaking it in two!

The body was split in two, but the monitor lizard's eyes were still shaking. It stared at Zhong Ye with hatred, aroused natural energy, and ignited his clothes.

The flame that had just ignited was stroked by spiritual energy and extinguished instantly.

Zhong Ye's eyes widened, he swung his left arm, poured energy and spiritual energy into his fist, and slammed it on the monitor lizard's head, knocking the heavy body to the ground.

The monitor lizard fell to the ground, and the ground shattered.

The fierce force poured into his brain, crushing his brain in an instant.

However, he is not dead yet!

The monitor lizard raised its head and roared, and several tentacles came following the sound. Zhong Ye brazenly drew his saber, cut off the approaching tentacles one by one, then took firm steps, and swung his two knives at the monitor lizard.


The sharp blade slashed brilliantly, cutting the monitor lizard's body to pieces.

The straight knife returned to its sheath, turned around and cut off a tentacle, and at the same time took out a glass bottle from his arms and threw it behind him.

Under the gaze of the monitor lizard's two eyeballs, the glass bottle fell between its fragmented body, and the violent flames exploded suddenly, devouring the monitor lizard's body completely.

【what! ! ! 】

A scream that pointed directly at the soul sounded, Zhong Ye frowned, and threw another bottle of holy oil into the flames, making the flames burn even more vigorously.

[Damn humans!You are wrong, I am...the one who saves the world...I am...]

Bang bang bang!
The tentacles slammed one after another, but Zhong Ye just dodged, letting the giant living corpse exert its powerful power, crushing the monitor lizard's body into minced meat and fine pieces.

With the death of the giant lizard, the flame mixed with the holy power gradually extinguished. Zhong Ye glanced at the huge living corpse, turned and left.

And before leaving, the last scene he saw was the huge living corpse stretching its tentacles, rolling up the surrounding animal corpses, and putting them in its mouth...

(End of this chapter)

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