Soul echo

Chapter 411

Chapter 411


Hearing Zhong Ye mention this matter, Lily, who was packing her luggage, paused, and looked over in surprise, "Clues about the plague believers?"

Lily and Lilian lived in the same tent, so Lilian also heard what Zhong Ye said, and couldn't help turning her attention from the barrage to Zhong Ye.

She quietly adjusted the camera and pointed it at Zhong Ye.

"Remember the story of the female druid I told you before? Bishop Nemesio sent people to search the farm, and then they found some clues there, which pointed to the south of the northern border, probably It's near Winterthur."

After a pause, Zhong Ye continued: "After confirming the clues, he sent the news to Winterthur and asked the church there to confirm.

"However, he is also worried about the strength of the plague believers over there, so he hopes that we can go to help... What do you think?"

Hearing this, Lily and Lilian glanced at each other, then shook their heads, "Why don't you make a decision on this kind of thing? And don't we still have to investigate those traffickers? Don't continue the investigation?"

Zhong Ye also shook his head, and said: "I told him about this, and he told me that the clergymen who came to support Hallstatt will not leave until the plague in the northern border of Hallstatt is completely eliminated. , so in exchange, they will help us investigate by the way—of course, even if we don’t go to Winterthur, he will send some priests to investigate this matter.”

After all, a large-scale human trafficking incident may be involved behind this. Even if they can only investigate one or two things, they can follow the vine to find out the rest.

"In that case..." Lily fell into deep thought.

"If this is the case, then why don't we go to Winterthur?" Lilian suggested, "If there is a human trafficking chain here, then it must be related to the nobles, and we want to investigate It can be said that it is very difficult, but it would be very different if the clergy were brought in. They have the power to supervise the nobles, but they have rarely used it.

"The enemies here are invisible, but the plague believers in Winterthur are tangible. Isn't your best at dealing with tangible enemies, veteran? Kill them all like cutting melons and vegetables with your hands. , the problem is solved, why is it as troublesome as we were before?"

Zhong Ye thought about it, and it seemed to be true.

Whether in Tubingen, Schwenningen, or Schaffhausen, he failed to play his due strength.

Although he has a good brain, he is quite polite and rarely does anything out of line. This is his strength and his weakness.

He didn't dare to have a flexible moral bottom line, and persuaded himself with self-deceptions such as 'it doesn't matter if you deal with the enemy'.

Moral decline often begins with an inadvertent self-deception, after which people can use the excuse of 'it's just a small thing so it doesn't matter' to keep lowering their bottom line, eventually leading to moral decline.

Zhong Ye separates daily life from fighting. If it's a fight, he can do everything he can, but in his daily life, he tries hard to restrain himself and prevent himself from doing anything that might degrade him. ——Even if it is to deal with the villains.

He's stubborn, even pedantic, about it, but he just won't do it.

As long as nobles pay attention to the rules, he will generally not do anything to them.

Because he is very clear that the conditions for people's self-government do not exist in this era. Even if he kills the nobles, the lives of those common people cannot be improved all at once. They will degenerate and become chaotic, which will eventually lead to greater losses.

Of course, although he is calm and rational most of the time, there will be times when he is overwhelmed by anger, such as in Milan.

Compared with invisible enemies such as interest groups and interest chains, he is better at dealing with tangible enemies such as plague believers. As long as they are all killed, the matter will be resolved.

"Then that's it." Zhong Ye nodded, turned and left, "I'll go talk to Bishop Nemesio, let's go to Winterthur."

After Zhong Ye left, Lili withdrew her gaze from his back, looked at Lilian, and couldn't help laughing: "Lilian, okay, I didn't expect you to be so eloquent."

"Hmph!" Lilian immediately raised her nose, "What do you need to say? I dare say that my understanding of teachers is second in this world. Who dares to say that I am the first?"

Lily smiled, suddenly feeling a little sad.

Even though she already knew what kind of person Zhong Ye was, she still couldn't get a response, and she didn't know how long she could hold on...

Sighing, Lily shook her head to get these thoughts out of her head.

At least, she still likes Zhong Ye now!

After losing the carriage, Zhong Ye and the others will leave on foot.

It's not that the clergy don't want to provide them with transportation, it's just that they are afraid that the mounts will bring the plague of living corpses away from the northern border.

Even if Zhong Ye and the others wanted to leave the northern border, they had to go through the checkpoints set up by several churches to disinfect their whole body and the items they carried before leaving.

This will be very troublesome, so they choose to start lightly, except for the food, fresh water and weapons that must be carried, other things should be carried as little as possible.

As long as there is a commercial church, Zhong Ye can withdraw a lot of money from it, so he doesn't need to worry about running out of money to spend.

Both Lily and Lilian carried relatively light luggage, because Zhong Ye took the initiative to bear most of the load.

Under such circumstances, it only took them about a day to arrive at the checkpoint set up by the church on the northern border.

The clerics stationed at the checkpoint had received the notice of Zhong Ye and the others' upcoming arrival early on. After helping Zhong Ye and the others to disinfect the germs, they also vaccinated Lily and Lilian.

Lily seemed to have gotten used to this process long ago, but Lilian was extremely surprised.

Because the vaccine used by the clergy is not the 'vaccine' used in 'vaccination', but an injection similar to modern vaccines.

However, this does not seem to be something incomprehensible.

It is said that the existence of microorganisms was discovered in this world more than ten centuries ago, and it was not long before the earth discovered microorganisms in the same period.

Because microorganisms were discovered early, it is not impossible to invent modern vaccines early.

But being able to produce a vaccine in such a short period of time surprised Lilian.

After the inoculation, Lilian and the others were held down by the priests, and they were forced to observe the situation at the checkpoint for more than an hour before they were allowed to leave.

According to them, the vaccine has just been released, and they don't know any side effects.

After leaving the checkpoint, it is not far from Winterthur. In other words, the checkpoint was originally set up on the outskirts of Winterthur.

Winterthur is located on the northern edge of the Hallstatt city-state alliance. It is a miracle that there is no trace of the plague of living corpses here.

After the plague of living corpses broke out and spread in the northern border, the church in Winterthur panicked and conducted a city-wide investigation. After checking it, it was found that the plague had not spread in Winterthur.

Bishop Nemesio told Zhong Ye about this. He suspected that the reason why the plague of living corpses did not appear in Winterthur may be that the plague believers were behind the scenes.

Although the plague believers believe in the God of Plague and are a group of lunatics, they are not monolithic. As far as Bishop Nemesio knows, there are many factions within the plague believers—just like their churches.

After all, the plague believers were transformed and developed from the plague church.

Being so close to the northern border, the clergymen of Winterthur were naturally transferred to the northern border for support. Now the church power in Winterthur is not empty, but the number of clergymen is indeed much smaller. There is no church armed , but does not have the ability to dig out plague believers.

If Zhong Ye and the others don't come, there may be some discussions and dispatches within the church, and it will take a while before someone can be sent to deal with the plague believers in Winterthur.

However, with the arrival of Zhong Ye and the others, the shortcomings of the Church of Winterthur's strength have also been supplemented.

If there really are plague believers here, then their end will also come.

(End of this chapter)

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