Soul echo

Chapter 432 Return to Schwenningen

Chapter 432 Return to Schwenningen
Why Schwenningen and not other towns and nobles?

Because the traffickers may use the ship of Lord Schwenningen to transport people, if the city where the 'buyer' who has been captured by the church is located is the terminal of the ship's route, then, after all these years, the ship must have died was noticed by others.

Following this clue, it is easy to find the lord of Schwenningen.

After confirming the target, Zhong Ye immediately took action.

He first told Lily and Lilian about this, and asked them to pack their luggage with him and prepare to leave.

Although the cleaning of the castle is not over yet, the clergymen who were isolated outside the city of Constantia can already leave. Those clerics all knew that there was a powerful demon in Schaffhausen, and they came here one after another. Support, therefore, Zhong Ye can also put down the work in hand and leave this town.

Zhong Ye informed the clergy, and after receiving their 'understand' reply, he returned to the church in Schaffhausen, took the carriage and luggage, carried Lilian and the others, and embarked on the journey back to Schwenningen .

On the border from Hallstatt to the Rhine Kingdom, there are also priests stationed.

Because of this, when the clergyman of the commercial church communicated with Zhong Ye, he expressed 'insufficient manpower'.

The clergymen located in the surrounding towns in the northern part of Hallstatt, except for those who must stay in the local towns, other clergymen were mobilized to the border line to check whether the border towns and villages were affected by living corpses. The impact of the plague, while eliminating the living animal corpses that appeared around the border.

The lords of the Border Territory also knew about this, and they acquiesced in the actions of the priests.

After all, it doesn't seem like a trivial matter for so many priests to act together.

When Zhong Ye and the others passed the border, they were naturally checked by the priests stationed at the border. Fortunately, before leaving Schaffhausen, the priests of Schaffhausen helped them inform these priests .

So, they were quickly released.

After passing the border, it is not far from Schwenningen.

If it was in modern times, it might only take one or two hours to get there. Unfortunately, in this era, there is no smooth road between Schwenningen and Schaffhausen. uneven.

It would take at least half a day to get from Schaffhausen to Schwenningen. Zhong Ye and the others set off in the morning, and probably arrived in Schwenningen in the evening.

The carriage was driving slowly on the uneven road, feeling the vibrations below her body from time to time, for some reason, Lily breathed a sigh of relief.

Even though only a dozen days had passed, she felt like dozens of days had passed.

For some reason, it was this time traveling around in a carriage that made her feel relaxed.

Traveling everywhere means living in the wild, and living in the wild has many inconveniences, such as no way to clean the body, and it is difficult to eat hot food... But she still misses that kind of life.

"That's right, teacher."

Lilian on the side suddenly thought of something, and asked, "You said you found evidence that Lord Schwenningen was involved in human trafficking. What is it?"

"Personal evidence and physical evidence."

Across a wooden board, Zhong Ye calmly said: "If a big ship like that wants to dock, it needs to be registered. It is impossible to hide, so every time Lord Schwenningen's ship goes to that city, it will leave a copy. The records said that Schwenningen transported luxury goods such as precious stones, silk, and porcelain, and every spring and autumn, there were indeed luxury goods flowing into the city's market, but those luxury goods were just a cover-up.

"According to the joint investigation of many churches, most of those luxury goods come from the Hallstatt City-State Alliance, the Kingdom of Etrull and the Kingdom of Gaul, and are not produced in Schwenningen, Schwenningen is just a transit point.

"So, they want me to help investigate whether there is such a chamber of commerce dealing in luxury goods in Schwenningen."

"But Schwenningen didn't!" Lilian thought thoughtfully.

Zhong Ye nodded and said: "Yes, the last time we went to Schwenningen, we thoroughly investigated the town up and down. There is no chamber of commerce like that in Schwenningen. I told the priest about it. , he needs someone to confront the lord of Schwenningen face to face, so I ask for help."

"In other words, we are going to confront the lord of Schwenningen..."

Lilian took a light breath—it was kind of fun!
The last time they left Schwenningen, it was because they could not find enough evidence to prove that there was something wrong with the lord of Schwenningen.

Although Zhong Ye had already seen that Lord Schwenningen's family had problems, but they didn't have evidence in hand, so they couldn't really prove it.

This time when they returned to Schwenningen, they already had evidence in their hands, and the next step was to confront the family of Lord Schwenningen who insisted on denying the crime.

——How can this be explained clearly by "fun"?

Half a day passed in a hurry, Zhong Ye and the others stopped for a short rest and had lunch.

The main purpose is to give the two draft horses a rest time, otherwise, they can eat while driving.

At dusk, Zhong Ye and the others finally saw the outline of Schwenningen.

However, the gate of that small town was closed at this time, and Zhong Ye and the others didn't plan to enter Schwenningen so soon, so they camped outside the small town to rest.


Lily took a sip of the warm mushroom soup, and the temperature contained in the soup slid into the esophagus and gradually released, warming her body.

Since the carriage was newly bought, it hadn't been modified much, and naturally it didn't have much effect of keeping out the cold.

Now it is approaching spring, and the icicles and snow hanging on the trees are melting and falling.

The evaporation of water vapor caused by the melting of snow and ice will still take away the heat on the ground, making the body temperature lower. This is the coldest period before the arrival of spring.

In order to keep the two draft horses warm, Zhong Ye bought a lot of animal skins and cloth when he was in Winterthur. Before leaving Schaffhausen, he used the remaining cloth to remodel the carriage and plug the air leak. This made Lilian and the others not feel too cold even if they lived in the wild.

After taking a sip of hot soup, the body was finally no longer so cold.

Lily turned her gaze to Zhong Ye, and asked, "Zhong, what are you going to do tomorrow? Are you going directly to the door?"

Zhong Ye has always acted vigorously and without delay, so he will definitely bring them to visit tomorrow, but the method may be different.


Zhong Ye also took a sip of the soup, "Since we have the evidence in our hands, there is no need to argue with them anymore—even though the evidence is not conclusive enough."

Not only is it not conclusive enough, although the evidence they have now can prove that Lord Schwenningen's family is not in the luxury business, but Lord Schwenningen can also find other excuses to get away with it.

They now have no fundamental evidence to prove that Lord Schwenningen's family is engaged in human trafficking business, because the 'buyer' captured by the church did not speak, and it is impossible for it to speak.

Cultists are all lunatics, and those 'Mind Eaters' can be regarded as a kind of cultists, so they are naturally a group of lunatics.

It is impossible for that guy to speak, even if it did speak, Lord Schwenningen can deny it.

After all, the distance between the two places was too far, and the priests who were so far away from the church could only speak to Lord Schwenningen through Zhong Ye.


The dry branches crackled in the fire, and the three fell silent.

"have a rest."

After dinner and routine training, Zhong Ye said: "Rest early, recover your spirits, we may have a battle tomorrow."

Hearing this, Lily, who was just about to get into the carriage to rest, stopped, looked at Lilian together, tilted her head, and asked, "Intuition?"

Zhong Ye nodded, "Intuition."

The two of them looked at each other, shrugged at the same time, and walked into the carriage.

Zhong Ye's intuition can occasionally do things like "predict the future". He has successfully predicted many times, so they will not doubt Zhong Ye's intuition.

Since he said that there might be a fight tomorrow, there must be a fight tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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