Soul echo

Chapter 454 Leave

Chapter 454 Leave
Although Lilian has returned to the Adventurer's House and is helping to pack her luggage, she has been paying attention to the situation at the church.

On the way back to the Adventurer's House, she gradually tasted what Zhong Ye represented behind those words.

At that time, Zhong Ye's mood was obviously wrong, but she didn't see it.

At that time, the result of the trial should have appeared, but Zhong Ye was not satisfied with the result.

Lilian felt that the church's judgment should be fair, but Zhong Ye himself was not satisfied with the judgment result.

If nothing else, he probably wanted to kill someone.

Although Lilian had already left the church, there were still some players gathered outside the church, waiting for the outcome of the trial, and one or two of them started a live broadcast.

Lilian was packing her luggage while watching the live broadcast. She was not too surprised when she saw Zhong Ye violently attacking Toduo and Ulrik with lightning speed.

After the bishop announced the results of the trial of the two, she realized that Zhong Ye would definitely kill someone.

Although from Lilian's point of view, this verdict was quite fair, but Zhong Ye couldn't accept it. He was angry when he killed someone.

Seeing Zhong Ye killing someone, Lilian turned off the live broadcast of other players and concentrated on packing her luggage.

It didn't take long for the carriage to appear on the dilapidated slum streets, and the people around couldn't help casting curious and puzzled glances.

Another 2 minutes later, Zhong Ye returned to the door of the Adventurer's House.

Seeing the carriage, he walked over directly, sat on the coachman's seat, and took the reins.

Driven by him, the two draft horses slowly kicked their hooves, Zhong Ye remained silent, and the two people sitting in the carriage also did not speak.

After the carriage left the slums and embarked on the journey to the north, Lily asked, "How is the situation?"

"Killed two people." Zhong Ye's tone was flat, as if he had crushed two bugs to death.

No, if he really crushed the two bugs to death, he might still feel a little guilty, but if he killed those two people, not only would he not have the slightest psychological burden, but he would even feel extremely happy.

It's a pity that those who were killed by them will never come back...

Lilian and the others knew who he was talking about without Zhong Ye naming them by name.

"But, with the relationship between you and the church, teacher, is it necessary for us to run?" Lilian asked with doubts in her heart.

Just because Zhong Ye saved several cities from the abyss and got rid of a false god infected by the abyss for Xilu, the priests of the church would definitely not do anything to him.

With these achievements, he has no problem walking sideways in Westland.

Zhong Ye shook his head lightly, "To take care of the church's face."

If they stayed there after killing those two, the church would obviously be very embarrassed. After all, they had just sentenced those two to imprisonment instead of death, but if they didn't kill them, Zhong Ye couldn't calm down his depression.

Therefore, he chose a compromise method - after killing those two people, he fled directly from the church.

In this way, the church will not be embarrassed, and he can also relieve his depression.

Lilian said "oh", and this article was over.

They have been far away from Stuttgart, and everything in this city will naturally sink into the ocean of memory after they leave. Occasionally there will be an outcrop, but it will no longer linger in their hearts like before.

The carriage was driving on the uneven road, staggering towards the north.

Their next stop is - Frankfurt.



Lilian panted lightly, leaning against a boulder.

She also didn't expect that she would meet such a difficult opponent at the beginning of the preliminaries.

In the preliminary stage, the two civilization circles of Westland and Eastland competed separately, but in the preliminary stage, players from both sides would meet together.

If she didn't feel wrong, the player she was fighting with now must have also mastered 'Qi'.

Even if this thing is placed in the east, it must be mastered by a transcendent, but her opponent is obviously not a transcendent.

Those who have mastered 'Qi' in advance like them are all ruthless characters.

"Little girl, don't run away, we are just discussing each other."

On the Gobi Desert, that hoarse but sonorous voice sounded again: "I think your style is a bit like that kid Zhong Ye's. I heard that the developer of this game made that kid into the game. You are the forum." A student of the kid mentioned in the book, right?"

An acquaintance of the teacher?
Lilian was taken aback for a moment, but then became vigilant again.

They fought for more than 5 minutes just now, the fight was so fierce, if they could recognize them, they would have recognized them already, how could they mention this matter at this time?

After thinking about it, she couldn't help laughing.

Good guy, are you trying to bluff her?

It's a pity that she has seen this move many times with Zhong Ye, not to mention dealing with the enemy, even in normal training, she often uses words to deceive the move.

Because she has been bluffed many times by Zhong Ye, now Lilian no longer accepts this trick.

With her back against the stone, Lilian checked her equipment.

Different from the preliminary round, in the preliminary round, in addition to the main weapon, the contestants can also get certain points at the beginning, and they can use these points to unlock the corresponding equipment.

For example, Lilian has now unlocked a piece of chain mail and a helmet. In addition, there is also a hand crossbow and its matching five crossbow bolts.

In the fierce battle just now, she has already used three of them, and now there are two crossbow bolts left in her hand.

This is a battle, not a competition, so there is no need to talk about martial arts.

Even Zhong Ye, who has a very high level of morality, would use crotch kicks and eye pokes in battle, let alone Lilian.

Because she had fought against each other before, Lilian knew very well that her hard power was no match for her opponent.

She used a light sword, while her opponent used a long spear. As the saying goes, one inch is long and one inch is strong, and one inch is short and one inch is dangerous. If she fights recklessly, she will definitely not be able to defeat the opponent, so she can only outsmart her.

After tying the crossbow, Lilian suddenly jumped out from behind the stone, raised her hand and shot an arrow.

And her opponent, a middle-aged man with a beard and long hair, just shook his head before dodging.

"Yo? The little girl is still determined!"

The middle-aged man shook his head and grinned at Lilian: "Although the boy Zhong in the game is no longer the boy I know, but for his sake, I will let you do another trick."

Lilian took a light breath, hung the crossbow behind her waist, and rushed up with the light sword.

Brush brush!
In just half a second, Lilian thrust out three swords, but the middle-aged man dodged each of them.

Suddenly, Lilian felt vigilant and stepped back, only to see that the middle-aged man's arms, which had been tensed just now, relaxed again.

"Quite vigilant? It seems that the Illusion Company has restored it well-let me tell you, on the earth, except for Boy Zhong, few people can escape my shot, even in this game, there is no one How many.

"Did you learn this from the NPC that was based on Boy Zhong? If 'yes', then the technology of Illusion Corporation is indeed beyond my imagination."

The middle-aged man approached Lilian while talking.

The tip of the gun hangs over the cracked ground, always keeping it parallel to the ground, without touching a single bit of the ground.

Suddenly, the middle-aged man's body moved, as fast as a meteor, as fast as lightning, and he arrived in front of Lilian in an instant.

However, Lilian was not defenseless, she took a big step back, not daring to collide with the powerful spear.

But seeing the spear shake, the tip of the gun moved forward a little bit, and the chill from the tip of the gun had already reached the tip of Lilian's nose with a distance of a few millimeters.

There was a big rock behind Lilian, she turned around hastily, dodged it, and watched the spear penetrate directly into the rock without a moment's hesitation.

Seeing this scene, Lilian couldn't help thinking of Zhong Ye.

'If it was a teacher, he would definitely be able to stop before the tip of the gun pierced the stone. '

With a flick of the light sword in her hand, a sword flower danced out, and Lilian stepped forward and handed out the deadly sword edge.

However, the middle-aged man raised his hand and let the light sword penetrate the palm of his left hand.

"I caught you." The middle-aged man looked at Lilian playfully.

But, I caught you too!
Lilian directly lifted her helmet and threw it on the middle-aged man's face, pouring power from her temples, knocking him out.

Three seconds later, the system announced Lilian's victory.

——This is the victory of 'martial arts'.

(End of this chapter)

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