Soul echo

Chapter 458 Tomb Raiders

Chapter 458 Tomb Raiders
That sound awakened the sleeping memory in Zhong Ye's mind. If he remembered correctly, it should be the sound of digging with a shovel.

He hadn't heard the sound of a shovel digging in the game, but he had heard it in reality.

To be precise, he did it himself.

The status of a fighting master has commercial value. Although his status was only circulated in a certain circle until he defeated the world boxing champion, it also serves as an example.

In the 22nd century, although desertification in China has stopped, and only a small amount of desert remains in ecological protection areas, the activity of "planting trees" is still advocated.

This is because China's urbanization is too serious. With the construction of high-rise buildings, the degree of greening around the city is decreasing year by year, which is completely contrary to the overall greening degree. This is very detrimental to the living environment of urban residents.

Because of this, Zhong Ye was invited to participate in a tree planting and urban planting activity advocating to increase the degree of urban greening and improve the living environment of residents.

That event was his first commercial event after becoming a martial arts master, and it was quite impressive to him.

After hearing that voice, that memory emerged.

The sound of shoveling soil is continuous. Although it is slight, it can still be heard if you listen carefully.

Of course, it was limited to Zhong Ye.

"get off."

After Zhong Ye finished speaking, Lily and Lilian walked out of the carriage with their equipment.

"Zhong, are you sure that's the sound of shoveling soil?" Lily asked, frowning.

It's not surprising to hear such sounds around the city, but what kind of place is this?
This place can already be regarded as a part of the Black Forest, and there are few people around, so how could someone come here to dig soil?

"Maybe someone found some treasure map?" Lilian said casually.

Lily glanced at her, "It's not impossible..."

Zhong Ye tied the two draft horses to a thicker tree, left enough grains for them, and said, "Let's go."

Lily and Lilian immediately spread their legs and followed Zhong Ye's footsteps.

Although the ice and snow have melted, it is not yet the season for the grass to grow and the warblers to fly. The withered and fallen bushes and bushes have not yet regrown, and the branches are very scratchy.

The deeper you go, the more difficult it is to travel.

However, Zhong Ye possessed psychic power, so he directly used his psychic power to break off all the branches in front of him, so as not to hurt Lilian and the others.

It is impossible for him to be injured by these branches, unless he is directly poked in the eyeball. However, even if he is directly poked in the eyeball, the strength of these branches cannot pierce his eyeball.

Zhong Ye was not worried that the sound of breaking branches would alert the man who was digging. During the time they approached, the man dug another two to three meters into the ground.

Although the height seems not high, the sound insulation effect of the land is actually very good. After falling into a pit of this depth, many sounds from the outside world cannot be heard.

- Bang!

A sudden shock drew Zhong Ye and the others' attention.

After hearing this voice, Zhong Ye raised his attention, and immediately his face became surprised.

"It seems that he really dug through?"

As he said that, Zhong Ye stomped his feet specially. Unfortunately, he couldn't analyze the existence of underground space from the vibration feedback.

Either there is no underground space in the land under their feet, or that underground space is far from the ground.

Fortunately, they were not far from the hole dug by the digger, only about ten meters away.

After Zhong Ye and the others quickened their pace, they quickly came to the vicinity of the pothole.

The first thing that came into view was a large pile of soil that had been piled up around the entrance of the cave. Zhong Ye walked to the edge of the cave and looked down, only to see that the pit was deep and the bottom was about five to six meters above the ground.

In other words, apart from the height of this pothole, the height of the underground space is about three or four meters, which is exactly in line with the most suitable space height for human beings.

"Teacher, I don't see any signs around here."

While Zhong Ye was inspecting the pothole, Lily and Lilian were not idle either. They took the hole as the center, walked around the area twice, and checked the surroundings carefully.

Unfortunately, they found nothing.

Zhong Ye nodded to indicate that he had heard it, and then used his palm to gesture for the width of the hole.

Perhaps the person who dug this hole was trying to dig through the ground as quickly as possible, so the hole is not very wide, just slightly wider than the shoulder width of an adult male.

Lily and Lilian were able to get in smoothly, but Zhong Ye couldn't do it by himself. He was tall, and he needed to widen the hole a bit to get into the hole.

After learning that Zhong Ye wanted to widen the hole, Lily and Lilian looked at each other. Lily raised the corners of her mouth, restrained her excitement, and suggested, "Why don't you widen the hole here? Go down to explore the way first, and if we act separately, the efficiency will definitely be higher than if we stay here and do nothing."

Zhong Ye looked up at them a few times, frowning slightly.

"Teacher, don't you still believe in our strength?" Lilian slapped her chest loudly, "Don't forget, now Lily has felt the extraordinary barrier, and my strength is much stronger than many adventurers Now, I am no longer the weak person who needs to be protected by you, and now I can help you too!"

"...You all said that." Zhong Ye took a deep breath, "Go back to the carriage first, and bring all the equipment you need, otherwise, it will be difficult to act."

Hearing that Zhong Ye agreed to their proposal, Lily and Lilian clapped their hands, cheered, turned and ran towards the direction of the carriage.

The pothole is not far from the carriage, otherwise, the sound of shoveling soil would not be loud, and if the distance was farther, Zhong Ye would not be able to hear it.

Zhong Ye didn't do it right away, he still needed to think about how to widen the hole without destroying the existing hole.

Just now he tested the hardness and structural strength of the ground a little bit, and the results were not ideal. If he did it directly, he might collapse the entrance of the cave.

Lili and the others ran back in a hurry, and then ran back in a hurry. This time Lili was carrying a big bag on her back.

Lilian leaned over to the edge of the hole and took a look inside, took out the torch from her backpack, lit the torch, and jumped straight down. The height of five or six meters was not difficult for her.

After she jumped down, Lily threw the backpack down, let Lilian catch it, and then followed.

Take out a hook and hang the lantern on your waist, the whole underground space will be bright.

At this time, Lily looked up, and Lilian had already circled the beam of light shot down from the entrance of the cave, and walked back.

"Teacher, this is a passage, and it ends to the west. Now we have to go to the other side to have a look."

After yelling, Lilian didn't wait for Zhong Ye's answer, and impatiently pulled Lili up and walked to the other end of the passage.

Zhong Ye had no choice but to tell him, "Be careful!"

"I know~"

The sound of Lilian's and the others' footsteps quickly receded and disappeared into Zhong Ye's ears.

Looking at the hole, Zhong Ye sighed softly, took out a round shield from his bracelet, and started digging.

Underground, Lilian walked behind holding a torch, and Lily walked ahead because of the wind lantern hanging around her waist, the light of which could illuminate the space in front of her.

This passage seems quite wide, at least four meters from left to right, enough for Lily to use here.

I don't know if it's because it's located underground, the passage is a little bit cold, even if there's no wind, there's still a cold air circulating around.

Suddenly, standing at a fork in the road, Lilian's ears moved, her body muscles tensed, and she reminded, "There are footsteps!"

As Zhong Ye's student, Lilian seems to have a special bonus in the growth of perception attributes. Since learning 'Qi', her perception attributes have increased to [-] points. If you use 'Qi' to strengthen your senses, although It is not displayed on the character panel, and her perception ability can be further strengthened.

Because the channel is not very wide, and it is very quiet, a slight sound will be infinitely amplified.

Lilian's voice seemed to stimulate the running man, and his pace immediately accelerated a lot.

Not long after, another bright light appeared in the darkness in the distance.

That person ran over without making a sound, but as long as Lily and Lilian were not blind and out of their minds, they would definitely know that this guy had bad intentions and that there was something chasing after him.

Lilian and the others turned and ran away without even exchanging glances.

Seeing the bright light go away, the body of the chased person shook, and he couldn't help shouting: "Wait! Wait for me!"

(End of this chapter)

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