Soul echo

Chapter 467 Arrival

Chapter 467 Arrival
Mannheim, the city is located at the junction of the Rhine and the Neckar, from which we can know that this is a transportation hub and a big city.

Here, Zhong Ye handed over the tomb robbers to the largest church in the area—the Church of Knowledge.

At the same time, they also handed over the core of the magic trap dug out of the mausoleum, the magic props of the tomb robber himself, and the spoils that Zhong Ye and the others got from the Lich.

In addition to the bone staff and the magic robe, the Lich also had many magic items on his body, but before he could use them, he was beheaded by Zhong Ye and lost a life.

All liches have a 'phylactery'. The phylactery can be of any shape and anything. The reason why it is called a 'phylactery' is because it contains the soul of the lich.

The transmission speed of the soul is beyond the speed of light and beyond space, and the gods of the Dan world can't be separated by such a long distance, and the souls of the players come to this world.

The walking body is just the lich's 'sense of touch', something they use to perceive the world. In fact, it is just a tool that can be discarded after use, and it doesn't feel bad even if it is thrown away.

It’s just that the spell items carried by the body are also quite precious to the liches. Each of them is made or found with all their efforts. It will take a long time to find another set of similar spell items.

Having said that, liches sound like they are immortal, but in fact, they are also extremely fragile-as long as the phylactery is destroyed, even if they have the ability to destroy heaven and earth, they can only die with hatred.

After Zhong Ye handed in all these things, he saw with his own eyes how the priests purified evil things.

The clerics lit a bunch of holy fires, and then threw the evil things carried by the lich into the holy fire, and then something surprising happened——

The first thing to be thrown into the holy fire was the bone staff. The moment it touched the holy fire, the skull at the top of the bone staff opened its jaw, releasing the few resentful souls, but for those resentful souls, touching the holy fire would kill them.

More than a dozen resentful souls screamed at the same time, trying to escape, causing the holy fire to explode.

The sudden expansion of the sacred fire gathered them all, and then returned to their original appearance.

The sacred fire was lit in front of the statue of the God of Knowledge. Perhaps it was watched by the God of Knowledge. The flame burned violently, and it took only half an hour to completely devour the bone staff.

One by one, the priests threw the objects carrying the evil aura into the holy fire. Some of them were swallowed by the holy fire, and there was nothing left. use.

Therefore, Zhong Ye obtained a total of eleven spell items.

Most of them are the core of spell traps, which are disposable items and require special methods to activate them actively. They are useless to Zhong Ye and the others. After selling them, they got more than 200 gold coins.

In the end, there were four left, and Zhong Ye distributed them to Lily and Lilian.

Spell items are of little use to him anymore, he has passed the stage where he needs to use spell items to protect himself and enhance his combat effectiveness.

Zhong Ye and the others didn't stay in Mannheim for too long, and left the city after replenishing their supplies.

From the map of the Rhineland Kingdom, it seems that Mannheim is quite far away from Frankfurt, but in fact, Zhong Ye did a little calculation and found that the distance between these two cities is even less than a hundred kilometers.

If you put it on the earth, it's only half an hour's drive.

But in the world of Dan, where the traffic is backward, this short journey will take one or two days.

This is because of the frequent commercial exchanges between Mannheim and Frankfurt, and the passing merchants and adventurers have stepped on the road between the two cities, otherwise, it may take longer.

Spring has come, and Zhong Ye and the others began to meet other teams on the road, and sometimes they would make deals with some merchants on the road. This kind of thing is not uncommon.

The wheels were rolling, and after a day and a half of traveling, Zhong Ye and the others finally arrived in Frankfurt.

This is a really big city. Although not to mention that there are libraries everywhere, there are indeed quite a few libraries in Frankfurt.

Every library was filled with books. When Zhong Ye and the others drove the carriage through the streets, they heard someone discussing the expansion of the library on the side of the street.

It is said that this city has a permanent population of 10,000+—even though this number seems small, even Yingtianfu in the Northern Song Dynasty can't compare.

However, there are no three-dimensional houses in this world like residential buildings on the earth. All houses are bungalows. Even if a family of five lives in one house, the population of 10,000+ is enough to make the city large enough .

Even from the highest point of the city, it is difficult to see the edge of the city. It takes at least an hour to go from one end of the city to the other.

And the population of 10,000+ does not include slum dwellers, otherwise, the number would be even greater.

As a city with developed business and a large population, Frankfurt is probably the first city to embrace the industrial revolution.

In the lower reaches of the river that passes through the city, there are many factories, and the black smoke rising into the sky is always there, which makes the sky of Frankfurt always look a little gray. Perhaps in a few decades, the city will become another A 'fog city', the sky is completely occupied by smog.

The carriage arrived at the Adventurer's House, and Lily and the others entered the Adventurer's House to check in as usual, but as soon as they entered the lobby, they were surprised to see the bookshelf behind the front desk.

The bookshelves are full of books, and the adventurers sitting in the hall actually have the leisure to read books instead of drinking and playing.

The female bard played and sang melodious and peaceful tunes, and people sat and read quietly in the hall. What a peaceful and peaceful scene, it is a bit hard to imagine that such a scene happened in the hall of the Adventurer's House.

Most of the adventurers are rogues, not to mention reading books, they don’t even know a single character. Adventurer homes in all cities have literacy classes, but most adventurers are unwilling to learn, and would rather spend money and time On drinking and fighting.

Is there any big difference between Frankfurt and other cities?

Probably because there are many libraries in this city, and it doesn’t cost much money to read and write in Frankfurt. This has led to the fact that most of the residents living in Frankfurt are literate, and illiterate people will be despised here, just Even adventurers are the same.

Adventurers’ spare time is not to drink and fight, but to read books and exchange knowledge. Adventurers from other cities can’t stand the atmosphere of Frankfurt’s Adventurer’s House, and would rather live in other hotels, even if the services of other hotels are not as good as Adventurer’s House good.

This city... is really too magical.

Even when Zhong Ye came to the hall after storing his belongings, he couldn't help raising his eyebrows.

There are a lot of players in Frankfurt, but given their temperament, it is definitely impossible for them to be willing to stay in the Adventurer's House. Probably only casual players who pay attention to the party and play games to appreciate the scenery of another world will stay here.

Casual players like that would not bother Zhong Ye and the others.

After completing the check-in procedures, Zhong Ye and the others put their luggage into their room, then left the Adventurer's House and headed to the local church.

Like other big cities, Frankfurt also has several churches, and the largest local churches are the Church of Knowledge and the Church of Commerce—yes, in Frankfurt, these two churches are of comparable size.

(End of this chapter)

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