Soul echo

Chapter 486

Chapter 486
Although Zhong Ye wanted to drag the corpse of the dragon beast across the mountains, his walking speed was not much slower than that of Lilian and the others.

Due to the endless circulation of 'Qi' in the body, Zhong Ye's physical strength is equivalent to infinity within a certain limit, and the physical strength required to carry the corpse of a dragon beast to walk is still within the range he can afford.

Spring has arrived, and there are many more pedestrians on the road. Therefore, many people saw a tall man walking out of the mountains carrying a huge dragon beast.

Most of the people were driving carriages or simply riding horses. Their speed was much faster than Zhong Ye. Before Zhong Ye returned to Honowell, news about him spread in the city.

When Zhong Ye was about to arrive in Honowell, he asked Lilian to go ahead and inform the people of the church to come out of the city to take a look at the corpse of the dragon beast.

Orion apologized and left in a hurry. He was going to tell the news to the other survivors in that village, telling them that their revenge had been avenged.

"This thing is too heavy!"

Lily is also helping, her strength attributes are similar to Zhong Ye's, both around [-] o'clock - during the three months of traveling together, her strength has grown further.

Zhong Ye carried most of the weight in front, and Lily was behind him, so that the dragon beast's rear body did not hang down on the ground, which would increase the difficulty of dragging the dragon beast's corpse by at least half.

Although Lily was out of breath, she didn't let go, and let Zhong Ye carry the dragon beast corpse by herself.

This is one of the few things she can do to help Zhong Ye. She must show her own value and not become a burden to Zhong Ye.

One of the reasons why she escaped from the palace was that she couldn't accept her status as a princess, although the main reason was that she didn't want to embarrass her father.

This is the case in the court. Could it be that he can accept the burdensome status with peace of mind when he is by Zhong Ye's side?
"Do you think... this dragon beast is really related to... the abyss?" Lily asked intermittently, panting heavily.

"There are quite a few monsters who will wantonly destroy and kill mountain villages like... this dragon beast..."

As she spoke, Lily felt that she couldn't catch her breath, her throat was blocked, and she coughed endlessly.

"Because it gives me the same feeling as Magma gave me back then." Zhong Ye replied calmly.

Hearing this name, Lily couldn't help pursing her lips angrily.

She is narrow-minded, so she just refuses to forget this matter, and refuses to forgive the black dragon.

Except for the priests, very few people can tell whether other creatures carry the breath of the abyss, but after Zhong Ye experienced the incident of saving the black dragon, he became a 'very few'.

Although he used to occasionally have some vague feelings, but now it is different.

——Now he can clearly feel the abyssal breath carried by the dragon beast.

It was precisely because he felt the breath of the abyss from the dragon beast that Zhong Ye worked tirelessly to bring the dragon beast's body out of the forest.

When Zhong Ye did this, he insisted on going his own way. Lily did not agree with his approach, and Lilian abstained.

However, even if Lily disagreed, he still had to bring out the dragon beast corpse alone, which was what he did last night.

In desperation, Lili could only help out, because even if she didn't help, Zhong Ye would still bring the corpse back.

Zhong Ye and the others could already see Honowell's city wall, but they didn't arrive at that city until more than ten minutes later.

Zhong Ye and Lili left the corpse of the dragon beast not far from the city gate. The corpse was not thrown on the road, nor did it block the way of people passing by.

However, the huge corpse alone was enough to attract people's attention, make them stop, and the city gate was blocked.

"I'm exhausted!"

After putting down the corpse of the dragon beast, Lily sat down on the ground, panting heavily against the corpse behind her back, completely disregarding her own image.

The clothes were sticky to her body, making her feel very uncomfortable.

At this moment, there was a breeze blowing all around, Lily narrowed her eyes comfortably, and glanced at Zhong Ye who was standing beside her, with the corners of her lips slightly raised.

This gust of wind did not appear naturally, how could there be a natural wind that would swirl around them!
Not long after Zhong Ye and the others arrived, Lilian also appeared at the city gate with the priests.

The moment they saw the ferocious dragon beast, the clergymen were taken aback for a moment, because this monster was really too big.

One of its claws is as big as an adult male, not to mention that its appearance is like a lizard, and its torso is much larger than its limbs.

After being slightly taken aback, vigilance and seriousness followed.

This is because the priests all felt the breath of the abyss from the corpse of the dragon beast.

"Your Excellency, is this the dragon beast that destroyed that village?" The priest leading the team glanced at the dragon beast, turned his gaze to Zhong Ye, and asked seriously, "Did you feel the abyssal breath from it?"

"Yes." Zhong Ye nodded, "It was precisely because I felt the abyssal aura on it that I brought it back in its entirety—does it really have the abyssal aura in it?"

The priest nodded and ordered other clergy to check the corpse of the dragon beast, and then replied: "There is indeed an abyssal breath on the corpse. If there is no accident, some changes may have taken place inside it. We need to dissect it to confirm that it is infected with the abyss. How long."

"Do you need my help?" Zhong Ye asked.

The dragon beast was huge in size. Even though it had been dead for more than ten hours, the body had not softened, and its muscles were still tense, as if it hadn't died at all.

After hearing the reports from other clergymen, the priest who was still a little confused could only sigh and said helplessly, "Please..."

The corpse of the dragon beast is not easy to cut, at least the priests have no way to dissect the corpse of the dragon beast without injuring its internal organs.

When Orion rushed to the city gate with other survivors, he happened to see the dragon beast being dismembered.

Everyone remembers that hideous and ferocious head, because of the rampage of this dragon beast, their homes were completely destroyed.

The vengeance was avenged, and all the grievances, pain, and despair, including tears, gushed out uncontrollably.

Seeing this scene, a bard who came with a businessman improvised a sad tune. After playing, feeling the distress and depression in his heart, he put the instrument back, lowered his eyes, and sighed, Into the city.

Orion led a group of survivors and walked towards Zhong Ye who was resting at the side, bowed and saluted, "Thank you, Your Excellency."

The villagers who followed him thanked him one after another, and then took out various coins from their bodies, handed them to Orion, and asked him to hand them all to Zhong Ye.

Copper and silver coins were piled up in a hill beside Zhong Ye. Zhong Ye did not refuse, because these villagers had already issued a mission in the Adventurer's House, and the money was the reward they promised. If he didn't accept it, it would be a violation of the rules.

When the last gold coin that was only half left was placed on top of the coin pile by Orion, he sighed and looked at Zhong Ye with a wry smile, "Your Excellency, this is our reward for you."

Zhong Ye looked up at the villagers. He saw a group of ragged warriors, and also saw a little girl hugging an adult's thigh, looking puzzled at him and the pile of coins beside him.

"I have accepted the reward."

This money is far from enough to hire a superhuman to kill a powerful dragon beast, but this is already the highest reward these villagers can give.

With that said, Zhong Ye untied his purse and put it beside the pile of coins.

Under the eyes of people full of puzzlement, Zhong Ye said: "I want to build a factory and a chamber of commerce in this city. Your integrity and commitment have won my trust. I decided to hire you as the factory and chamber of commerce." of the first employees."


Not only was Orion stunned, but everyone around who heard Zhong Ye's words were all stunned.

Only Lily and Lilian looked at each other and smiled helplessly.

——They had long expected that Zhong Ye would do this.

"But, but..." Orion stammered and wanted to say something, but found that he couldn't say anything.

He wanted to refuse, but the people standing behind him made it impossible for him to refuse at all.

"Where is your current address? After a few days my Chamber of Commerce is established, I will have someone notify you to go to work."

Zhong Ye looked at him with a tone that could not refuse.

After a moment of silence, Orion exhaled and told Zhong Ye his address.

Then, Zhong Ye laughed and pointed to the pile of coins, "This is the wages paid in advance to you, don't worry, there will be more later."

He stood up and patted Orion on the shoulder, "It will be fine."

After saying that, Zhong Ye ignored the Orion who was crying again, stood up with the money bag, and shouted to the people gathered around: "I want to form a chamber of commerce, and now I need a helmsman. Who will sign up?"

The people around looked at me and I looked at you. After a while, one arm after another was raised high, and some of them were players.

(End of this chapter)

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