Soul echo

Chapter 546

Chapter 546

After listening to Zhang Qian's explanation, Lilian realized that the Ottoman Empire, which was supposed to shine brightly, was nowhere to be seen. When people talked about "civilization", most of them only mentioned the Western Land and the Eastern Land, but on Earth, This time point is the most prosperous period of the Ottoman Empire.

As a huge empire spanning the three continents of Asia, Europe and Africa, if the Ottoman Empire is still there, it must be an important force against the abyss.

However, people have never mentioned it.

She should have realized earlier - the Ottoman Empire is dead!
Glancing at the barrage, Lilian asked the audience's doubts: "Has the Ottoman Empire perished?"

"No." Zhang Qian shook his head, "It's only in name only, it's no longer called 'empire'."

He paused and explained: "The Ottoman Empire did not perish in name, and the lords from all over the country still recognized their common monarch, but it was only a verbal recognition. The actual group of heroes was divided. That war not only shattered the Shendu Peninsula, but also destroyed the ecological environment of the surrounding areas of the peninsula, and now there are no people living there."

That's why it's no wonder that from the east to the west, except for the northern waterway, the only way to go is through the kingdom of elves.

The shattering of the South Asian subcontinent also caused a great blow to its surrounding environment. If you want to go through that scorched earth to travel between the East and West, I am afraid that only Legendary has this ability.

Lilian was thoughtful, and then caught a glimpse of a bullet screen, and asked: "Mr. Zhang, since you can take on the responsibility of receiving passengers on board, you must have traveled to and from the West and East land many times, right? Can you tell us about it?" , what is the situation in the kingdom of elves?"

Zhang Qian was stunned for a moment when he heard the words, then he laughed, stroked his beard and said, "You've got to ask the right person, even though there are so many people in the fleet, in fact, they are still in the fleet now, really contacting those elves." It’s just the number of hands, and I’m one of them.”

"Those pointed ears... how should I put it?" Zhang Qian pinched his beard and fell into memory, "It should be said that his face is cold and his heart is warm, although he said 'hate humans' and 'don't like you', but when we When you ask them for help, they will still help.”

"Tsundere?" Lilian blinked.

Zhang Qian was stunned for a few seconds before realizing the meaning of the word, hehe laughed, "Yes, yes, you can say that...the group of guys looked cold on the surface, but in fact they were delicate in mind. I only found out after getting in touch with them. Those pointy ears don't make friends with humans because they follow the instructions of their ancestors-guess why they would do that?"

Frowning, he thought hard for a moment, and glanced at the barrage, but the barrage didn't give a reasonable answer, and everyone was playing tricks.

Lilian pursed her lips, and turned her eyes to Zhong Ye for help.

Zhong Ye said casually: "Because human beings have a short lifespan, if they make friends with human beings, they will probably experience the death of their friends many times in their lifetime."

"My brother is smart." Zhang Qian chuckled and nodded slightly, "Indeed, this is one of the reasons. After we knew about it, we felt a little dumbfounded. I can understand the thoughts of those pointy ears."

"It turned out to be like this..." Lilian felt a little incomprehensible, but at the same time, she also had a strange feeling that "the elves seem to be not as scary as in the legend, but rather cute".

From Zhang Qian's words, it is not difficult to hear that the elves seem to be a little too naive, and they would not interact with humans for this reason.

"However, this is only one side of them."

Zhang Qian suppressed his smile and said seriously: "I remember that you Xilu often spread rumors like 'all elves live in the forest' and 'innocent and kind'. In fact, although elves believe in the father of nature, they call themselves 'sons of nature' , but they also have their own city, and the architectural style is very special, very artistic.

"Every elf is a 'natural spirit body'. According to you Xilu, it is a 'supernatural factor and bloodline', so it is very easy to grow the soul, and the mind is naturally more flexible. No matter what you do, it is easy to get started, even if it is Learn spells.

"They are particularly sensitive to malice, and it is almost impossible to assassinate them."

From Zhang Qian's words, Lilian heard a completely different elf civilization.

The elf civilization in the Dan world is full of martial virtues, and their land directly borders on the territory of the believers of the war lord. If the force is not strong enough, they would have been exterminated long ago.

Like the Western Continent, any country bordering on the territory of those abyss believers will be wiped out in a very short period of time.

While the force is powerful, the artistic level of the elves is also quite high, comparable to that of Dongtu—the Dongtu of this era almost represents the pinnacle of human civilization and art.

On these basis, the elves are still very united, even though the elves country is still a feudal system, but once a war breaks out, the elves of any tribe are willing to send troops to help the injured tribe.

They are indeed smart, but it is precisely because they are smart enough that they will not calculate so much with each other.

Just imagine, a race that can detect the malice of others at any time and has a smart mind, if it has been calculating with each other, this race should have perished long ago, and it is impossible to develop to the present level.

Isn't the reason why there are so many calculations among human beings that some people think they are smart enough, but in fact they are short-sighted and can only see their own interests and not greater interests?
Because it is easy to detect malice, the elves have always been in a pure state, and there are very few abyss believers.

Among the four powerful evil gods of the abyss, only the belief of the Father of Harvest can spread among the elves.

Because the father of the fruit and his believers are often not malicious, in their eyes, making others like them is a gift and a kind of goodwill.

Lilian nodded thoughtfully.

It turns out that 'elf' is such a race, and she had too many misunderstandings about elves before.

"By the way." Zhang Qian seemed to think of something again, "In fact, there are some feathered people and snake people living with them among the elves, because the lifespan of feathered people and snake people is similar to that of elves, and they are all It's between 150 and [-]."

In this era where the average life expectancy is 100 to [-] years, a lifespan of more than [-] years can be regarded as immortality.

It's no surprise that elves can live so long, but can even feathered people and snake people live that long?

Although this 200 years does not seem to be a long time, however, 210 years in the Western Han Dynasty and 190 years in the Eastern Han Dynasty. In this way, some feathered and snake-human individuals with long life spans can live from the founding of the Western Han Dynasty to the end of the Western Han Dynasty.

Having said this, Zhang Qian suddenly stopped.

He turned his head to look in the direction of the fleet, looked at it for a while, then licked his fingers, and turned his saliva-stained fingers in that direction.

Feeling the slightest bit of coldness on his fingers, Zhang Qian immediately said with emotion: "We have left Xilu."

I saw his fingers turning, pointing to the rear of the fleet.

"Behind us is the sea around the West Land, and here is the 'Sea of ​​Ice'. Arriving here means that we have officially left the West Land and entered the real 'North Sea Passage'."

Lilian and Zhong Ye looked back together, filled with emotion.

Her birth point is in the west land, if the number of resurrections in the east is exhausted, she will not be able to travel with the teacher...

Although with her current strength, it is unlikely that she will run out of resurrections, but she still has to be careful, not afraid of [-], but just in case.

Thinking of this, Lilian couldn't help asking: "Mr. Zhang, does it take a long time to go from West Land to East Land?"

Zhang Qian bowed his head and calculated, "It will take about one or two months. Although our fleet has already used the best technology, it is difficult to deal with emergencies on the road. After all, this is at sea, so at least we need to One or two months."

In other words, they have to stay on the ship for one or two months?

Lilian tilted her head and thought, wondering if she could adapt to life at sea.

(End of this chapter)

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