Soul echo

chapter 554

chapter 554
Today's weather is not very good, the sky is gloomy, and even the air is a bit dull.

Looking at the sky in the distance, Zhong Ye said firmly: "A blizzard is coming."

The sea of ​​ice is the Arctic Ocean of the earth, and the average temperature in the cold season is generally below -20°C.

Not long ago, they left the waters of the Barents Sea, and the temperature dropped visibly to the naked eye—as far as the eye could see, there was a lot of crushed ice on the sea.

These ice blocks seriously hindered the fleet's driving. Although the ice blocks floating on the sea surface were not big, no one actually knew how big those ice blocks were under the sea surface.

Sailing a boat at sea is different from driving a car on the road. It takes a long time for a car to brake at a certain speed, let alone a seagoing boat.

Even if the fleet can observe the volume of the ice block under the sea surface, by the time they find out, the fleet is about to collide.

Therefore, the fleet can only slow down, and at the same time let the killer whales help to find the way, and point out the larger ice blocks so that they can turn in time.

At this time, if there is a snowstorm, it will be even worse.

The sailors in the fleet didn't even have time to swear a word of "thief God", they hurriedly began to prepare for the snowstorm.

Anchor and sail must be done, and at the same time, the distance between the boats must be controlled to prevent the hulls from being blown by the snowstorm and colliding with each other. In addition, they also have to beware of those who may be hidden in the snowstorm. A monster that came with the storm.

As a result, the ships in the fleet were connected in series with iron chains.

Although doing so would cause them great inconvenience when dealing with sea monsters, it was always a good method to deal with other 'dangers' besides sea monsters.

After all, undead and abyssal creatures don't care if this is the territory of some sea monsters!

Because the weather was too cold, the passengers didn't board the deck, and leaned directly in the corridor to chat, causing people to come and go in the corridor outside the door, and the sound of footsteps continued.

Because there is no danger for the time being, the crew is not prepared to drive the passengers back to the room, but they are still patrolling to avoid the appearance of monsters that quietly boarded the ship like the zombie before.

Lilian shrank in the room and did not go out to communicate with other passengers.

After hearing Zhong Ye's words, she sniffed, and couldn't help thinking of something that Zhang Qian had mentioned to them before.

"Teacher, the front seems to be the 'Northern Islands' that Uncle Zhang told us about, right?"

Although there is no clear evidence to prove that the world of Dan is a parallel world of the earth, this world is extremely similar to the earth in terms of terrain, climate, and history.

On the earth, there is also a Northland Islands in the north of Russia, which is inaccessible and resource-poor.

In the world of Dan, the Northland Islands also have the above attributes. Therefore, after communicating and negotiating with the elves, the Eastern Turks obtained the right to use the Northland Islands from the elves.

The Eastern Turks hired some elves who were willing to contact humans in the elven kingdom, and asked them to station in the Northland Islands to provide supplies for the fleet.

These elves only need to stay in the Northland Islands for three months a year, and spend the rest of the time freely, so the elves did not refuse the job.

In exchange, the elves can send some foreign students to the east to learn knowledge.

Zhong Ye nodded slightly, "Theoretically, it should be almost here."

Because of the gloomy sky, the room naturally became dark, and the crystal embedded in the stern of the ship automatically emitted light, dispelling some shadows.

Zhong Ye held a book in his hand and studied it carefully.

The books he is reading now and the books he read in the past few days are all Zhang Qian's collections. As a scholar, Zhang Qian naturally has the habit of collecting books-even if the prices of Dongtu's books have dropped by an unknown amount now, but at home Collecting books is still a great pleasure for scholars.

"Will this blizzard affect there?"

Hearing Lilian's words, Zhong Ye looked up at the glass window, looked at the gloomy sky outside the window, and calculated silently.

After a while, Zhong Ye nodded, "It should be affected."

"The elves on that island..." Lilian was all worried.

Zhong Ye frowned, and he also thought of something.

In this way, the elves stationed on the Northern Islands should be somewhat dangerous...

"It should be fine." Zhong Ye sighed secretly, even if something happened, they couldn't help much.


After the fleet narrowly survived the snowstorm, the crew scrambled to unfreeze the chains and unhook them.

The surrounding sea is also covered with a thin layer of ice. To make the fleet move again, the thin layer of ice needs to be destroyed.

Fortunately, there were at least three alchemists on board each ship. With the help of the alchemists, the fleet solved all problems in only half a day.

The fleet continued eastward, and arrived at the Northland Islands a day later.

There are no large ports on the Northland Islands, and no large ports can be built.

Among the ice seas, there is only one sea area that has the conditions to build an ice-free port, and the Northland Islands are not among them.

Therefore, the fleet stopped at a distance far away from the Northland Islands to avoid hitting the rocks. At the same time, several small boats were released to the Northland Islands to replenish food and fresh water.

It is precisely because of the existence of the supply point of the Northland Islands that the fleet dared to throw a large amount of meat to feed the killer whale group and the giant whale.

Zhong Ye did not follow those small boats to the Northland Islands. He had no interest in it, but Lilian was very interested. Unfortunately, she might only do a disservice to the crew after boarding the boat, so she was very self-aware and didn't ask to board the boat.

Wrapped in a padded coat she obtained from the crew, Lilian stood on the deck and looked into the distance, watching the small boats gradually disappear into the mist and sail towards the land in the distance.

She couldn't help stomping her feet in the cold wind. After a while, her eyes began to sway from side to side boringly, and she began to look in other directions.

Looking left and right, when he looked up at the sky, he suddenly noticed the thoughtful look on Zhong Ye's face.

"Teacher, what are you thinking?"

"It feels a little familiar..."

Staring at the fog in front of him, Zhong Ye took a deep breath, "That looks a bit like the 'fog demon' I met before..."

Many questions popped up in Lilian's mind, aren't all things like 'fog' the same?Could there be any difference?
Sensing Lilian's doubts, Zhong Ye nodded his head, "I use 'feeling' instead of 'seeing'."

"Hey..." Lilian opened her eyes slightly, and then she was stimulated by the cold wind and closed her eyes again.

Lilian thought for a while, and then asked: "Then is there any similarity between this fog and the fog demon?"

"I can't quite say what I have to say." Zhong Ye frowned slightly, "It's just a feeling."

"Actually, there is no need to worry too much."

Zhang Qian put his hands in his sleeves, and walked out of the cabin with a smile, "The Northern Islands are very close to the kingdom of elves, and the fog devil will not come here. Although we don't know whether the fog devil has sanity or not, it should have The ability to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, it has never been close to the kingdom of elves."

The Fog Demon only dared to roam the sea and had never set foot on land. That's why Zhong Ye didn't know any information about the Fog Demon from Xilu. It was only after he followed the fleet into the ice sea that he heard the relevant rumors.

But even so, Zhong Ye was not very relieved.

He turned his head and looked at the cloud of mist again, silently comparing the difference between the cloud of fog and the fog demon and ordinary fog water.

Why was he able to see the difference between the fog demon and ordinary fog at a glance?Why can he now see the resemblance between this cloud of mist and the Fog Demon?
One option after another was ruled out, Zhong Ye patiently and slowly sift through, and his thoughts gradually became clear.

Suddenly, he locked on a 'word'.


Zhong Ye said in a deep voice, "It's 'dead spirit'!"

What is the difference between this fog and ordinary fog, and what is the similarity with the fog demon?
Zhong Ye has already come up with the answer, that is 'dead breath'.

——"In that fog, there is death energy!"

 Thanks to Xiao Zhang who can't wake up for the reward!

(End of this chapter)

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