Soul echo

Chapter 562 The Sea Monster Attacks

Chapter 562 The Sea Monster Attacks
Underneath the face with many pieces of ice floating, the ocean current kept rushing.

In front of the fleet, in the water that was unknown how many meters deep, a huge figure was rising rapidly.

The monster from the deep sea felt a lot of breath of life. Although it also sensed two extremely powerful breaths of life, its chaotic brain didn't have the ability to analyze these things.

Now it's hungry.

Standing on the surface of the sea, Zhong Ye leaned over and inserted his hands into the water. After all, no matter how good his eyesight was, he couldn't penetrate the sea water and see the sea monster hiding under the water.

However, he could feel the surge of sea water under his feet.

——The surging ocean current brought him a message from afar!

Although I can't feel what the monster looks like, I can feel how huge it is.

It's going up, and it's going fast...

Noticing this, Zhong Ye took a deep breath, leaped high, and plunged headlong into the icy sea water.

After he dived into the sea, he opened his eyes and saw a giant whale swimming past him.

The giant whale has already floated up to the sea area where the light shines, but there is not enough light in the ocean, and he can only see a silhouette.

That's the case, seeing a huge monster with a body length of more than 200 meters at such a close distance, even Zhong Ye felt his heart tremble.

Many people have a natural fear of giant monsters, especially for giant beasts in the sea, this psychology will be magnified countless times.

Even though Zhong Ye boasted that his "will is as firm as steel" and he dared to face the big devils and evil gods, when he dived into the sea and saw the whole body of the giant whale, he couldn't help feeling a little scared.

Fortunately, in the next moment, he adjusted his mentality and started swimming in the water.

After he started swimming, the sea water passed through the two layers of qi covering his body surface and under the skin, and successfully turned into water and oxygen, which he absorbed into his body. At the same time, he switched the circulatory system in his body to another one. set.

As long as he's swimming, he can keep breathing!
And as long as he can keep breathing, his body will continuously generate 'Qi' to keep his fighting power at its peak.

As Zhong Ye moved forward, the figure of the sea monster detected by the vanguard ship gradually appeared in his eyes little by little.

The first moment he saw the figure of the sea monster in the distance, Zhong Ye was slightly taken aback.

That sea monster was also a whale, but it was different from the killer whale raised by the fleet. The whale was covered with bone spurs, and its head was covered with a layer of white bones. It looked quite ferocious.

The giant whale raised by the fleet looks like an enlarged version of the killer whale. Although the internal structure is definitely different from the ordinary killer whale, at least from the outside, there is still no big difference from the killer whale.

But the 'bone whale' opposite them was different, no one could tell what kind of whale this sea monster was originally.

The bone whale let out a heavy moan, swung its tail violently, and rushed towards the killer whale and Zhong Ye.

The killer whale also opened its huge mouth, but a shock wave erupted from its mouth, hit the head of the bone whale, and broke several bone spurs on its head.

The relationship between sea monsters and sea monsters has always been fighting each other. In order to continue to grow, in order to obtain living space, they must fight and devour each other.

Afterwards, the two giant whales collided directly. The skin of the killer whale was cut by the bone spur, and a lot of blood was splashed out. The bone spur of the bone whale was also broken after hitting the body of the killer whale.

The sea water is squeezed and stirred by them, and the powerful force gradually spreads in the deep sea.

Their weight is more than a thousand tons, ten thousand tons?How huge is the force of the sea water stirred by their huge bodies?
An incalculable force engulfed the seawater and rushed towards Zhong Ye. For land creatures, his weight could already be called a 'large creature', but in front of these two sea monsters, it was not enough to look at.

Zhong Ye's body was pushed by the sea water. Even though he could not be harmed by the huge rush of sea water, his body was helplessly pushed away from the place in the face of the huge force.

——Continuing like this is not an option, it can't help at all!

With a thought in mind, Zhong Ye suddenly slashed his palm at the sea water in front of him, and the gang qi split the torrent into two halves.

Immediately, his body jumped forward, and dived into the deep sea along the gap between the currents.

The fight between the two giant whales was extremely bloody and cruel. Due to the limitations of their body structure, their attacks were bumping, biting, and flicking their tails.

In this regard, the bone whale has a great advantage.

It is covered in white bones, and there are bone spurs protruding from its body. As long as the killer whale attacks it, the bone spurs will inevitably hurt the killer whale, and if it attacks the killer whale, the bone spurs can even penetrate the muscles of the killer whale.

Because the size is too large, every movement will be blocked by the sea water around them, so the battle between them must not be like the 'small' whales.

Every time they flick their tails, it means they are about to launch an attack.

Thanks to the muscles in their huge bodies, every swing of their tails can provide them with enough strength, so that they can cause a strong enough impact on the enemy.

The impacts continued one after another, causing the seawater to become extremely chaotic, and the water flowed in all directions, reaching the ice floes on the sea surface.

For the people in the fleet, the most intuitive manifestation of the battle between two sea monsters is that the waves are coming one after another. Standing on the deck, or the window can see the sea ice floes, and you can also see the ice floes It shattered one after another and sank into the sea.

This is just the aftermath of the battle, and the aftermath makes every ship bumpy, making it impossible to stand.

Even old sailors who have experienced sea turmoil can't stand firm in this situation, let alone fight.

Zhang Qian supported the table nailed to the floor, and looked out the window in surprise.

How is this going?

The scale of the battle seemed to have exceeded his expectations, so he couldn't help being a little worried about Zhong Ye.

Although Zhong Ye is a master of martial arts and a legend in the world like a land god, but no matter what, Zhong Ye is just a human being, can he participate in such a battle?
Just when Lilian, Zhang Qian and others were worried about Zhong Ye, Zhong Ye had already dived into the deep sea, and came to the sea area where there was not much light and blood was floating everywhere.

The two giant whales had just completed a collision, and then the impact force was separated to both sides. At this time, they just wanted to wag their tails again and launch another impact.

What can he do at this time?
Among ordinary humans, Zhong Ye was quite tall, but in front of the bone whale, his height of more than two meters was less than one percent of its body length.

Even though his fists can hit tons of strength, what about this sea monster that weighs more than [-] tons?It's just a tickle!
With a thought in Zhong Ye's mind, his figure suddenly jumped out and entered the bone whale's body along a wound on its body.

The wound had scabbed over, but with a wave of Zhong Ye's palm, the wound opened again.

Normally, the bone whale wouldn't care about this little injury at all. However, it felt that another "living body with huge vitality" appeared around it, threatening it.

The bone whale suddenly swung its body, gave up its attack on the killer whale, and even exposed its side to the killer whale.

Zhong Ye took advantage of the opportunity to break into the blood vessel of the bone whale, and the killer whale directly opened its mouth wide, biting the side of the bone whale, and bit off a large piece of flesh from its side.

Even though the bone spur pierced the mouth and scratched the throat, the killer whale did not let go. Instead, it exercised its mouth muscles and began to chew!
Ow! ! !
A long and heavy roar came from below the sea surface, shaking the sea surface, causing the sea water to fluctuate violently, and the peaks of the waves gradually climbed higher, hitting the fleet.

Zhong Ye successfully broke into the body of the bone whale, but after he swam into the blood vessel, the surrounding muscles suddenly squeezed towards him.

So, he slapped out with a palm, pouring countless strength into the bone whale's muscles.

Of course Zhong Ye didn't think that this strength could kill the bone whale, but it was enough to paralyze its muscles and lose control.

At the same time, the spreading qi was like a sound wave, instantly filling most of the bone whale's body, making its body structure fully visible in Zhong Ye's eyes!
— Brain, found it!
Zhong Ye's eyes flickered slightly, and he used the stellar energy to push his body, and penetrated into the bone whale's body along the blood vessels.

(End of this chapter)

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