Soul echo

Chapter 572 The Battle of the Blood Sea (End)

Chapter 572 The Battle of the Blood Sea (End)
death of the weak--

The wailing and screams of the slaves slaughtered by the followers of the blood god, accompanied by their souls, still hovered between the heaven and the earth, blending into the blood flowing profusely and wandering below the sea surface, dyeing the whole sea bloody; The blood god believers in the aftermath of the great demon battle, their unwillingness and resentment did not sink into the sea with their bodies, but were carried by the strong wind and rushed above the sea.

The death of a soldier—

Followers of the Blood God and the sailors of the fleet fought each other, and died when their will was the most intense. Therefore, their souls still exist in this world, as high as flames.

The death of the strong--

The big demon died under Zhong Ye's knife. When it died, it was still extremely angry, and still retained a strong vitality and fighting ability. Its unyielding soul could not return to the abyss, but was used by the ceremony as the soul of the abyss. The base of the door opens the world.

—This is the triple death, and also the triple tyranny.

Slaves were slaughtered indiscriminately, the lives of followers of the blood god were consumed indiscriminately, and the soul of the great demon was split and cast into the gate of the abyss.

So, the ceremony is complete!
The sky was torn apart, and cruel and evil laughter came from the crack, resounding across the battlefield, the sky and the sea.

Just hearing that laughter, people felt restless and angry.

Anger towards enemies, anger towards companions, anger towards bosses, anger towards life, anger towards the world...

Countless kinds of anger are mixed and mixed, growing and mutating rapidly in people's hearts.

Zhong Ye made a decisive decision and instantly activated his spiritual energy, distorting the air and light, covering the sky of the entire battlefield.

Therefore, people don't see the huge eye that casts its gaze from behind the crack.

Even Zhong Ye, the first time he saw those eyes, his heart trembled, and he subconsciously held his breath.

He felt that the muscles all over his body were completely out of control, as if tangled into a seamless piece of iron, and he couldn't even blink his eyelids, which was extremely heavy.

At this time, he already realized who the owner of those eyes was.

Lord of War, Blood God, Khorne—these are His names!
He is the most cruel and tyrannical one among the four most powerful evil gods in the abyss. For him, he doesn't need a complete world, and he doesn't want to conquer anything. He just wants to kill and just wants blood.

A moment later, Zhong Ye regained control of his body, clenched his fists tightly, and gritted his teeth.

The moment he was deprived of his mind, distortions had already been generated in his body uncontrollably, and the organ where the distortions occurred was none other than the 'heart'!
【This is the second time—】

A magnificent and shocking voice sounded in Zhong Ye's mind: 【Surrender to me and become my 'weapon', this is your glory! 】

The muscles on Zhong Ye's face twitched slightly, and he tried his best to hold up a smile.

This is the 'second time', that is to say, there is also the 'first time' that he doesn't know about.

If nothing else, that 'first time' is hidden in the memory that hasn't been remembered yet.


A sound came out of his throat, and Zhong Ye took a deep breath, with unyielding anger burning in his eyes, and he clenched his teeth.


After he yelled that sentence, the wind blowing in his ears stopped, and the world froze for an instant.

No...not 'the world freezes', but his mind transcends time!
The world in front of him suddenly faded, and Zhong Ye felt his own "ascending"—his soul continued to ascend, troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere, ionosphere, exosphere, outer space...

Cosmic space flashed before his eyes, and then he saw the 'outer membrane' of the world.

Zhong Ye's soul was rapidly approaching the 'outer membrane', and it was about to break through this layer of protection and leave the Dan world.

Also at this time, many warm hands appeared beside him, holding him.

A cloud-like, dream-like hand grabbed Zhong Ye's left arm, a mud-like brown hand pressed down on his shoulder, and a female left hand wearing arm armor held his right wrist. The right hand of the man wearing only many gemstone rings and gold and silver bracelets and bracelets held Zhong Ye's left leg...

Zhong Ye woke up in an instant, he didn't look back, but he knew very well who helped him.

He cast his gaze forward, and through the crystal wall, he saw a blurry red figure.

The gods stood behind Zhong Ye, didn't say anything, just looked at him tenderly, waiting for his reaction.

"I will never be your lackey..."

Zhong Ye said forcefully, "Never!"

After he answered, traction came from those big warm hands, and Zhong Ye's soul quickly flew backwards, returning to his body in the blink of an eye.

When the soul returned to the body, Zhong Ye looked up, and saw that the gate of the abyss in the sky had been broken.

The gods worked together to crush it, lest the blood god continue to pollute the world.

However, the war is not over yet.

Zhong Ye looked down at the sea, the blood ship fleet was still fighting with the navy and fleet of Dongtu to please their gods.

But they will never know that after their death, it is absolutely impossible for their souls to go to the abyss.

The sky god has sealed off the entire world, and all souls will be detained.

As long as the gate of the abyss is closed, demons and abyss believers will have no way to take their souls out of the Dan world, and part of the souls they projected into this world will stay in this world with the death of their bodies.

The soul debris produced by the "dunge" is actually the souls of those demons and abyss believers. These souls are indelible, so the help of players is needed.

Once the player clears the copy, it means that the souls used as the base of the copy are killed once. When the players continue to clear the copy, those souls will be quickly wiped out.

The same is true for these blood god believers right now. Their souls cannot escape, and they will eventually become a boost to the Dan world.

Zhong Ye took a deep breath, revoked his spiritual energy, and let his body fall vertically.

He crashed onto a blood ship, shaking all the believers of the blood god in that blood ship.

Zhong Ye took out the straight knife again, walked towards the extremely fanatical followers of the blood god, brandished the double knife, and harvested their lives.

After harvesting the blood god believers from this ship, Zhong Ye stomped on his feet, leaped high, and jumped into a ship in the Dongtu fleet.

"Master Zhong!"

"Mr. Zhong!"

When Zhong Ye started killing, the Blood God believers who boarded the ship were quickly emptied.

He released his [Halo], and was influenced by the followers of the blood god, and the sailors who were almost bloodshot woke up all of a sudden.

They cheered loudly and showed boundless excitement.

Zhong Ye swept his eyes, but saw many familiar faces lying on the ground, and his heart sank.

Sighing secretly, Zhong Ye nodded to the sailors, turned around and jumped to another ship.

Even with Zhong Ye's help, the war lasted for two full hours.

The Blood God believer fought until the last person remained, but he still didn't show any fear or timidity, and charged Zhong Ye while singing eulogies.

Before he could reach Zhong Ye, he was beheaded by the angry sailors of the fleet beside him.

The war was finally over, but the sailors looked at the dilapidated fleet and the corpses lying beside them...

Suppressed cries came from everywhere, Zhong Ye leaned against the side of the ship, not paying any attention to the blood staining the deck, because his body was already covered with the blood of the enemy.

The number of blood god believers is too many, and they are not afraid of death at all, and they are extremely fanatical about fighting and killing.

Even if Zhong Ye went off to clean up the Blood God believers himself, it took more than an hour to kill them all.

Regarding this war, Zhong Ye had some vague guesses.

——Perhaps, this war was really brought about by him.

He heard the big demon say with his own ears that "the blood god favors him". As the evil god representing war and cruelty, the war lord should have the ability to cast a curse on him.

Not only this war, but also all the events he encountered after traveling to this world...

Was it really just a coincidence that he was able to encounter those things?
Zhong Ye had deep doubts about his time in the past year - even if those things had corresponding backgrounds and precursors, even without him, those things would still happen.

But is there such a possibility that it was his arrival that detonated everything?
 Thank you for the 100 starting point coins for the super unpalatable celery

(End of this chapter)

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