Soul echo

Chapter 577 The Journey's End

Chapter 577 The Journey's End

Upon waking up, Zhong Ye slowly opened his eyes.

He took a deep breath, but felt that his nasal cavity still seemed to be filled with the smell of blood and scorching.

Zhong Ye stretched his legs and stood up from the floor.

The windows had been boarded up, so there was no way of checking the time.

Subconsciously raised his hand and touched it into his bosom, and when it was empty, Zhong Ye was slightly taken aback, only to remember that his pocket watch was broken due to a battle a few months ago, and he never bought a new one afterwards, and now he occasionally returns it. There will be this inexplicable action.

Lilian and Dai Lila were still immersed in their dreams, so Zhong Ye didn't disturb them, and softened the sound of his footsteps, then wrapped the door hinge with spiritual energy, pushed open the door and walked out.

Leaving the cabin and coming to the deck, with a strong perception ability, he can see at a glance that there is still a trace of blood hidden in the corner that has not been cleaned. His eyes are slightly bright, and he uses spiritual power to wipe it away.

The sky was dark, but a ray of light bloomed in the distance.

Walking to the side of the ship, Zhong Ye looked at the place where the sun was rising, and took a deep breath.

He has already remembered everything - the reason why he traveled to this world, the reason why his memory was sealed, and the reason why various events often happened around him.

He has already remembered everything!

The reason why the memory was sealed was actually because he was too weak at that time, even if he was strong-willed, he could escape from the illusion with his own will, but if he was able to escape once, what about the second or third time?
Will has little to do with the strength of the soul, but the strength of the soul can guarantee that it will not be affected by illusions.

As long as he still has that memory in his mind, the Lord of War can find him at any time.

Now that he is a legend in the world, a master of martial arts, even if the war lord finds him, as long as it is not through the gate of the abyss, if it is just an illusion, it is impossible to distort his will like before.

——At that time, his will was almost distorted, and he was only one step away from falling.

Fortunately, his will is firm enough, and he has considerable affection for his family and friends, otherwise, he is very likely to fall.

After sorting out everything, Zhong Ye let out a foul breath and watched the sun rise slowly in the distance.

As the sun god said, sometimes, 'curse' is not necessarily a bad thing, if used well, it is a 'blessing'.

So the gods never interfered with his choices, the curse would guide him to the places where various events happened, even if the events had not yet reached the threshold, his arrival would detonate the events in advance.

That's a good thing for Dan World.

Once those events have developed to the point where they must explode before they erupt, well-prepared cultists and demons are enough to cause serious damage to the world.

Both the West Land and the East Land are the backbone of this world's resistance to the invasion of the Abyss, and they are also two of the only three regions in Dan's world that can completely exclude the Abyss. Places such as West Asia, Africa, and North and South America have long lost the ability to eradicate the Abyss. possibility of faith.

"Master Zhong!"

The sailor who patrolled the deck in the morning yawned and walked around the corner, saw Zhong Ye's figure, his sleepiness dissipated immediately, and hurriedly walked over to salute respectfully.

Zhong Ye recovered from the state of wandering in the sky, frowned and took a look, then reached out to help him up, "There is no need to perform such a big gift."

Although the sailor had no choice but to stand up with the support of Zhong Ye, his expression was still serious and solemn, "Student, I would like to thank Master Zhong for his kindness in teaching. If Master Zhong didn't hesitate to teach you everything, I'm afraid my brothers would have died sooner or later." He died at the hands of those villains! I have to thank you for saving my life!"

It was precisely because Zhong Ye taught them for a period of time that their martial arts improved, some people realized 'Qi', and their strength was greatly improved, so they were able to stand up to the blood god believers in the previous battle shock.

If the formation is broken by the blood god believers, the casualties will not only increase, it would not be surprising if the casualties are twice as many!
"But it's a pity..." Zhong Ye sighed, hesitant to speak.

The sailor also knew what Zhong Ye was thinking, and shook his head vigorously, "Master Zhong, don't worry about it. I didn't learn more. It was my brother's fate to survive the previous sea battle. I can't blame you. Whoever blamed you for this, the students immediately summoned the brothers and chopped him up with a knife, not to mention that even if this kind of thing was reported to the court, we would still be 'innocent', at worst we would be exiled for five hundred miles!"

Zhong Ye was speechless, exchanged pleasantries with the sailor, and the sailor left to continue patrolling.

Seeing that sailor, he couldn't help but think of those sailors who died in battle. A considerable part of the dead will never come back.

Their souls were used to cast the gate of the abyss, and even if the gate of the abyss was shattered by the gods later, their souls could not return to their original state.

The crew members who died after the Abyss Gate was shattered still had hope of being resurrected. They fought to the death, and their will was extremely strong before death, so the possibility of resurrection is very high.

Before the East China Sea Fleet set off from the military port, it had already expected that this kind of thing would happen, so it brought a few priests of Dongjun with it early, and now it only needs to wait for noon to come before the resurrection ceremony can be held.

Today, the sun is rising.


The corpses of all the dead were placed on the deck, even the corpses of those war dead whose souls had been built into the gate of the abyss were also placed there.

Maybe it was impossible to tell which corpses still had souls and which ones didn't, or maybe the crew didn't want to tell them apart at all...

After a day and a night of unremitting efforts by the fleet doctors, most of the corpses became complete, and some of the severed limbs of the corpses could not be joined together, and they could not do anything about it.

Many of the passengers had never seen the resurrection, so they opened the door and stood in the room and had a heated discussion with the neighbors and the opposite door about what the "resurrection" looked like.

In the past, the deck that allowed nearly half of them to go up and move was too narrow for the corpses, and even the crew members who needed to work could only be squeezed in the cabin corridor.

The alchemists cast spells together and dispelled all the dark clouds over the sea, so that nothing would interfere with the ceremony.

When a boundless howl sounded, the fleet suddenly changed from noisy to silent.

Shortly afterwards, a poem with a unique rhythm was sung.

Solemn and solemn, even the Westland passengers who do not understand Dongtu language seem to see the slow flow of time when they hear this ballad.

From ancient times to the present, from primitive to developed, from insignificant to great, it has gone through thousands or tens of thousands of years of vicissitudes.

Some people with music skills and delicate emotions even shed tears silently. They closed their eyes and listened, feeling the ancientness and magnificence of this ballad.

The fleet was still sailing, and countless sunlight passed over the corpses of the war dead.

At this time, the crew took out their own instruments, or opened their husky voices, to accompany the ballad.

Zhong Ye was just listening silently, when a message box suddenly popped up in front of him.

['God of Art and Beauty' is applying for access, is/is the application approved? 】

Zhong Ye was quite puzzled by this, but he still approved the application.

After a while, there was an extra memory in his mind, so he felt familiar with the ballad that people were singing.

After pondering for a while, Zhong Ye tried to open his voice.

Then he discovered that he could actually sing along.

Zhong Ye didn't know how to sing, and he had never learned vocal music, but his throat was opened, and his clear voice instantly took over the dominant position.

The 'blessing' that has been integrated into the soul is automatically activated, making the sunshine on the sea more brilliant.

Hearing this voice, the priests were slightly taken aback, and silently put themselves in the auxiliary position.

The soul is back... The soul is back...

The sun was shining brightly, and the sun was shining brightly—under the radiance, the wounds inside the corpse were recovering rapidly.

Their hearts started beating again, supplying blood to all parts of the body, and their lungs began to contract and expand, sucking air into their bodies.

The blood that had become turbid was purified by the sunlight, and the dead brain was also restored to its original state by that gentle force.

The scattered soul returns to the body, and the 'soul' and 'body' are pieced together bit by bit.

When the soul and body fit together, the high will ignites the brain and heart before death, allowing oneself to be 'resurrected'!
Someone exhaled a foul breath, opened his eyes suddenly, and sat up.

After him, the dead came back to life one after another.

Ten, twenty, forty, eighty...

The ballad has been sung from noon to night, and the voices of many who sang along have become hoarse, but they still did not give up.

It's a pity that when the night wind blows, there are still many corpses sleeping peacefully.

The night wind carried away the warmth and made them cold again.

The suppressed cry gradually sounded...

(End of this chapter)

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