Soul echo

Chapter 593 Open the coffin

Chapter 593 Open the coffin
Feeling uneasy, Sun Zhaomo and Governor Zhao followed the god catcher into the mourning hall again.

God catches his robes, kneels in front of the incense burner, and respectfully offers three sticks of incense to the coffin.

While Shenchuang was doing things, Sun Zhaomo kept winking at the head of the Xu family as if his face was twitching, and the head of the Xu family was stunned for a while before he realized it.

"Brother Xu, did Mr. Xu like to drink alcohol?" The catcher suddenly asked.

The Patriarch of the Xu family was slightly stunned, and nodded, "My father really loved drinking during his lifetime, and he had a couple of drinks just two days before he passed away. I don't know, my lord..."

"The teacher and Mr. Xu are colleagues." Looking at the large coffin, the god catcher couldn't help but sigh, "The old man retreated relatively quickly, and he laid a lot of money for you, and the teacher died before he died." Regretted, if he had retired bravely like the old man back then, the rest of his life would not have been so difficult.

"Fortunately, I'm quite competitive. I became a god catcher, and finally there is something that can make him feel relieved."

Xu Lin immediately understood the meaning of the gods, and turned to a servant: "Third son, go and get a jar of wine."

The servant bowed his head and turned to leave.

After a while, he came back with a jug of wine and several wine glasses.

The wine jar was placed beside the god catcher, but the corner of his mouth turned up, and he kicked the lower part of the wine jar with his toe, causing it to tilt, then picked it up with the back of his foot, and threw it into the air.

The god catcher held the wine jar in his hand, but without moving his other hand, the wine seal popped up automatically, and a scent of wine overflowed.

"Hmm... good wine!" The god catcher passed the wine jar in front of his nose, and laughed, "Old Master Xu will definitely like it!"

As he spoke, he sat down cross-legged and set out two wine glasses.

After pouring wine into both glasses, the god catcher picked up a wine glass and said loudly, "Old Master Xu, I respect you!"

After saying that, he raised his wine glass and drank the wine in the glass in one gulp.

After finishing these actions, the god catcher turned his head to look at Sun Zhaomo and Governor Zhao, "The two adults should hurry up to toast the bar, so I don't want to disturb the old man's rest."

"Yes, yes, here we come."

The god catcher has not had an attack until now, and Sun Zhaomo's heart that he raised has also let go.

If there is no trouble now, it probably won't happen in the future.

The god catcher in front of them is one of the eight "world walkers" bestowed by the emperor today. As long as you hold that gold medal, you can enter anywhere except the harem. If someone dares to block you, the god catcher can do it directly. There is no need to apply in advance, and there is no need to report afterwards.

Being beaten by "Tianxiaxingxing" is nothing, so even the high-ranking officials in the capital seldom go to the bad luck of the gods.

Sun Zhaomo and Governor Zhao each poured a glass of wine into the coffin, and then nervously looked at the god catcher who was sitting on the ground.

"All right!"

With a slap on his thigh, the god catcher stood up and held down the waist knife.

He glanced around the mourning hall, and fixed his eyes on Xu Lin, "Brother Xu, I call you Brother Xu, because you are the real son of Mr. Xu, I advise you to turn your back on your lost ways, otherwise, I can only give you my name." You were killed here."

As soon as this remark came out, there was an uproar in the mourning hall. The Xu family looked at the arrester in disbelief, and the Patriarch of the Xu family stood up in shock, "My lord arrester, why did you say that?"

"Why did you say that?" Shen Chu looked at him with a contemptuous smile, "Why do I say such things, don't you know very well?

"Xu Lin, I'll give you another chance, don't pretend to be stupid!"

"This, but this, I..."

Xu Lin shook his head in panic, "Master God Catcher, I really don't know anything!"

"At the end of the Ming Dynasty, there was a monster who caused cholera in Gyeonggi. At that time, the Taizu of the current dynasty had already started a riot and killed people in the Yangtze River area, just in time to bump into the monster."

The god arrester was pacing in the mourning hall, and he talked about a secret decades ago: "Taizu's army united with the heroes of the rivers and lakes who fought righteously, and fought against the devil for three days, causing countless casualties. Only then did the devil be suppressed.

"Because it was difficult to kill, Taizu ordered someone to seal the devil's head into a sarcophagus for later disposal. However, when Taizu entered the capital at that time and was about to ascend the throne, the sarcophagus was lost."

The god catcher stopped, and that foot seemed to step on everyone's heart, causing their hearts to twitch violently.

"Recently, why are the rangers, policemen and thieves in Anyang so active? It's because of this—the sarcophagus was smuggled into Anyang!"

Standing behind him, Sun Zhaomo and Governor Zhao breathed a sigh of relief. As people in the government, they had heard about this incident more or less, and they all knew that many people in Anyang were secretly looking for a sarcophagus, but until Now, they know what that sarcophagus represents.

"This is a well-known fact, but behind this, there is a little-known secret hidden."

The catcher Huo Ran raised his hand and pointed at the head of the Xu family, all eyes were focused on the head of the Xu family.

"In order to facilitate the opening of the coffin to deal with the devil in the future, in fact, there is a 'key' in the sarcophagus!" The catcher sneered, "Why did Mr. Xu retire bravely after the founding of the country? Why did the current emperor start to crack down on collusion between government and businessmen and industry monopoly? The family has not been affected in any way? The reason is that the blood of Mr. Xu is actually the key to that sarcophagus!"

Who would have thought that the blood of an ordinary Taizu's personal guard would be the key to that sarcophagus?

Taizu's personal guards totaled [-], Old Master Xu was just an inconspicuous one among them, there were [-] or [-] if not [-] of his personal guards who retreated bravely like him.

However, his blood became the key to open the sarcophagus. If he hadn't known about it in advance, God Catcher felt that he would never have guessed it.

"Xu Lin, after I entered Anyang, I investigated the situation of Xu's family and asked the doctors in the city. They said that with the old man's physical condition, it is not a problem to live another five or six years, and the old man lives extremely self-disciplined. It stands to reason that he should not have passed away suddenly."

The God Catcher looked coldly at the Patriarch of the Xu family, the eldest son of the Old Master Xu, and said, "After I found out that he had passed away, the first thing I did was to check the sewer of your house, and as expected, I found something, and then I went to After some investigation, just yesterday, I found out the full picture of the incident - in fact, you have been feeding Mrs. Xu a chronic poison, whether it is your servant Wang Shuanzhuo or the doctors in several medical centers in the city can prove it at this point.

"You asked Wang Shuanzhuo to go to those medical clinics, and each of them bought some medicinal materials. Those medicinal materials are combined to treat chest tightness and shortness of breath, but at the same time, they can also be regarded as a chronic poison. Long-term use can cause heart disease. If it is not an emergency, the doctor will not prescribe this medicine to the patient at all.

"I really can't figure it out. Why did you kill Mr. Xu? Your relationship with him is neither good nor bad. You shouldn't do such a rebellious thing."

"I... didn't kill my father." The head of the Xu family shook his head and said.

Hearing this, the god catcher sneered: "Then what's inside this coffin?"

"My lord, my lord!"

Sun Zhaomo came from behind, pressed Shenchuang's shoulder, and persuaded: "Brother Xu's father just passed away, so intense..."

"Sun Bang!"

The god catcher turned back angrily, "Six years ago, he was transferred to Anyang, and he was appointed as the director of Anyang. In six years, he took bribes of 800 taels of silver and embezzled 700 taels of state assets, of which 200 taels of silver were bribed by the Xu family. [-] taels of profit—the higher-ups know everything, and they originally planned to punish you heavily, so they won’t take your head... Now, wait for your death!"

Sun Zhaomo turned pale, stepped back a few steps, hit the threshold with his heel, and fell to the ground with a thud.

At this time, Governor Zhao bowed his head and lowered his eyebrows without saying a word.

The god catcher turned his head again and looked at the head of the Xu family, "Xu Lin, let me ask you, what is in this coffin?!"

The Patriarch of the Xu Family took a deep breath and clenched his fists, "It's my father's body. My lord, please don't disturb the funeral for the sake of my father and my respected teacher and colleagues."

"Open the coffin!" The god catcher said coldly.

"What?" Xu Lin suddenly looked up.

"I said," the arrester looked directly into Xu Lin's eyes, and said through his teeth, "Open the coffin!"

Xu Lin stared, and shouted sharply: "Si Kou Hong, don't bully me too much!"

The god catcher was not afraid at all, and stared back, "Open! Coffin!"

The sound was like a bell, and the sound waves suddenly spread, and a strong wind suddenly blew up in the mourning hall.

The Xu family was shaken left and right by the anger of the arrester, and they couldn't even stand still.

Xu Lin's body was also crumbling, and his face was pale with fright.

He looked at God Catcher in shock, gritted his teeth and raised his finger, "You, you... good! Open the coffin!"

Xu Lin was furious, and was so angry that he stretched out his hand to push the coffin lid with difficulty.

After a while, the others also reacted and helped lift the heavy coffin lid.


The wooden coffin lid was overturned to the ground, revealing the corpse of an old man with a peaceful face.

"Did you see it?!" Xu Lin turned his head and roared.

The god catcher glanced at the corpse coldly, his nose fluttered, and he suddenly drew his knife.

With a flash of the knife, the coffin was smashed!


The waist knife hit something hard, and the corpse in the coffin suddenly disappeared, and a blood red color appeared inside the huge and heavy coffin.

Seeing the blood that covered the surface of the sarcophagus, Shen Catch's eyes turned red, and he suddenly looked at Xu Lin.


(End of this chapter)

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