Soul echo

Chapter 602 Monster (1)

Chapter 602 Monster ([-])

To be honest, it is not a good thing to cut Qing Lai's abdomen open in front of Lilian, so that the audience in the live broadcast room can see the monster parasitic in Qing Lai's body.

After entering Bianliang, there must be several players in Bianliang watching her live broadcast.

The bodies used by the players are the same as those of ordinary people in the Dan world, and it is impossible to resist the invasion of this parasite, so they must have similar monsters in their bodies.

There must be players in Bianliang who haven't given up yet, and Zhong Ye doesn't know if there are any fun players among those players.

Once a few of them stabbed themselves with knives and stabbed the monster parasitic in the liver, the fun would be great.

Although Zhong Ye was smart, he couldn't be considered exhaustive. This was only realized after he observed the parasitic monster in Qing Lai's body and the psionic energy emanating from the monster. He hadn't thought of this at all before.

Now I know, but it's too late.

But fortunately, it has been confirmed before that these monsters do not have the ability to perceive the outer edge. Even if they talk here, the monster he is holding in his hand can't hear it.

Zhong Ye held the thorn ball monster and fell into deep thought.

"Mr. Zhong, have you ever thought about 'inactivating' this monster?" Delilah covered her lips with her sleeves, preventing the bacteria in her mouth from splashing into Qing Lai's body with the droplets.

Zhong Ye glanced at her, activated his psychic energy, and made a voice: [I have thought about it, but it's not the time to do it yet. 】

After thinking about it, Dai Lila understood what she meant.

'Now is not the time' means to do it later, why not now?
Because the helper sent by the emperor of Huang Kingdom has not arrived yet.

Zhong Ye wasn't sure how the other thorn ball monsters would react after killing a thorn ball monster, so he didn't dare to do it lightly.

——He had already learned his lesson in Stuttgart and would not act rashly.

"So what can we do now?"

[No need to do anything. 】

Zhong Ye put the thorn ball monster back, manipulated his spiritual energy, and sewed up Qing Lai's open belly - before closing it completely, he also used spiritual energy to remove all the air and bacteria inside.

The Gang Qi injected into Qing Lai's skin and muscles did not destroy her cells, but stimulated them, making them stick together quickly.

Qing Lai felt that her belly was warm, very warm, and what warmed her heart even more was the temperature of Zhong Ye's palm.

"My lord, is this all right?" Qing Lai asked softly as if she had forgotten the pain.

"No." Zhong Ye shook his head and said, "It's just that the investigation is over, I can't help you get rid of the parasites in your body - of course, it's just that I can't get rid of it now, maybe tomorrow, maybe in a few days, I can get rid of it. "

However, whether they can last a few more days is a question.

Qing Lai took a deep breath, even with this simple movement, she felt her chest constricted and her lungs convulsed.

Zhong Ye helped her up, sat on the chair next to her, then sat opposite her, and asked, "Can you tell me how the plague appeared here?"

Qing Lai stroked her abdomen curiously. She clearly saw her stomach being cut open just now, but she didn't feel the slightest pain.

Hearing Zhong Ye's question, she was taken aback for a moment, and opened her mouth to speak, but the world in front of her was spinning, and things immediately became blurred.

Zhong Ye's eyes were fixed, and he quickly clicked on several acupuncture points on Qing Lai's body.

Qing Lai passed out, and the others didn't know what happened, so they got up in surprise.

"...It's still too reluctant." Holding Qing Lai's wrist, Zhong Ye sighed.

The nutrients in her whole body were absorbed by the thornball monster, and she had already become extremely weak. Just now he cut open her abdomen and stitched it together again. Together, it already requires a lot of energy consumption.

Now Qing Lai's body does not support 'surgery', just cutting and suturing the skin almost killed her.

Moreover, her stomach is also very weak now, and she probably can't digest anything...

Zhong Ye asked about the location of Changuang Pavilion's kitchen, and asked Lilian and Dai Lila to take care of Qinglai, then got up and left.



Qing Lai took a sip of the hot white porridge, her expression slightly relieved.

Raising her eyes, pursing her shriveled lips, Qing Lai said softly, "I'm really bothering my lord, but let me cook porridge for us..."

Changuang Pavilion no longer had any other ingredients, only some rice noodles, even if Zhong Ye's cooking skills were not bad, he couldn't cook much.

Many pairs of eyes secretly observed Zhong Ye, because none of them thought that he could cook.

"Mr. Zhong, here it is."

Zhong Ye turned his head and saw the piece of paper that Dai Lila handed over.

The paper contained information that Delilah and Lilian had asked from those women while he was cooking porridge.

Taking it over and taking a look, Zhong Ye frowned slightly, looked up at Qing Lai, and asked, "Don't you guys know where that plague came from?"

Qing Lai put down the spoon, wiped her lips with a handkerchief, and shook her head slowly, "I really don't know, when I found out, the plague had already spread in Toad Light Pavilion."

The plague had no characteristics at first, it just made people eat more food, and when people realized something was wrong, the plague spread uncontrollably.

According to Qing Lai's previous words, the first woman who developed symptoms committed suicide long ago, leaving nothing behind.

Therefore, it is impossible for them to know what happened before.

That woman was not the only one who couldn't bear the pain and committed suicide. In the Changuang Pavilion alone, more than a dozen people committed suicide one after another. Their bodies are still in their own rooms, and no one has dealt with them.

People who lived with them had to move to other rooms and live with other people.

"After the investigation of the physician, has it been confirmed that the plague is transmitted through diet?"

In the plague that broke out in Bianliang, it is not that doctors did nothing, it is better to say that they have done the best they can, but in the face of this unprecedented situation, their medical skills are still dwarfed by comparison.

But even so, they provided enough information to Zhong Ye and his latecomers.

After the outbreak of the plague in Changuang Pavilion, a medical officer came to investigate immediately. Although most people in Changuang Pavilion did not know more about the plague, in order to prevent the spread of the plague, the medical officer still investigated Some of the results were told to them.

The main route of transmission of this plague is fecal-oral transmission. Most of the people in Changuang Pavilion can't leave here at ordinary times, eating and living together, which gave the plague a way to spread on a large scale.

At the same time, because the Changuang Pavilion is the property of the government, the government controls it very strictly. Originally, the plague was contained within the Changuang Pavilion, but because some sons and officials still wantonly entered and left the Changuang Pavilion after it was closed and managed. Pavilion, which led to the spread of the plague.

Seeing this, Zhong Ye had doubts in his heart.

He only found one thorn ball monster in Qing Lai's body, and only heard two pulses in other people's bodies. Could it be that this thorn ball monster reproduced asexually?Otherwise, how could so many offspring be generated?
Fecal-oral transmission has a particularly high requirement for the number of pathogens. After all, people do not eat feces for no reason. Fecal-oral transmission is a disease in which pathogens are excreted with the feces of patients or carriers and then ingested by susceptible people through various channels. way for spreading.

If the number of pathogens was small, the plague could not have spread so widely.

Zhong Ye saw the information recorded by Dai Lila from the beginning to the end, and then fell into deep thought.

According to the known information, it can be deduced that the plague in Bianliang was caused by a parasitic monster. They have the ability to reproduce asexually and spread their own population mainly through fecal-oral transmission.

They can release psionic energy outwards—if nothing else, the reason why people don’t investigate the source of this plague, and outsiders will be indifferent if they know about it, is because of their psionic energy.

The spiritual energy released by a single parasitic monster is extremely thin, but the entire Bianliang has a population of 10,000+, and it is unknown how many are not included in the statistics. If everyone is infected with the plague, then the assembled power will become extremely terrifying.

Their psychic powers are extremely simple, probably a kind of meme virus, which can blur people's perception, but this kind of blur is as thin as paper, and can be pierced with a light poke—the premise is that someone can escape the power of this meme virus Influence.

"10,000+ people..."

Zhong Ye was full of melancholy. Even if he could control dozens or hundreds of spiky ball monsters in the first moment of their riot, how could he save this city with a population of 10,000+?

(End of this chapter)

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