Soul echo

Chapter 604 Monster (3)

Chapter 604 Monster ([-])

The city guard's mansion did not have tools to communicate with the emperor. Presumably, such tools were only kept in the government, which was also to check and balance civil and military affairs.

After all, city guards control the soldiers of a government, which is far from being able to resist by civil officials. If the communication tools are in the hands of civil officials, once the city guards rebel, they can still pass on the news.

The problem now is that the city guard's mansion is located on the edge of the city wall, and the official mansion is almost at the other end of the city.

Although the city guard's condition has worsened a little now, and the parasitic monsters in his body have begun to absorb nutrients, he has only lost his weight to the same level as the soldiers on duty that Zhong Ye and the others saw on the city wall before, and he is still obese.

At this time, the city guard was not only obese, but he also felt deeply exhausted as the parasitic monster continuously absorbed nutrients.

If it was placed before he was infected with the plague, let alone walking from the city guard's mansion to the government mansion, he would not feel so tired after running around the city twice.

However, it doesn't work now.

After just walking two streets, he felt that the muscles in all parts of his body were giving out alarms, and the signals of 'hunger' were also coming from all his limbs.

"I can't move, I can't move..."

As he said this, Shicheng held his throbbing abdomen with one hand and the wall with the other to move forward.

The Chengshou Mansion had no more horses, and all the cows, horses, and donkeys that could be eaten were eaten.

The barracks are so big and there are so many soldiers. Bianliang completely stopped operating a few days ago. Not only did the barracks have no food, but even excrement could not be disposed of.

The city guard also saw a few cats, mice, chickens and ducks on the way. These days, no one fed them, and those animals were all thin, and there was not much meat on their bodies, which made him quite regretful.

But with his current mobility, even if he tried to catch them, he might not be able to catch them, so he just let them go.

From morning to noon, it is considered to have reached the official residence. By this time, the city guard was already too tired to breathe.

What made him feel a little strange was that the gate of the official mansion was open.

Logically speaking, this should not be the case.

Bianliang has been shut down for several days, and the magistrate's family living in the government should not enter and leave the government at this time.

Moreover, if he remembered correctly, the magistrate should have been infected with the plague at about the same time as him, and his symptoms should be similar to his now.

If it wasn't for the purpose of reporting the news learned from Zhong Ye to the emperor, the city guard would not have left the city guard mansion.

Reminiscent of the plague in the city, the city guard immediately raised his vigilance, and touched the waist knife hanging behind him with his backhand.

When Zhong Ye mentioned it before, the city guard also figured it out when he was on the road—all signs indicated that this plague could not be a natural disaster.

Stepping across the threshold of the official residence, the city guard tried his best to calm down his beating heart and slowed down his breathing at the same time.

Feeling the strength returning to his body bit by bit, the city guard walked towards the backyard of the government.

The talisman that can communicate with the emperor is in the hands of the prefect, so he needs to find the prefect first.

The prefect's family lives in the backyard of the government's mansion. If there is no accident, they should still be there now.

The city guard walked slowly to the backyard, and suddenly heard voices coming from inside.

"Doctor Guo, is there really no cure for our disease?"

The city guard raised his eyebrows, it was the prefect's voice.

"It can't be cured, it can't be cured, this plague is very strange, the old man can't find the cause, how do we start?"

Hearing this voice, the city guard also recalled it.

——Good guy, it turned out that the old boy from the magistrate pretended to be a public servant, and invited doctors from other state capitals to come over to see a doctor for him!

In addition to being able to communicate with the emperor, that talisman can also communicate with talismans of other state capitals. However, in normal times, even the magistrate who owns the talisman has no right to use it.

Thinking of this, the city guard kicked open the gate of the backyard, and shouted: "All right, you are so courageous, how dare you use a talisman without permission!"

With this loud shout, both the prefect himself and the doctors invited by the prefect all trembled and looked around in horror.

After concentrating his eyes and seeing clearly who was coming, the magistrate frowned.

"Zhang Chengshou, why are you here?"

"Why?" The city guard sneered twice, "Of course it's because of the plague!"

Hearing the word 'plague', the magistrate immediately remembered his state, and when he saw that the city guard was covered in fat like him, his expression suddenly became pleasantly surprised.

"What do you know?" the magistrate asked anxiously.

He felt uncomfortable even when he was moving. The city guard's mansion is so far away from the government, but the city guard ran all the way here. If the city guard didn't know anything, it was obviously impossible. It must be because he knew something that he came here. And probably need to use a talisman.

"Know what?" A sneer appeared on the city guard's face, "Of course it's the truth about this plague!"

Before the magistrate and the doctor could ask questions, the city guard pointed to his liver, "We have a parasitic worm here, and all the plagues in the city are caused by this worm!"

The face of the doctor who was pulled by the sleeve of the magistrate changed, "This is impossible!"

As a doctor, he naturally has some understanding of the 'plague', all the plagues caused by bugs, it is impossible to have only 'one', and it is impossible to gather in only one place.

"This is not what I know!"

The city guard raised his chin, "Not long after this doctor entered the city, another knight brought his disciple into Bianliang, and then that knight discovered that we had an extra monster, and it was precisely because of this monster that We didn't want to get to the bottom of this plague. People outside are also indifferent to this plague in Bianliang-if you don't believe it, you can ask the doctor you invited, ask him, is the situation outside like this? "

Hearing this, the magistrate was startled, and turned to look at the old doctor with white hair and beard beside him.

After hearing the city guard's description, the old doctor fell into a daze.

The fog covering his thinking was immediately cleared away, and things that he hadn't realized before, things that he had already touched but were skipped came to mind one by one.

"Indeed, that's true..." The old doctor muttered to himself in a daze.

"Not only that!"

The city guard continued: "The most important point is that we can confirm that there is a monster in our body, that is, there are two pulses in our body!"

After he finished speaking, the old doctor immediately made a move and grabbed the prefect's wrist with his hand. The speed and strength of the move surprised the prefect.

The old doctor closed his eyes, silently sensing the beating pulse.

...albeit faint and partially overlapping with the heartbeat, there is indeed another pulse!
After sensing for a few minutes, the old doctor was able to confirm that there was nothing wrong with his feeling, and that there was indeed another pulse in the prefect's body.

But he was still not reconciled, he shook off the magistrate's hand, walked up to the city guard, and grabbed the city guard's wrist.

The city guard had expected this, and instead of becoming nervous, he looked at the prefect provocatively.

"How could this be..."

The old doctor let go of the city guard's wrist in shock. He had checked carefully enough before, but he couldn't find the 'second pulse'.

Now being reminded by the city guard, can you feel it instead?
"Master Zhifu, please bring the talisman card!"

Suppressing his smile, the city guard looked coldly at the magistrate, "Personal use of public weapons would not be pursued, but now you are no longer suitable to continue to hold the talisman - this is a public weapon, how can it be used to satisfy your selfish desires?" ?”

The magistrate twitched his face, and didn't want to hand over the talisman, but seeing that the city guard had already pressed his hand on the handle of the knife, he had no choice but to turn around and enter the room, and took out the talisman.

The matter is so important that the magistrate dare not delay, after all his life is also controlled by the plague.

——This "mastery" does not just refer to his own life. As the magistrate, if the entire Bianliang residents die in this plague, not only his own head will be lost, but the nine clans will also be implicated.

After receiving the talisman, the city guard secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and then complained: "Master Zhifu, as a prefect, how can you not restrain the servants? When I came in just now, the gate of the government was wide open. If someone comes in What about stealing? Even if the plague is raging in Bianliang and no one walks on the streets, we must remember to prevent problems before they happen."

The magistrate frowned, wondering: "Just now I wanted to pick up Dr. Guo, but Dr. Guo came in by himself? Dr. Guo should have opened the door."

"What?" The old doctor looked up in astonishment, "How can this old man push open the gate of the official mansion? When the old man came earlier, the gate of the mansion was open!"

As soon as the words fell, the three of them froze.

That being the case, that door... who opened it?
(End of this chapter)

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