Soul echo

Chapter 627 Leaving the Nest

Chapter 627 Leaving the Nest
When the sky completely darkened, the endless stream of yamen finally returned to silence.

Zhong Ye and the others have already brought their luggage. They probably will live in the yamen in the near future.

Zhong Ye, who had been really busy all day, was finally able to rest, but shortly after he closed his eyes, he opened them again.

In the quiet night, a soft and mysterious moonlight shines into the house through the open window.

With the clear light shining on the weapon rack, Zhong Ye raised his head from the bed, and he could easily see the opposite weapon rack.

Today, there are only two weapons on the shelf, one is called 'Jinshiyue' and the other is called 'Blue Bird'.

After his eyes froze for a moment on the current moon, Zhong Ye turned his gaze to the blue bird.

Looking at the straight knife, Zhong Ye thought of something, and quickly closed his eyes again, falling asleep.

The next day Zhong Ye got up early again, but he rarely did not exercise his body and martial arts, but took tools to carefully maintain the two knives.

The cook of the yamen also ran away, but fortunately there were several breakfast shops around the yamen, so that Zhong Ye could have a bite of warm buns.

Now in the entire Jingzhou, Zhong Ye is the only one who is so tall and burly. When he went to buy breakfast, many people recognized him.

The eyes of the people looking at Zhong Ye were complex, with awe, fear, and hatred, but no joy.

Even if Zhong Ye saved Jingzhou and destroyed the bully of Lianshan Temple, it is still a fact that he took Shangfang Sword from the south of the city to the north of the city.

This 'bad name' made no one dare to meet Zhong Ye's eyes, and it was impossible to have positive emotions towards him.

But Zhong Ye didn't care about these things, he was very clear about what he had done and the consequences it would bring, so he easily accepted the result.

When he finished breakfast and helped Lilian and the others take a copy back, Lilian and Delilah also woke up.

"Teacher, good morning!" Lilian greeted Zhong Ye with a smile.

Delilah pursed her lips and smiled, "Mr. Zhong, good morning."

Zhong Ye nodded slightly, "Good morning."

Afterwards, he gave breakfast to the two of them.

After eating and drinking enough, they should have continued the recruitment work that they hadn't finished yesterday, but Zhong Ye didn't open the gate of the official mansion, but stopped Lilian.

"Lilian, I have a task for you."

Seeing the serious expression on Zhong Ye's face, Lilian swallowed secretly, patted her chest and said, "Boss, tell me, teacher, I promise to finish it!"

Zhong Ye took a deep breath, looked up and looked around, then turned his eyes back to Lilian's face, and said, "I want to guard Jingzhou now, and I cannot do without here, but Jingzhou should be very far away from the hometown of the craftsman who made the blue bird. It's getting closer, I think, we should bring the news of that craftsman back as soon as possible."

"So," Zhong Ye picked up the blue bird and handed it to Lilian, "I hope you can take the blue bird, follow its guidance, and bring it back to the hometown of that craftsman!"

Lilian was stunned, unable to react for a while, staring blankly at the straight knife that had been handed to her.

After a while, she slowly raised her hand, and was slightly taken aback when she was about to receive the straight knife.

When Zhong Ye let go of his hand and the weight of the straight knife was on his hand, Lilian was still dumbstruck.

After a while, Lilian realized that she looked up at Zhong Ye, "Teacher..."

"Can it be done?" Zhong Ye asked.

The vast majority of children in the world want to be recognized by their parents and elders, and Lilian is naturally one of them.

Hearing this sentence, Lilian's eyes lit up, she held the straight knife tightly, and replied loudly: "I can!"

Zhong Ye wanted to stay to guard Jingzhou, and Dai Lila would definitely stay too. In other words, she needed to embark on the journey alone.

It was different from the previous actions. In the previous actions, although she acted alone, Zhong Ye was always by her side. No matter what happened, he could arrive in time.

This time, she was truly alone, as if she were leaving the nest - the chicks have to learn to fly!

But after she finished speaking, Lilian hesitated again, and asked falteringly: "Teacher, in this way... am I going to leave the teacher? Then can I... can I come back?"

Seeing her coy look, Zhong Ye laughed: "A teacher for one day and a father for life, if you want to come back, you can come back anytime."

"You won't drive me away?" Lilian tilted her head and asked again.

"will not!"

After getting the exact answer, Lilian jumped up excitedly.

"I'm going to pack my luggage and leave immediately!"

Lilian had just finished yelling, and suddenly her face froze, and she raised her head and glanced at Zhong Ye in a daze.

Because, a mission message actually popped up in front of her eyes.

——[Master's entrustment]!
The objective of the task is to send the 'Blue Bird' back to the hometown of the craftsman without bringing it back, and the reward is [-] soul fragments.

With so many soul fragments, not to mention reaching the tenth level and breaking through the barrier of the extraordinary, maybe even the eleventh level.

But what really puzzled Lilian was, isn't Zhong Ye also a 'player'?How can he issue a mission?And the task reward is still 'soul debris'?
No, before she knew Zhong Ye's identity as a 'player', Zhong Ye seemed to have released a mission?

Lilian walked away while thinking, completely unaware that the live broadcast room had exploded.

Just transporting a knife, you can get [-] soul fragments. If you change it to learn skills, so many soul fragments can even make a person learn a programming language.

But what really shocked the players in the live broadcast room was not that Lilian could obtain so many soul fragments, but that the mission reward released by Zhong Ye turned out to be soul fragments!

It has been more than a year since the "Echo of Soul" server started, but there are very few quests that reward soul debris, and most of those quests are related to 'combat'.

However, when it came to Zhong Ye, how could he obtain soul fragments without fighting?
——The task reward is the task reward. When doing the task, the soul fragments obtained through the battle will not be included in the task reward. 'Bring it back, she can also get [-] soul fragments.

Since Zhong Ye was able to issue the task of rewarding soul fragments to Lilian, could he also issue it to other players?
Thinking of this, the players started talking about it.

After handing over the task to Lilian, Zhong Ye asked the gatekeeper to open the gate of the official mansion - if he didn't let the gatekeeper do it, he would worry about whether he had done something wrong.

A large group of people who had already gathered outside the gate poured into the Yamen, but Zhong Ye raised his eyes and glanced at them, and said 'quiet', and they became quiet and lined up obediently.

In this group of people, there are only a few players, because most professional players have not woken up at this time!

Most of the rest of the people heard that Zhong Ye was recruiting officials in the government, so they wanted to come and have a try.

Although they had also heard of Zhong Ye's bad name, compared to being an official... that little bad name is nothing.

After arriving at the official residence, a large group of people lined up for interviews, and saw that Zhong Ye would ask the officials next to him for their opinions during the interview, never speaking on aspects he was not familiar with, but asking for opinions from others.

Seeing this scene, people's impression of Zhong Ye changed slightly.

——It turns out that 'Zhong Ye' is not the kind of cruel and self-willed person!
Not long after, Lilian packed her bags and walked out with a backpack.

When she came to the yamen, she happily waved to Zhong Ye, "Teacher, I'm leaving!"

Zhong Ye looked up, with a bright smile on his face, and waved his hand.

"Bon Voyage."

Lilian hummed a ditty and walked out of the yamen with small steps. When her back disappeared, some people looked away.

It seems, seems, maybe... Zhong Ye is not as tyrannical as he sounds?

At this moment, Zhong Ye patted the gavel to focus people's attention.

After pondering for a moment, Zhong Ye said: "Among the people present, if there are female family members who are familiar with poetry and books, you can also let them come to the interview—quiet!"

The crowd who were about to make a noise were so frightened that they shut their mouths when Zhong Ye scolded them.

Glancing at the group of people, Zhong Ye continued the topic that he had been interrupted: "Now I'm just in charge of Jingzhou, and the organization is just a temporary government, just to fill the current management vacancy in Jingzhou, and wait until the new prefect of Jingzhou comes over. From time to time, he will organize another team, and the officials recruited now still need to pass his review.

"Therefore, I only need someone who can help me manage Jingzhou. This team will be disbanded soon, so I hope you can talk to your relatives.

"It's okay not to say it, because if the management team is understaffed, I will still send someone to promote it."

After finishing speaking, Zhong Ye no longer explained the matter, but continued with the job interview.

The speaker has no intention, the listener has the heart.

After hearing Zhong Ye's words, many people fell into deep thought.

Is this... is it considered to be "eclectic talent reduction"?
(End of this chapter)

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