Soul echo

Chapter 635 Magic City

Chapter 635 Magic City

The city under Qi Jingshu's feet was once the most prosperous city in the first half of the 21st century. Even now, it is at the forefront of the times.

There are many high-rise buildings here, and the buildings are far denser than in Huaxia. Among the many thousand-meter-high buildings, there are also some dangerous buildings that look crumbling.

Together, these buildings filled the city's surface.

The high-rise buildings are covered with advertisements, and the vehicles passing between the high-rise buildings are also playing advertisements all the time, and the noise fills every corner of the city.

This is a paradise for the rich. If you have money, you can buy all kinds of services here. At the same time, it is also a hell for the poor. The poor who live here don't even have the opportunity to bask in the sun.

The poor can only live in the lower floors, while the rich on the upper floors build square platforms on the upper floors in order to distinguish them from the poor. All their activities are carried out on it, whether it is football, golf, or horse riding.

The platform extending from the middle of the building blocks all natural sunlight, and people living on the lower floors may not be able to see natural sunlight for a lifetime—at least among those born in the city at the end of the 21st century, many people Having never seen natural sunlight, artificial sunlight has become a necessity for children to grow up, but this thing requires them to spend money to buy it.

Many people were unable to escape the city in their entire lives, because they were in debt from birth, and various groups set up guards around the city to prevent those who had their debts from escaping the city.

Why is it that the poor in this city are still living tenaciously at this level?Instead of choosing to resist or give up on yourself?
This is because all kinds of physical, electronic, hormonal, muscular 'addictive drugs' are flooding the market, the only thing that the poor and the rich can be equal is this - they may use the same 'drugs' .

With these things, the poor have the 'hope' to live.

The name of the city is called 'New York'.

It is a paradise for the rich and a hell for the poor. As long as you have money, you can buy any service here.

Since this is a 'paradise for the rich', the medical technology here is naturally very advanced. This time, Qi Jingshu came here to conduct technical exchanges with a hospital in New York.

But the person who can be called "technical exchange" is the leader of the team, and a small doctor like her is just learning from the team.

Therefore, there is more freedom in time allocation, and after the day's communication is over, you can go wherever you want.

Qi Jingshu was approached by many local medical staff because of her beauty, but she refused.

She had come to New York to do something.

"Hey! Welcome to Aiken's taxi, pretty lady—oh, of course, I say 'beautiful' politely, without any hint of sexual harassment."

After Qi Jingshu called a taxi, she was surprised to find that there was a driver in the car.

"Huh? You seem surprised?" Seeing Qi Jingshu standing outside the car and not coming in, the taxi driver shrugged, "Are you from another country? In fact, you can rest assured that although I am a driver, I am not I'll actually be driving the car, and my job is just to watch it in case it gets out of hand."

Hearing these words, Qi Jingshu got into the car suspiciously.

"Where are you going?" the driver asked while opening the navigation map.

Qi Jingshu said the name of a shopping mall, and the on-board AI automatically translated Chinese into English and selected that location.

"Are you going to Elf Mall? I want to press OK!"

When the driver presses the OK button, the taxi will start.

Qi Jingshu's eyes wandered around inside the car, and her finger was pressed on the alarm button. As long as the driver made a slight movement, she would immediately press it.

Huaxia's taxi driver disappeared completely at the beginning of the 22nd century, and this job was completely replaced by artificial intelligence. She grew up in such an environment, and now she shares a car with a person she doesn't know. She felt a little uneasy.

However, nothing happened, and Qi Jingshu was safely sent to Elf Mall.

"Have a good time!"

The driver smiled brightly, sat in the car and waved to Qi Jingshu, then picked up another passenger and drove away.

At this time, Qi Jingshu glanced at her bill, frowning slightly.

In addition to the normal fees, there is actually a "manual service fee" in the bill-sitting in the driver's seat and tapping the screen a few times with your hands counts as manual service?
When Qi Jingshu continued to inquire, she discovered that the fee was not paid directly to the driver, but to a union organization called the New York Taxi Drivers Union.

Seeing this, Qi Jingshu understood what was going on.

Even though she grew up in China, she has never been to the Confederate States of America before, and she has heard of the notoriety of the "trade union" in this country.

In the Confederate States of America, almost all occupations have a trade union. In other countries, workers will use this union to fight for their legitimate interests, but here, the union has become an organization that oppresses workers and the people.

Once a certain worker does not join a trade union in any industry, the union will try every means to make that worker lose his job, and then arrange for his own people to occupy that position.

At the same time, in order to ensure its own survival, it will forcefully demand that the government must retain a fixed number of jobs in a certain job.

Because of this, the taxis of the American Confederation will have a 'driver', and will also charge human service fees, but their jobs can be completely replaced by artificial intelligence, and those drivers themselves can also get other higher-paying jobs through learning. Work - at least that's what Huaxia does.

In the second half of the 21st century, Huaxia has already begun to gradually reduce jobs such as taxi drivers that can be replaced by artificial intelligence. At the same time, it also provides them with learning opportunities. During the learning period, those original drivers and workers can still earn As far as wages are concerned, the wages are linked to their academic performance. After finishing their studies, they can enter other industries to work, and the part of the wages belonging to drivers and workers will also be stopped.

It didn’t just happen overnight, the job replacement was stretched out over 20 years to get rid of drivers and laborers altogether.

But the Confederate States of America couldn't do this kind of thing, so it fell behind in the new era.

Qi Jingshu put away her phone and looked up at the square in front of her.

The projections of different advertisements shine on several surfaces of the mall, making people dazzled, and there are many people in the square around the mall.

Someone is skateboarding, someone is cosplaying, someone is shooting a video, and someone is playing music.

Outside the square, there are several tubular bridges connecting other buildings, where people come and go.

Qi Jingshu carried a small backpack and put on a mask, and walked into the mall.

Her destination wasn't here, because hackers and corporate spies didn't live on high floors.

Elf Mall has an elevator to the lower floors, and there are security guards in front of the elevator door.


Glancing at the visa information projected by Qi Jingshu, the security guard gave her a strange look.

Although Qi Jingshu wore a mask that could cover her entire face, she had a good figure.

The security guards are not very clear why people like this go to the lower floors.

But he doesn't care, after all, the lower floors are not "forbidden areas", as long as you have an ID card, you can go down.

"Have fun on the ground."

Before the elevator door closed, the security guard wearing exoskeleton armor and holding a rifle waved to Qi Jingshu.

The elevator began to sink, Qi Jingshu took a deep breath looking at the mirror-clean elevator door in front of her.

She has always heard that the ground in New York is very chaotic, but how chaotic can it be?

After checking her backpack, she made sure that she had put on the stun baton and gun, and touched her belt to make sure that the knuckles were still there, and Qi Jingshu relaxed a little.

She had learned a little from Zhong Ye, although she couldn't defeat the enemy with pure fighting skills, but with a stun gun and a stun baton, it was enough to ensure her safety.

The elevator door opened, and a completely different world came into view.

(End of this chapter)

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